
  • 网络Channel Coding Theorem
  1. Turbo码由于很好地应用了Shannon有噪信道编码定理中的随机性编译码条件而获得了接近Shannon理论极限的译码性能。

    Turbo code , which utilizes the condition of random coding and decoding of Shannon noisy channel coding theorem , has obtained the performance near to Shannon theoretic limit .

  2. 通信系统的一般模型,信道编码定理和信源信道编码定理。

    A general communication system , channel coding theorem and source-channel coding theorem .

  3. 通向信道编码定理的Turbo码及其性能分析

    Turbo Codes to Channel Coding Theory and Their Performance Analyses

  4. 自1948年Shannon提出并证明了著名的有扰信道编码定理以来,人们一直在努力寻找一个更能逼近Shannon理论极限的好码。

    Since Shannon proposed and proved famous coding theorem in 1948 , people have been making great efforts to look for a kind of good code , whose performance could approach to the Shannon 's theoretical limit .

  5. 从信道编码定理和Shannon限出发介绍了信道编码理论与技术的发展,包括级联码、软判决及Turbo码的提出。

    The main results and contents of this dissertation are as follows : 1 . The developments in channel coding theory are surveyed . It includes the Shannon theorem , Shannon limit , concatenated codes , soft decision decoding and Turbo codes .

  6. 离散无记忆信道编码定理

    Coding theorem for discrete channel with zero-memory

  7. 香农噪声信道编码定理的提出解决了经典信道的容量问题。

    The proposition of Shannon noisy channel coding theorem has solved the problem of classical channel capacity .

  8. 多用户信道编码定理

    Coding theorem of multi-user channel

  9. 在掌握香农随机编码和信道编码定理的前提下,进行信道容量分析。

    After studying the shannon random code and channel coding theory , the paper analyzed the channel capacity .

  10. 信道编码定理的结论只是本文结论的一个特例。

    It is shown that a higher coding efficiency could be available if the source and the channel are considered jointly .

  11. 自从香农信道编码定理的提出之后,一些学者根据香农的思想,给出了一系列设计好码和有效译码的方法。

    After Shannon channel coding theory being presented , some scholars show a series of designed good codes and effective decoding methods .

  12. 本文首先描述信道编码定理和香农限与编码增益的概念,并对本文在光通信系统中应用的架构进行了介绍。

    In the paper , we describe the channel coding theorem , the Shannon limit and the coding gain at first , and introduce the optical system architecture .

  13. 离散无记忆信道的容量价值函数和信道编码定理。

    The capacity-cost function of discrete memoryless channel , and channel coding theorem .

  14. 1948年,香农[2]在他的论文通信的数学理论中,首次阐明了在有扰信道中实现可靠通信的方法,提出了著名的有扰信道编码定理,奠定了纠错码的基石。

    1948 , Shannon clarified the noised channel code theory in the thesis " A Mathematical Theory of Communication " , which is the foundation of error-correcting codes .

  15. 信道编码理论及技术作为现代通信系统必不可少的关键技术,近几十年在Shannon信道编码定理的指引下已经经历了飞速的发展并取得了大量的研究成果。

    Channel Coding theory and technology are the indispensable key technologies of modern communications system , and they have experienced rapid development and obtained a huge amount of research results under the guidance of the Shannon channel coding theorem in recent decades .

  16. 运用把经典信道看成是量子信道的思想,采用量子力学的符号,我们对经典的香农噪声信道编码定理给出了一个量子化的证明。

    Through the idea that the classical channel is viewed as a quantum channel , using the symbols of quantum mechanics , we give a proof of Shannon noisy classic channel coding theorem .