
Guó jì Biāo zhǔn Shū hào
  • International Standard Book Number
  1. 在正式出版的图书封底所印制的图书条形码(又称EAN码)与图书的国际标准书号(ISBN)有着密切的关系。

    ENA has a close relationship with ISBN in official publications .

  2. 国际标准书号(ISBN)和国际标准刊号(ISSN)的含义及应用

    The meanings and application of international standard book number and international standard serial number

  3. 中国法律禁止民营公司出版图书,因此它们只得从国有公司购买或租用国际标准书号(ISBN)。

    Chinese law excludes them from publishing books , so they have to buy or rent International Standard Book Numbers from the state companies .

  4. 文章分析了国际标准书号(ISBN)的特点,总结了ISBN在实际著录工作中的要点与注意事项,从图书馆文献采编工作的角度论述了ISBN的主要功能。

    The article analyzes the characteristics of ISBN , summing up the main points for attention in the practical work of description , and expounds the main functions of ISBN from the angle of information acquisition and cataloging .

  5. 阐述了国际标准书号&ISBN号的基本概念及其组成,并且进一步分析了它在图书馆工作中的一些具体应用,针对ISBN号在应用中存在问题,提出了一些解决的办法。

    This paper expounds the basic concepts and components of international standard book number ( ISBN ), analyzes on its concrete application in the library work , and in the light of the problems existing in application of ISBN , advances some solving methods .

  6. 阐述了国际标准书号(ISBN)、中国标准书号(CSBN)、国际标准刊号(ISSN)、中国标准刊号(CSSN)的组成,以及在文献信息检索中的应用。

    The constituents of International Standard Book Number ( ISBN ), Chinese Standard Book Number ( CSBN ), International Standard Serial Number ( ISSN ) and Chinese Standard Serial Number ( CSSN ) are introduced in this paper . And their application in document retrieval is discussed as well .

  7. 国际标准书号与图书条形码释义及其转换算法

    Interpretation and Transfer Algorithm in International Standard Book Number and Books Bar Code

  8. 国际标准书号在图书馆工作中的应用及问题的探讨

    Application of ISBN in Library Work and Relevant Discussions

  9. 号码超过标准的服装稽核数码〔国际标准书号〕

    A garment of unusual size . check digit [ International Standard Book Number ]

  10. 国际标准书号升位对图书情报机构的影响

    International Organization for Standardization On effect of change of ISBN on libraries and information agencies

  11. 年内,该组共签发300个国际标准书号的出版社识别代号。

    During the year , 300 new publishers ' prefixes conforming to ISBN were issued .

  12. 如果你有正确的国际标准书号和国际标准期刊号。

    If you have the correct ISBN or ISSN number , then you can use it .

  13. 中国标准书号由国际标准书号和图书分类&种次号两部分构成。

    China standard book number consists of two parts : international standard book number and book catalogue number-serial number .

  14. 国际电传号码簿信息稽核数码〔国际标准书号〕

    International Telex Directory Information check digit [ International Standard Book Number ]

  15. 国际标准期刊号:英文是国际标准期刊号的缩写。采用国际标准书号的方法编号。

    ISSN : Short for International Standard Serial Number . The periodical equivalent of an ISBN .