
ɡuó jì ɡōnɡ yuē
  • international convention;international covenant
  1. 对植物新品种提供一种不同于专利制度的保护方式,TRIPS协议与《保护植物新品种国际公约》均考虑到了植物新品种保护上的特殊之处;

    Both TRIPS Agreement and International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants take the special aspects of new plants protection into account .

  2. STCW公约是指海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约,主要用于控制船员职业技术素质和值班行为。

    STCW refers to International Convention on Standards of Training , Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers .

  3. 自从该国际公约起草之日起,国际社会就转而对其持反对意见。

    Since the Convention was drawn up international opinion has begun to move against it .

  4. 月球样品的管理和使用遵守中华人民共和国缔结和参加的相关国际公约。

    The samples ' managing and using will be done in accordance with international treaties that China has signed or taken part in .

  5. 不确当的命名&评《Civil权利和政治权利国际公约》

    A WRONG NAME : A Comment about The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ;

  6. 已被巴西签署的国际公约如《巴黎公约》、《TRIPS》也被认为是商标权保护的法律依据。

    Several international treaties such as the Convention Union of Paris and TRIPS , both valid in Brazil , also support trademark law .

  7. 论文介绍主要国际公约关于职务作品著作权制度的相关规定,如《伯尔尼公约》、《世界版权公约》及TRIPS协议关于职务作品著作权的规定。

    This paper introduces mainly the international convention on duty works copyright system of the relevant provisions , such as the Berne convention ", " world copyright convention and the TRIPS agreement the provisions on duty works copyright .

  8. 随着我国《著作权法》的修改,中国著作权制度虽都已符合了TRIPS规定和国际公约的保护标准,但仍然存在因科技进步所带来的法律难题。

    With the modification of china ′ s copyright act , although China ′ s copyright system has all already accorded with the protection standard of TRIPS and international convention , the legal dilemma still exists because of scientific and technological progress .

  9. 作为现存三大国际公约的替代品,《UNCITRAL运输法草案》(以下简称《运输法草案》)规定了货物控制权的概念及其相关规则。

    As the substitute for the three present conventions , the UNCITRAL Draft of Transport Law worked out by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law provides the concept of right of control and the relevant rules .

  10. 在这种情况下,以促进海事法各领域的统一为宗旨的CMI决定起草一个新的国际公约,以期重新达到承运人责任制度的国际统一。

    In the circumstances , CMI whose object , as stated in its constitution , is the " unification of maritime law in all its aspects " decided that a new international convention should be drafted aim in the reunification of carrier 's liability system .

  11. 反恐怖主义国际公约与完善我国刑事立法

    International Convention Against Terrorism and Consummation of Penal Legislation in China

  12. 他们违反国际公约封锁了苏伊士运河。

    They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement .

  13. 国际公约对各国扣船制度的统一作出了积极的贡献。

    International conventions make positive contributions to the unity of various systems .

  14. 其三,国际公约义务的要求。

    Third , the international obligations under the Convention requirements .

  15. 国际公约和协定对军工产业的影响

    The influence of International Convention and agreement upon military industry and enterprises

  16. 禁止并惩治种族隔离罪行国际公约

    International Convention for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid

  17. 协调统一货物边境管制国际公约

    International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods

  18. 中国应根据相关的国际公约要求,修改和完善现行劳动立法。

    China should perfect current labor acts by international treaty .

  19. //和国际公约的保护。未经授权,擅自复制或散发本文件,//

    / / and international treaty provisions . Unauthorized reproduction or / /

  20. 并依分类对相关国际公约进行了介绍。

    And according to classification of the relevant international conventions were introduced .

  21. 第四章作者通过对我国银行独立担保的实践和立法现状的分析,结合有关的国际公约和国际惯例,对独立担保的国内效力问题,欺诈例外制度完善问题

    Chapter four : the author analyzes the practice and legislations of independent

  22. 国际公约对柴油机燃油管路的防火要求余育聪

    The Conventions Fireproof Requirement of Diesel Engines Fuel Pipeline

  23. 禁止贩卖成年妇女国际公约

    International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age

  24. 澳大利亚与气候变化国际公约

    Australia and the International Conventions on Climate Change

  25. 关于核损害民事责任的国际公约

    International Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

  26. 三积极参加有关国际公约和条约。

    Accede actively to international conventions and treaties .

  27. 反对劫持人质国际公约特设起草委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting of an International Convention against the Taking of Hostages

  28. 保护无形文化遗产国际公约

    International convention to safeguard intangible cultural heritage

  29. 该公约是全球范围内解决海洋纠纷的首要国际公约。

    This is the primary convention to solve ocean disputes in all around the world .

  30. 由于世界上还未成立域名保护的国际公约或多边协议。

    Because the world hasn 't established international convention or multilateral agreements to protect the area .