
xínɡ zhènɡ rén yuán
  • administrative personnel;administrative agent
  1. 司法行政人员必须掌握应用写作知识

    The Judicial Administrative Personnel Should Proficiency in Practical Writing Acquire

  2. Q:作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?

    Q : What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel ?

  3. 行政人员们说他们对拟建中的系统心怀顾虑。

    Executives say they are leery of the proposed system

  4. 行政人员将每个护照号都输入计算机中。

    Officials type each passport number into a computer

  5. 每个新问题都会带来一个新的行政人员的岗位。

    Every new problem creates a new job for an administrative fixer .

  6. 如果我们用优秀的任课教师来替换我们一半的行政人员,我们或许真的能够将大部分班级的人数降至每班20人或更少。

    If we replaced half of our administrative staff with classroom teachers , we might actually get a majority of our classes back to 20 or fewer students per teacher .

  7. 行政人员伦理包括行政义务和行政良知。

    Administrator ethic includes administrative incumbency and administrative conscience .

  8. 半个世纪前,管理大师彼得德鲁克(peterdrucker)基于同样的思维,将管理人员和行政人员区分开来。

    Half a century ago , Peter Drucker distinguished managers from administrators with exactly the same idea in mind !

  9. 教师患者的SAS得分明显高于文秘(P<0.05),其SDS明显高于文秘、行政人员及家庭主妇(P<0.05)。

    The average SDS in teacher was significantly higher than that in secretary , clerical worker and homeworker ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 实习生不再做可有可无的事,管理顾问和行政人员教练MarcDorio说。

    Internships arent about busywork anymore , says management consultant and executive coach Marc Dorio .

  11. 比如,伦敦的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)近来展开了一次大规模的探讨,由教授、行政人员、学员和外部顾问组成的委员会思考如何在整个课程中传授伦理观。

    For example , Cass Business School in London recently undertook a large-scale review conducted by a committee comprised of professors , administrators , students and external advisers , to look at how ethics is taught across the curriculum .

  12. 注意:这两封推荐信必须来自不同的两人,NMC不接受任何医生,行政人员及护士机构的推荐信。

    Please note these references must be from two different people and the NMC will not accept two references from Doctors , administrative staff or nursing agencies .

  13. BrightEdge表示,这种集体情报和“更深”的搜索引擎优化相结合,将会使经理和行政人员在互联网上得到一个较好的竞争地位的完整的视图。

    BrightEdge said this combination of collective intelligence and " deeper " SEO analytics will enable SEO managers and executives to get a complete view of their competitive position across the Internet .

  14. 秘书们不许使用行政人员食堂。

    Secretaries aren 't allowed to use the executive dining room .

  15. 现在行政人员在作风上与前任大不相同。

    The present administration is a far cry from the last one .

  16. 高级行政人员都是公司的核心领导者。

    The senior administrative staff is the core leader of the company .

  17. 行政人员:经济人还是公共人?

    Administrator :" Economic Person " or " Public Person "?

  18. 论行政人员的角色冲突及其解决途径

    On the Conflict of Administrative Role and Its Solving Methods

  19. 例如英特尔等工作过具有丰富经验的行政人员

    who had worked at successful companies , like Intel ,

  20. 大学教师和行政人员这两种职业在不同压力源的解释能力上仍存在着差异。

    There are different sources of pressure between teachers and administrative personals .

  21. 在以德治国中,行政人员的品德是最重要的。

    The morality of government functionary is very important .

  22. 现在来研究行政人员的独立人格,有着直接的实践价值。

    The study of this independent personality is of direct value for practice .

  23. 除了炸掉大楼里的行政人员。

    In addition to blowing out the executive suite .

  24. 能干的秘书、教师、行政人员等

    An efficient secretary , teacher , administrator , etc

  25. 世界上每个国家的公共管理人员和行政人员都面临着腐败和贿赂的诱惑。

    Corruption and bribery are temptations to public administrators and managers in every country .

  26. 高级军官,亦即有上校或上校以上军衔者,有他们自己的行政人员。

    Senior officers-i.e.anyone with the rank of captain or above-get their own administrative staff .

  27. 查尔斯使那个办公室的气氛很活跃。他是个出色的行政人员。

    Charles makes things hum around that office . He 's an excellent administrator .

  28. 道德建构与人的自由&兼议行政人员的行政行为自由

    The Moral Forming and the Human Freedom & On Administrative Freedom of Administrative Persons

  29. 开发管理人的现场(工地)监理、文书和行政人员。

    The Development Manager 's on-site ( field ) supervisory , clerical and administrative personnel .

  30. 行政人员的良好素质。

    Good qualities of the administrative personnel .