
  • 网络source coding theorem
  1. 一般离散序列模型信源编码定理

    Source coding theorems for general sequence model

  2. 具有边信息的信源编码定理

    The Source Coding Theorems with Side Information

  3. 通信系统的一般模型,信道编码定理和信源信道编码定理。

    A general communication system , channel coding theorem and source-channel coding theorem .

  4. 离散有限信源序列的编码定理

    Source Coding Theorems for Discrete Finite Source Sequence

  5. 进而通过引入唯一可译码定理,得到了非齐次m阶马氏信源的变长编码定理。

    Further-more , the length-variant source coding theory is given based on the unique decoding theorem .

  6. 基于这些性质并采用随机编码的方法,得到了非齐次m阶马氏信源的等长信源编码定理;

    Based on these proper-ties and the method of random-coding , the length-fixed source coding theory is given .