
ɡuó nèi shēnɡ chǎn zǒnɡ zhí
  • gross domestic product
  1. 发展中国家受空气污染影响最为严重,在一些地区,劳动力收入损失几乎相当于国内生产总值的1%。

    The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world , where in some places lost-labor income equals nearly 1 % of GDP .

  2. 到2011年底,其中的四个主要国家(墨西哥、印度尼西亚、韩国和土耳其)的国内生产总值(GDP)占所有十一国的73%。

    At the end of 2011 , the four major countries ( Mexico , Indonesia , South Korea and Turkey ) , also known as MIKT , made up 73 percent of all Next Eleven GDP .

  3. 国家统计局1月18日公布的数据显示,2020年我国国内生产总值(GDP)首次突破100万亿元,比上年增长2.3%。中国成为全球唯一实现经济正增长的主要经济体。

    China 's gross domestic product ( GDP ) expanded 2.3 percent year on year last year , exceeding the 100-trillion-yuan threshold for the first time , official data of the National Bureau of Statistics showed on January 18 . That makes China the only major economy to post growth in 2020 .

  4. 人均国内生产总值达到中等发达国家水平。

    The per capita GDP will reach the level of moderately developed countries .

  5. 国家统计局表示,2020年全年国内生产总值达到101.59万亿元,突破100万亿元大关。

    The country 's annual GDP came in at 101.59 trillion yuan ( $ 15.68 trillion ) in 2020 , surpassing the 100 trillion yuan threshold , the NBS said .

  6. 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。

    China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth , and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan .

  7. 我们的奋斗目标是,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在2010年的基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会;

    The main goals we set for China are as follows : By 2020 , China 's GDP and per capita incomes for urban and rural residents will double the 2010 figures , and the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects will be completed .

  8. 单位gdp(国内生产总值)的资源消耗和污染物排放量降低。

    And the resources consumption of per-unit GDP and pollutant discharge have come down .

  9. 同时奥巴马团队预计的国内生产总值(GDP)增幅也两倍于许多民间机构的预测。

    The same team is forecasting GDP growth rates twice that of many private forecasts .

  10. 仅医疗行业,就占到了国内生产总值(gdp)的10%以上。

    The healthcare sector alone accounts for more than a tenth of gross domestic product .

  11. 2009年,中国的信贷总额的扩张幅度几乎达到了国内生产总值(gdp)的一半。

    In 2009 , total Chinese credit expanded by almost half of gross domestic product .

  12. 前三季度国内生产总值(GDP)增长10.7%。

    Growth in gross domestic product over the first three quarters was 10.7 per cent .

  13. 范力民说,FDI对一国国内生产总值(GDP)的贡献实际上相当可观。

    The contribution to GDP growth is actually is quite substantial , says Mr. Neumann .

  14. 去年,中国的经常账户盈余占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例高达11.1%。

    China 's current account surplus was 11.1 per cent of gross domestic product last year .

  15. 2011年,欧元区政府债务占其国内生产总值(GDP)的比例将达到88%左右。

    Eurozone government debt will be about 88 per cent of gross domestic product in 2011 .

  16. 王志浩用国内生产总值(GDP)来衡量变化大小,并设计出“中国年”表。

    By using gross domestic product as a measure of change , he devised a'China years'table .

  17. 巴西目前的经常账户赤字大约是国内生产总值(GDP)的2.3%,还没有到令人恐慌的地步。

    At about 2.3 per cent of gross domestic product , this is not yet alarming .

  18. 话虽如此,但当时制造业对美国国内生产总值(GDP)的贡献比例接近30%。

    That said , manufacturing accounted for almost 30 per cent of US GDP at the time .

  19. 国内生产总值(GDP)平减指数是名义GDP与实际GDP的比率。

    Gross domestic product ( GDP ) deflator is the ratio of nominal GDP and real GDP .

  20. 首先,中国已经是一个中等偏上收入国家,人均国内生产总值(GDP)已达6700美元。

    First , China is an upper-middle-income country , with gross domestic product per head of $ 6,700 .

  21. 但是,如此规模的增长要求亚洲国内生产总值(gdp)快速、持续复苏。

    But growth on this scale would require a rapid and sustained resumption in Asian gross domestic product .

  22. 绿色GDP是从GDP中扣除资源和环境耗损成本后得到的国内生产总值。

    Green GDP is an improved GDP , in which costs of resources consumption and environment losses were deducted .

  23. 自2005年以来,政府农村支出占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例增长了一倍以上。

    Rural spending by the government as a percentage of gross domestic product has more than doubled since 2005 .

  24. 以在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占比例计算,全球十大经济刺激方案中,七项出自亚洲。

    Seven of the top 10 stimulus packages , as a percentage of gross domestic product , are Asian .

  25. 我主要关心的是保持消费者的流动性,他们掌握着超过三分之二的国内生产总值(GDP)。

    My primary concern is preserving liquidity to consumers , who command more than two-thirds of gross domestic product .

  26. 比较国防开支占国内生产总值(gdp)的比率,未必显示中国军国主义的崛起。

    Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism .

  27. 这是中国未来五年国内生产总值(GDP)实际年增长率的新目标。

    It is the new target for real annual growth in gross domestic product in the forthcoming five-year plan .

  28. 将于周四发布的第四季度国内生产总值(gdp)数据,可能会预示更令人痛苦的紧缩。

    Fourth-quarter gross domestic product data , due on Thursday , could provide a cue for more painful constriction .

  29. 1929年之后,美国的国民收入[以名义国内生产总值(GDP)衡量]急剧下降。

    National income ( as measured by nominal gross domestic product ) fell dramatically in the US after 1929 .

  30. 2008年,中国的国内生产总值(GDP)增长下滑到9%,这是近四年来,GDP增幅首次少于10%。

    China 's GDP slipped to9 percent in2008 , the first time it recorded single-digit growth in four years .