
  • 网络trust;sense of trust;trustworthiness;Dependability
  1. 但重建这种信任感可能要花上比一年更长的时间。

    Rebuilding the sense of trust could take rather longer than that .

  2. 领导者也会在该给功劳时毫不吝惜,以建立信任感。

    Leaders also establish trust by giving credit where credit is due .

  3. 他在那儿的所见让他对一切政治当局产生了一种深深的不信任感。

    What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,外贸出口急速增长,有关各方也对中国外贸出口的激增产生了不信任感。

    A rapid growth of international trade export has been seen in China since China 's WTO access , which caused some upsets in involved countries .

  5. 结果表明:SARS爆发初期,大学生的信任感有所下降,尤其对政府、媒体和学校的信任感下降较明显;

    The results indicated that in the beginning of SARS outbreak , the trusts of undergraduates decreased , especially to the government , media and universities .

  6. 得州达拉斯的盖尔·卢卡斯(GaleLucas)多年以来一直在研究人类对机器人的信任感。作为OrganizationalWellnessandLearningSystems的研究总监,她发现人们在向电脑披露信息时的确展现出更强的信任感。

    Gale Lucas , director of research at Dallas , Texas-based Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems , has been studyingrobot-human trust for years . She 's found that people really are more truthfulwhen they disclose information to a computer .

  7. 研究负责人MichaelStirrat设计这个游戏是为了调查来自于感觉和行为之间的信任感是否可以测量。

    Lead researcher Michael Stirrat set up the games to investigate whether he could find any measurable relationship between perceptions of trustworthiness from perceptions and behaviour .

  8. ISO14000标准,有助于企业开辟国际市场,提升竞争力和信任感,打破国际贸易中的绿色壁垒,具有战略意义。

    Implementing ISO14000 standards in enterprises could benefit enterprises in opening the global market by enhancing their competition and breaking down green barrier in global trades .

  9. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba),腾讯(Tencent),京东(JD.com),58同城(58.com)、滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)以及百度(Baidu)都已同意支持这一举措,此举旨在提高消费者在网上的信任感。

    Alibaba , Tencent , JD.com , 58.com , Didi Chuxing and Baidu have all agreed to support the initiative , which aims to improve consumer trust online in a country where faking sales and reviews is commonplace in ecommerce .

  10. 研究显示,高等教育可以削弱对外人的猜疑和不信任感。

    Research shows that higher education generally reduces suspicion of outsiders .

  11. 这会破坏彼此之间的信任感,影响工作气氛。

    It disturbs the feeling of trust and the working atmosphere .

  12. 网站传递了品牌所要表达的信任感。

    The site delivers on the perceived promise of the brand .

  13. 你们的办公室里充满了信任感。

    There 's a real feeling of trust in this office .

  14. 伯克曼以一种能够建立信任感的方式与他的听众沟通。

    Burkeman speaks to his audience in a way that establishes trust .

  15. 我本希望我们之间能找到信任感。

    I was hoping I might find it with you .

  16. 这或许是法国人相互之间缺乏信任感的原因之一。

    That may help explain low trust among French people .

  17. 没有信任感的关系从一开始就将注定失败。

    A relationship without trust is doomed from the start .

  18. 信任感依然会是商业领域中唯一且最关键的问题。

    Trust will remain the single most critical business issue .

  19. 有一种解释认为,原因在于投资者对经济形势怀有很深的不信任感。

    One explanation is investors ' deep mistrust of the economic climate .

  20. 提高关系质量,增强客户信任感

    Improve the Relationship Quality and Cultivate the Client 's Trust

  21. 但是,人们对企业的不信任感早在此次金融危机之前就存在了。

    But mistrust of business long predates the financial crisis .

  22. 一个开放的全球贸易体系,需要这种彼此之间的信任感。

    An open global trade system requires this sense of mutual confidence .

  23. 另外一个是对政府官员的信任感。

    Another is a feeling of trust in government officials .

  24. o激发所有利益相关者群体参与其中,并增加其信任感。

    o Stimulate engagement and trust across all key stakeholder groups

  25. 加拿大人对于‘帅哥’似乎存在固有的不信任感。

    Canadians have an innate distrust of attractive people .

  26. 这将有助于你在伙伴们面前建立一种信任感。

    This will help you establish a sense of trust among your peers .

  27. 其中信任感量表有18题。由3个因子构成。

    In the TS , there were altogether 18 questions of 3 factors .

  28. 但所有成人对彼此都有一种难以言喻的不信任感。

    But all grown persons ineffably distrust one another .

  29. 有时,这种不信任感也会殃及其他替代产品。

    This distrust sometimes extends to other alternatives . '

  30. 对陌生人有一种强烈的不信任感。

    To have a deep mistrust of strangers .