
  • 网络historical analysis
  1. 究方法而言,本文主要采用比较分析法、历史分析法、实证分析法、法解释学的方法以及系统分析法、逻辑分析法和经济分析法等。

    The methods the article has used are comparative analysis , historical analysis , positive analysis , law-interpretation analysis , systematic analysis , logic analysis , economic analysis and so forth .

  2. 运用历史分析法可以有力地证明该制度的正当性。

    Using historical analysis can prove the legitimacy of the system .

  3. 论文采用了历史分析法、调查问卷法、文献分析法。

    The paper adopted the historical analysis method , questionnaire method , literature analysis method .

  4. 论文的研究方法主要有历史分析法、理论分析和实证分析相结合、数据研究法。

    Research method is mainly of historical analysis , theoretical analysis and empirical analysis , data research methods .

  5. 第二章运用历史分析法和因素分析法,描述和分析了美国学校健康模式的历史演进过程。

    Part two describes and analyzes the development of school health mode in the U.S.A through factor analysis and history analysis .

  6. 本文采用历史分析法和文献研究法,结合教育学的相关理论对于诗歌类蒙养教材的教育价值进行分析。

    Using historical analytical method and literature research , this article makes the study of enlightenment teaching materials in poetry combined with education studies .

  7. 第二部分主要运用历史分析法,厘清基本史实。首先梳理总结了建立国际联盟的谈判过程以及盟约在美国国内的批准过程。

    Mainly based on the historical analysis , it reviews the process of negotiation to establish the League of Nations and the struggle for approval afterwards .

  8. 本文运用历史分析法和跨学科研究的方法,对民族学、历史学、生态学等学科知识加以融会贯通,主要从两个方面对古代蒙古族生态文化进行系统、深入的研究与分析。

    This thesis makes a systematic study on the Ecological Culture of Ancient Mongolian , with the knowledge of History , Ethnology and Ecology and so on .

  9. 研究方法上,本文采用了文献综述法、比较分析法、案例分析法、历史分析法等方法,同时采用权威的统计数据和司法机关的改革经验来加强论证的效果。

    In the research methods , this paper adopts the research methods of literature study , comparative analysis , case analysis , historical analysis and so on .

  10. 运用三种方法&自然历史分析法、极限平衡法和数值分析方法分别对滑坡的稳定性进行分析。

    Three methods ( method of natural history analysis , limiting equilibrium method and method of Numerical analysis ) are used to respectively analyse the landslide stability .

  11. 在刑事政策评估方法中,尤其要重视研究和应用比较分析法、历史分析法、价值分析法、成本效益分析法。

    A few assessment methods , such as comparative analysis , historical analysis , value-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis , should be paid more attention to at present .

  12. 第一章以历史分析法对古典共和的理论渊源和古代共和国的实践进行了具体阐述。

    From the angle of historical and political science , chapter one mainly adopts the historical analysis methods to exam the theory and experience of classical republicanism concretely .

  13. 在研究方法上,主要采用了规范性和描述性方法、历史分析法和层次分析法相结合的办法。

    In research methods , I mainly make use of such ways as : coupling the normative methods with descriptive ones , historical analysis with analytic hierarchy process .

  14. 本文吸收借鉴了层次分析法、地缘政治分析法、历史分析法等研究方法。

    Some research method , such as the method of level analysis , the method of geopolitics analysis and the method of history analysis have been absorbed in the thesis .

  15. 利用历史分析法对中国多个行业进行的研究,显示并不存在一种在任何行业都能成功的进入次序战略。

    Based on a historical analysis of different industries in China , it is pointed that there is no such kind of order-of-entry strategy which can applies to every industry .

  16. 论文运用了文献法、比较研究法、实证分析法、历史分析法、理论联系实际的方法等多种研究方法,使论文更具科学性。

    Passage uses so many research methods such as literature method 、 comparative study method 、 empirical analysis 、 historical analyses 、 theory with practical ways to make passage more scientific .

  17. 本文以文献研究为主,拟采用历史分析法、比较法和价值分析法等,以期对不完全给付制度有所认知。

    Based on literature research , plans to use historical analysis , comparative method and the method of value analysis , with a view to incomplete payment system has a cognition .

  18. 本文以文献分析法贯穿始终,运用历史分析法解析第三年龄大学两种模式的产生、演变的历程,以及英国第三年龄大学产生及发展。

    The author accounts for the history of two modes in generation and evolution , also for the generation and development in third aging university in UK by using historical analysis .

  19. “生态历史分析法”、“栽培植物起源中心”等原理,对桉树引种实践,也具有重要的实用价值。

    In addition , the principles of " Ecological History Analysis Method " and " Cultural Plant Origin Centre " also possess the important practical value for the eucalyptus introduction practice .

  20. 本文首先通过历史分析法,重现了老子生活的社会背景,系统梳理了《道德经》教育思想形成的社会因素以及个人因素。

    First of all , the paper reproduces the social background through the historical analysis . And discusses the social factors and personal factors of formation " moral classic " education ideology .

  21. 本文在写作中运用了以下几种研究方法:1.历史分析法:对中国电视体育报道和电视体育传播人的发展史进行总结、分析和探讨。

    This text use of the following several kind research method : 1.The history analysis method : Journalism development , analysis and studies to the Chinese television sports report and the journalisms .

  22. 本文在马克思唯物史观的指导下,运用历史分析法从纵向上把工业化之后的消费理论分为三个发展阶段。

    In this paper , under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism , the historical analysis from the vertical to the industrialization of consumption theory is divided into three stages of development .

  23. 本文在进行民营企业制度变迁和创新分析时采取了历史分析法并注重借鉴国外模式。

    When we are analyzing the changes and innovation of enterprise run by the local people , we have adopted the historical analytic approach and paid attention to drawing lessons from the foreign mode .

  24. 第二部分运用企业财务指标分析法和历史分析法对南京理工科技公司进行分析评价,探讨分析南京理工科技公司筹资管理中的不足;

    The second part analyses and evaluates Nanjing Science and Technology Company by applying the company financial index analysis and historical analysis method then find out the disadvantages of Nanjing Science and Technology Company ;

  25. 文中运用历史分析法、比较分析法、定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法及归纳法等对新疆农村居民收入问题做了详细而客观的阐述。

    In this paper , historical analysis , comparative analysis , qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods and induction are used to analyze the Income of Rural Residents in Xinjiang , objective and detailed .

  26. 介绍了论文的选题,相关文献综述,研究目的、意义,概念的阐述,研究的思路和运用文献法、系统法、历史分析法、比较研究的方法。

    Introduced the thesis topic , literature review , research purpose , meaning , the concept of elaboration of the ideas and the use of literature , systematic , historical and comparative research methods .

  27. 在具体研究中运用历史分析法来分析英国地方自治的产生、发展和演变。运用比较分析法对不同地区的地方自治进行比较。

    In specific studies , it analyzes the generation , development and evolution of British local self-government by using historical analysis , and compares local self-government of British different regions by using comparative analysis method .

  28. 本文运用历史分析法、实证分析法和归纳法对我国驰名商标司法认定进行研究,除了引言和结论外,正文为四部分。

    In this paper , historical analysis , empirical analysis and induction judicial determination of well-known trademarks in China to study , in addition to the introduction and conclusion , the body into four parts .

  29. 文章采用了文献法、历史分析法、比较分析法、归纳分析法等研究方法,运用马克思主义的观点对文章论点作具有理论意义与现实价值的分析。

    Article uses literature , historical analysis , comparative analysis , inductive analysis and other research methods . The use of Marxist point of view with the arguments of the article theoretical and practical value of the analysis .

  30. 流体历史分析法通过研究成藏流体的来源和运移路径、油气充注过程和充注历史等,从流体演化的角度来动态揭示油气成藏机理。

    Historical analysis of fluid mainly deals with origins , migration paths , filling process and history of hydrocarbon fluid , so as to bring to light the hydrocarbon reservoir forming mechanism from the view of fluid evolution .