
  • 网络Information Display;Message display;INFO;SID
  1. PROFIBUS-DP现场总线分布式测控系统实现了远程分布式数据采集、控制、通信、信息显示等功能。

    The PROFIBUS-DP distributed meter and control system has the function of data collection , control , communication and message display and so on .

  2. 这也是一个很棒的方法,你有信息显示,在搜索引擎。

    It 's also a great way to have you info show up in the search engines .

  3. 据中国互联网中心的信息显示,截至2016年12月底,中国的青少年网民数量约为1.7亿。

    Information from China Internet Center shows that the number of teenage Internet users in China had been about 170 million by the end of December , 2016 .

  4. 救援指挥中心的信息显示,当日下午1点左右,冰雹、冻雨和强风突然袭击高海拔赛段20至31公里处。因气温急剧下降,参赛人员出现身体不适。

    According to the rescue headquarters , at about 1 pm on Saturday , hail , freezing rain and gales due to the sudden drop in temperature .

  5. 来自拉夫堡和伯明翰的研究团队预测,将这一信息显示在食品包装上,可减少人均每天200卡路里的摄入量,他们说这足以降低英国的肥胖水平。

    The team from Loughborough and Birmingham predict displaying this information on food packaging could cut around 200 calories from a person 's daily average intake3 , which they say would be enough to bring down obesity4 levels in the UK .

  6. 据《北京晨报》援引北京市园林局的信息显示,目前,北京约有200万株杨柳树雌株,每年春季都产生大量飞絮。

    Beijing has about 2 million female poplar and willow3 trees which produce catkins to spread their seeds every spring , the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry4 ( BMBLF ) was quoted as saying on Wednesday by the Beijing Morning Post .

  7. 部分具有Web界面的示波器也仅能提供有限的系统信息显示功能。

    Some the oscilloscope with the Web interface can only provide limited system information display .

  8. 智能化信息显示系统中的LED显示屏设计

    Design of LED Panel In The Intelligent Information Displaying System

  9. 关于LED信息显示技术在高速公路上的应用

    Application of LED Information Displaying Technology in Expressways

  10. 最后,完成了GIS地图信息显示与管理模块的设计与实现。

    Finally , design and achieve the GIS map information display and management module .

  11. Command面板上Connection页面的信息显示了关于数据库连接的信息。

    The information on the Connection page of the Command pane shows information about the connection and the database .

  12. 电动轿车LCD信息显示系统

    LCD Display System of Electrical Vehicle

  13. 最后,负载信息显示了应该报告的1、5和15分钟中的CPU的最大负载。

    Finally , the load information shows the maximum CPU load for1,5 , and15 minutes that should be reported .

  14. 电泳显示、LCD等信息显示技术,应用于电子纸产品,存在性能不稳、产品寿命短等问题。

    Many display technologies applied in electronic paper are disturbed by the shortages of instability and short life-span .

  15. 基于Windows操作系统平台,利用Visualc++6.0实现了深潜救生艇信息显示系统。

    This paper achieved a deep submergence rescue vehicle information display system , which based Windows operating system platform , using Visual C + + 6.0 IDE .

  16. 他以通信设备故障测试仪为基础,基于Internet,以PC机作为远程控制平台,应用嵌入式、网络编程等技术,实现了远程信息显示和控制。

    Via Internet , taking the fault diagnosis platform for communication equipment as application terminal and adopting embedded system , network program technique , it realizes the remote monitor and control .

  17. 基于OWL的长文档信息显示

    Long-File Display Based on OWL

  18. 通过工程实践介绍一种在Internet平台上,采用Java语言实现的Internet-LED公众信息显示系统,并讨论了Java在RS-232通讯上的应用。

    Introduces the Internet - LED spectacular system based on Internet , which was developed in Java , and discusses the RS 232 serial communication using Java .

  19. 介绍了一种将现有LED数码显示转换为LCD字符显示的方案,以解决系统功耗太高的问题,并改善了人机界面,使信息显示符合人性化的需求;

    Introduce a solution of converting instrument from LED display to LCD display , in order to decrease the power of instrument and enhance the display information .

  20. 如果不是在生产环境中执行监视,则可以在页面上将计时信息显示为HTML的一部分。

    If you are not monitoring in a production environment , then the timings can be displayed as part of the HTML on the page .

  21. 半导体技术与显示技术的结合,奇迹般地确立了LCD在信息显示技术领域的霸主地位。

    The combination of semiconductor technology and display technology , miraculously established the ascendance of LCD display technology in the field of information display technology .

  22. 应用VISUALBASIC的网络动态数据交换(NetDDE)、ActiveX数据对象(ADO)和ActiveX控件技术实现了综合船舶信息显示系统。

    A marine integrated information display system is implemented by use of the NetDDE , ADO and ActiveX control technique of Visual Basic .

  23. 这个小部件在提要中将关于最近的developerWorkspodcast的信息显示为一个分页的表。

    The widget displays information about recent developerWorks podcasts from the feed as a paginated table .

  24. 采用基于Linux内核的Android平台研究操作简洁、响应迅速、界面友好的信息显示和控制系统。

    The Android intelligent platform , which is based on Linux kernel , is used to build a simple , quick response , user-friendly information display and control system .

  25. 将信息显示到stdout中。

    Display information to stdout .

  26. 配置管理提供网络拓扑图管理,网络设备基本信息显示和网络设备MIB浏览等功能;

    The configuration management implements the network topology management , device 's basic information display and device 's MIB view ;

  27. 在选择一个ID时,与此ID相关的所有记录显示在指定的文本框中,所选职员的详细信息显示在一个网格中。

    When a particular ID is selected , all related records from that ID are displayed in the specified text box and also detailed information of the selected Employee is shown in a grid .

  28. SIPp配置的详细信息显示在附录A中。

    The details of our SIPp configuration appears in Appendix A.

  29. 研究咨询公司bda的信息显示,去年参与td-scdma手机测试的客户,指出了产品的多项缺点。

    Customers who trialled the TD-SCDMA handsets last year reported several shortcomings with the products , according to BDA , an advisory and research firm .

  30. 基于遗传算法的停车诱导系统(PGIS)信息显示设施定位研究

    Location of sign boards in a parking guidance information system ( PGIS ) based on genetic algorithm