
lì shǐ xué
  • history
历史学[lì shǐ xué]
  1. 约翰·史蒂文森是谢菲尔德大学的历史学高级讲师。

    John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield .

  2. 必须通过历史研究对修正主义历史学进行质疑论证。

    Revisionist history must be challenged by historical research .

  3. 围绕心理学、历史学和工程学的咖啡馆开始流行起来,从早到晚都坐满了人。

    Cafes focused around psychology , history , and engineering are catching on , filling tables well into the evening .

  4. 公权、公利与共赢:英国公共空间的表达&单词Common的社会历史学

    Commonage , Commonweal and Co-win : Expressing a British Public Sphere & The Social History of the Word Common

  5. 随着互联网的发展,Web中蕴涵海量呈指数级增长的各类信息,历史学专家的研究途径不再局限于封闭的数据库,而是借助搜索引擎在Internet上寻找所需要的史学信息。

    With development of Internet , various kinds of information grow exponentially , historians search for useful historical information through Internet rather than limit to a closed database .

  6. 罗杰•丹尼尔斯(RogerDaniels)是辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)历史学系荣誉退休教授,也是16部书的作者和约90部书的编辑。

    Roger Daniels is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Cincinnati .

  7. 布兰迪斯大学(brandeisuniversity)的历史学教授莫顿.凯勒喜欢从长远的角度看问题。

    Morton Keller , a history professor at Brandeis University , likes to take the long view .

  8. 本文作者是美国布朗大学(brownuniversity)历史学名誉退休教授,著有《总统们》(thepresidents)一书,该书最近由企鹅出版社(penguin)修订出版

    The writer is emeritus professor of history at Brown University and author of the presidents , recently revised and published by Penguin

  9. 一个EA工具允许这些原则能够运用到企业架构元素中去。译者杨晨对数据库和搜索引擎有深入了解,尤其擅长经典计算机科学理论,对历史学兴趣浓厚。

    An EA-tool allows these principles to be related to the enterprise architecture elements to which they apply .

  10. 但实际上,正如W•H•奥登(W.H.Auden)所描述的那样,历史学可能更像诗歌,是一种什么都做不了的学科。

    But in practice history is often more like poetry as W.H. Auden describes it , a discipline that makes nothing happen .

  11. 杰里米·苏瑞(JeremiSuri)是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的历史学教授。

    Jeremi Suri is a history professor at the University of Texas in Austin .

  12. 康卡迪亚大学(ConcordiaUniversity)历史学教授塞多(TimSedo)给出了不同的答案:杭州菜。塞多和他的妻子制作烹饪系列视频,并在YouTube上发布。

    Tim Sedo , a history professor at Concordia University in Montreal who makes a YouTube cooking series with his wife , has a different idea : Hangzhou food .

  13. 我们的原则是,如果你正在监督、评估某人或者正在给其划分等级,你就不应该与此人发生性关系。该委员会负责人,历史学教授艾莉森·约翰逊(AlisonJohnson)说。

    Our rule is that if you are supervising , evaluating or grading someone , you should not have a sexual relationship with that person , said Alison Johnson , a history professor who led the committee .

  14. 文化历史学既有重要的学术价值,也具有重大的现实意义;

    Cultural historiography has important academic value , and contemporary significance .

  15. 历史学的本质是由历史学的特殊矛盾构成的。

    Historian is the essence of the historian of special contradiction .

  16. 分析历史学:理论问题与新研究战略

    The Analytical History : Theoretical Problems and New Research Strategies

  17. 田昌五与中国历史学新体系

    TIAN Chang wu ′ s New System of Chinese History

  18. 历史学的终极目标应是科学性和文学性的完美结合。

    The ultimate aim of history is put science and literature together .

  19. 19世纪被称为历史学的世纪,历史学走向了专业化和职业化的道路。

    History is on the road of specialization and professionalism .

  20. 文化历史学是从文化视角认识历史的学科。

    Cultural historiography is a discipline of understanding history from cultural perspective .

  21. 加强专业理论教学提高历史学专业教学质量

    Enforcement of Professional Theoretical Teaching and Improvement of Teaching Quality of History

  22. 历史学在国际关系研究中的重要性浅探

    Analysis to the Importance of History in the Research of International Relations

  23. 东北师范大学历史学学士,1985年,长春。

    Northeast Normal University , Bachelor of History , 1985 ; Changchun .

  24. 语言历史主义&论历史学与语言学的交叉研究试论历史唯物主义与历史哲学的关系问题

    Discussion about the Relationship between the Historical Materialism and Philosophy of History

  25. 林业史是林学和历史学的交叉学科。

    Forestry history is the interdisciplinary between forestry and history .

  26. 首先很容易想到的是历史学的观点。

    It is very easy to think of the history viewpoint first .

  27. 这些研究对历史学、天文学都是有意义的。

    These studies will be valuable both for astronomy and for history .

  28. 当代中国历史学的学术转型与创新&试论旧课题的改造和新课题的建立

    The Academic Transformation and Innovations of Contemporary Chinese Historiography

  29. 历史学是一门具有重大社会功能的学科。

    Historiography is a discipline of major social function .

  30. 现代化研究与中国历史学的创新

    Study on Modernization and Innovation of Chinese History Study