
  • 网络periodization;historical periodization
  1. 笔者认为,作为历史分期的概念,现代早期(earlymodern)比文艺复兴更适宜。

    In my view , as a conception of periodization , Early Modern is much better than the Renaissance .

  2. 古代印度社会性质和历史分期问题的探讨

    Ancient India : Nature of Society and Periodization of History

  3. 西方伦理学历史分期新探

    A New Inquiry into the Periodical Division of Western Ethics History

  4. 也谈谈古代汉语的历史分期

    On the Division of the History of the Old Chinese

  5. 马克思社会历史分期思想渊源辨析

    Differentiation on the Origin of Marx Social History Stage Thought

  6. 世界广告史的历史分期与分期依据

    Historical Period and the Basis of Historical Division of World Advertising History

  7. 历史分期法:历史哲学与马克思

    Stages of History : Philosophy of History and Marx

  8. 中华人民共和国历史分期问题研究述评

    Commentary on Research for History Stage Division of People 's Republic of China

  9. 中国现代文学的历史分期与现代性特征

    The Division of Historical Periods and the Modern Features of Modern Chinese Literature

  10. 历史分期是历史理论的重要内容。

    Stages of History is an important part in the theories of History .

  11. 渤海历史分期探赜

    Study of the Historical Division of Bohai History

  12. 三部分以民族演变的特征为历史分期,分别从古代拿翔部族、民族的形成、民族的大迁徙、古代新疆多民族聚居格局定型三个历史时期对宗教文化与民族演变的关系展开具体论述。

    The three sections take the characteristics of national evolution as the historical stages .

  13. 世界广告历史分期刍议

    Modest Proposal for the Stages of World Advertisement

  14. 古代埃及年代学中的历史分期问题辨析

    An analysis on the problem of period division in the chronology of ancient Egypt

  15. 研究具体从以下三个方面展开:一、创作体系与历史分期。

    The specific study goes in the following three aspects : ⅰ System and phases .

  16. 确定历史分期应当以社会实践的发展为依据。

    Historical periods should be divided on the basis of the development of social practice .

  17. 全文围绕马克思主义阶级冲突理论沿革的三个主要历史分期进行了研究。

    The full paper developed centered on the evolution theory of three major historical stages .

  18. 古代埃及的年代学与历史分期

    Chronology and Periodization of Ancient Egypt

  19. 中国历史分期与秦至清社会形态命名

    A Exploration on the Division of Chinese History and Social Formation from Qin to Qing Dynasty

  20. 马克思的历史分期理论从唯物史观的基本观点出发坚持了经济的标准。

    While Marx 's theory of stages insisted on economic criterion based on materialistic views of history .

  21. 试析马来西亚华人社团的历史分期

    On the Division of the Historical Periods in the Development of the Associations by Oversea Chinese in Malaysia

  22. 历史分期的研究方法如今被全球史观全新的史学思维范式完全否定了。

    The method of division of historical periods has been negated completely by the brand-new historical thought pattern .

  23. 说明相关概念和历史分期。

    The Chapter one is an introduction about the relevant concept of the paper and the history distinction .

  24. 根据蒋绍愚先生的汉语历史分期,近代汉语是指从晚唐五代到清代初期这个历史时期的汉语。

    Modern Chinese refers to the historical period from Tang dynasty to the early stage of Qing dynasty .

  25. 从制度变迁的特征看人民公社的历史分期

    Perspective on the Division of Stages of People 's Commune by Looking at the Characteristics of System Transformation

  26. 在历史分期上,始终以社会性质作为历史分期的主要标准;

    By the stages of history , the authors stick to the standard of social character all while .

  27. 从史学层面,按其画作的历史分期,解析她的艺术成就。

    From the historical level , according to the history of painting stages , parsing of her artistic achievements .

  28. 近代、近世,历史分期与史学观念当代世界政治和历史

    Modern Time and Late Modern time : Historical Periods and Historical Ideas ; Politics and History of Contemporary World

  29. 最后,对中国佛教僧团及其管理体制的创建、发展、演变的历史分期作了简略梳理。

    After introducing the approaches , it briefly combs the history of Chinese Buddhist Sangha and its management system .

  30. 时间框架由基于9个时代的历史分期连接起来,另附一个时期论述未来前景。

    The temporal framework is articulated on a periodization based upon 9 eras , with an additional one dealing with future perspectives .