
  • 网络National strength;National power
  1. 当今世界,科技创新能力成为国家实力最关键的体现。

    Nowadays , science and technology innovation ability becomes the most essential performance of national power .

  2. 它将是一种建立在国家实力扩张基础上的竞争体系呢,还是一种由国际规则来框定的合作体系?

    Will it be competitive , based on the assertion of national power , or co-operative , framed by international rules ?

  3. 中国坚持以经济建设为中心,经济实力增强导致中国整体国家实力上升。

    China 's comprehensive power is also enhanced by economic construction .

  4. 徐继畲对近代西方列强国家实力的认识

    XU Ji-yu 's Understanding of the Modern Great Powers

  5. 信息、信息技术已经成为国家实力和国家安全的重要决定因素。

    Information and information technology have been the key factors for national strength security .

  6. 随着国家实力的增长,武器装备正在逐步实现信息化。

    With the growth of national strength , weapon equipments are gradually realized information .

  7. 日本因推行政治军事大国化导致日本整体国家实力上升。

    Japan improved its comprehensive power by implementing a policy toward a political and military power .

  8. 此时石油利益怎样重新分配,取决于国家实力和国际政治格局。

    It depends on the relative strength of the countries and the overall international political situation .

  9. 制造业是实现工业化和现代化的原动力,是国家实力的支柱。

    The manufacturing industry is the driving force for industrialization and modernization . It is a pillar of national strength .

  10. 这是因为俄罗斯一直是欧洲强国之一,其国家实力并不落后于日本。

    This is because Russia has been one of the European powers , its national strength is not behind Japan .

  11. 健全的金融体系,是美国能够以合理条款举债的前提,今后仍将是国家实力中的一个重要因素。

    Sound finances , enabling the us to borrow on reasonable terms , will remain an important factor in national strength .

  12. 依据国家实力最大限度地实现美国利益是孤立主义形成的根本原因;

    According to national strength , realizing U.S.A interests to the maximum extent is the essential reason that isolationism comes to being ;

  13. 政治体系要如何运作以适应面对经常变化与激烈分歧的国家实力与现代性的定义?

    How did the political system evolve to accommodate frequently changing , and often radically divergent , definitions of national strength and modernity ?

  14. 网络是21世纪的生命线,网络的带宽和网络的连接程度是衡量一个国家实力的标志。

    Network is the lifeline of the 21st century . The bandwidth and the interconnection of networks mark the position of strength of a country .

  15. 英国首相和法国总统一致认为,不存在削弱国家实力的问题,尤其是在核武器领域。

    Prime Minister and president are as one that there is no question of any diminution of national capabilities , above all in the nuclear field .

  16. 科学技术是一个国家实力的重要体现,而科技成果价值的体现离不开科技传播。

    Science and technology is a national strength , and the important embodiment of technological achievements can spread the embodiment of the value of science and technology .

  17. 基于国家实力和国际关系的因素,它对阿拉伯河的态度和政策又经历了一个调整的过程,不同时期有不同的特点。

    On the basis of national strength and international relationship , it made an adjustment to the Shatt al-Arab River , and changed its attitude and policy .

  18. 其根源大致可分为深厚的思想基础、有利的国家实力发展态势、霸权的诱惑三方面。

    Its root cause is composed of three factors , namely , deep-seated ideological basis , favorable situation in national strength development and " temptation " of hegemonism .

  19. 所谓国家实力,也称之为综合国力,是指一国所具备和拥有的各种力量的总和,实际上就是一国所拥有的全部实力。

    The so-called national strength , also known as comprehensive national strength , which is defined as the sum of the capability and the forces that a country owns actually .

  20. 中国昨日以壮观但老套的形式展示了国家实力,动用成千上万表演者,亮相中国制造的军事装备,一切都散发出浓重宣传气息。

    China staged a stunning but old-fashioned display of state power yesterday that combined hundreds of thousands of performers and Made-in-China military hardware , all laced with a heavy dose of propaganda .

  21. 长期以来,文化力量未被看作是测定国家实力的重要因素,相比军事力和经济力未能得到重视。

    Over the years , the cultural power was not seen as an important factor to measure the power of countries , military force and economic power had been much more valued .

  22. 改革开放30年来,我国对国有企业进行了一系列制度改革,国有企业的经济活力得到显著增强,国家实力显著提高。

    China has carried out a series of system reform of the SOEs in the past three decades . Correspondingly , the vitality of the SOEs and the national strength has improved significantly .

  23. 21世纪是高新技术的世纪,技术创新将成为影响国家实力、行业潜力、企业活力的重要因素。

    Since 21st century is a century with high and new technology , technology innovation will become an important effecting factor to strength of nation , strength of industry and energy of enterprise .

  24. 中国和印度的重新崛起,以及巴西、土耳其和其他国家实力的上升,导致了全球力量的再平衡,西方国家一直难以接受这个现实。

    The rebalancing of global power ushered in by the re-emergence of China and India and by the rise of Brazil , Turkey and the rest was never going to be easy for the West .

  25. 和平崛起,是中国在对国家实力、国家利益与对当代国际关系深刻变化的认识的基础上制定的国家发展战略。

    Peaceful rise , the national development strategy of China , is established on the basis of China 's identity of its own national strength , interests and the profound changes in contemporary international relations .

  26. 建立强大的装备制造业,提高中国的综合国家实力,实现了发展装备制造业的根本保证,工业化水平是直接相关的。

    Building a powerful equipment manufacturing industry , improving the comprehensive national strength , and realizing the fundamental guarantee of the development of the equipment manufacturing industry , is directly related to the industrialization level .

  27. 唐代处于中国古代最兴盛的时期,由于社会风尚和国家实力的影响,唐代诗人们的足迹遍布大江南北,祖国美好的山山水水也使得唐诗人们普遍具有开阔的眼界和包容的心胸。

    The tang dynasty is the most flourishing period of ancient China . Because of the social fashion and the influence of national power , of poets in Tang dynasty generally have open horizon and inclusive mind .

  28. 科技传播是以科技信息为主要内容的传播活动,在促进科技创新、推动经济发展、提升国家实力等方面具有重大作用。

    Science and Technology Transmission is an activity based on transmitting scientific and technical information . It plays a very important role in accelerating the scientific and technical innovation , improving economic development and promoting national strength .

  29. 本文对国际制度的特点、运作机制和作用效果进行了全面分析,同时论证国际制度在国家实力向国际影响力乃至世界霸权转化方面的重要作用。

    In this paper the characteristics of the international system , operation mechanism and the effect of a comprehensive analysis to demonstrate the international system to the international influence at the national strength and even world hegemony into the important role .

  30. 首先,皮尔逊从国际体系、国家实力、外交策略等不同角度论证加拿大作为中等强国的合理性,强调中等强国作为国际争端调停者的适当性。

    First , he reasoned Canada as a middle power from three different dimensions : international system , power of country , foreign tactic . At the same time , he stressed the propriety of the middle power as a mediator .