
  • way of act;course of action
  1. 侵犯商业秘密罪表现为4种行为方式;

    Crime against business secrets have four way of act ;

  2. 电子商务和政务、虚拟社区等在无形中改变了社会的运行模式和行为方式。

    Electronic commerce , e-government , virtual community etc. have changed the operation mode and way of act .

  3. 言语不是艺术,但两者都是人类的行为方式。

    Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior .

  4. 通过研究人们的行为方式,我们可以从中推断他们内心的想法。

    By studying the way people behave , we can theorize about what is going on in their mind .

  5. 与此相反,成年人的行为方式却没有什么差别,不管他们是独自一人还是有他人旁观。

    In contrast , adults behaved in similar ways regardless of whether they were on their own or observed by others .

  6. B:企业文化就是一个公司的价值观、信仰和固有的行为方式。

    B : Values , beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company .

  7. (彩色部分在句中作状语,表行为方式,修饰wentthrough)他们搜遍了每一个房间,小心翼翼地不接触任何东西,因为怕妨碍警察寻找指纹。

    They went through the rooms , being careful to touch nothing , as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints .

  8. 这些属性将影响特定环境下ODBC函数的行为方式。

    These attributes affect the way ODBC functions behave under a specific environment .

  9. WebSphereApplicationServer具有平台无关性的特征,因此在一种平台上构建的应用程序在所有其他平台上都应该具有相同的行为方式。

    Most of the code base for WebSphere Application Server is shared across all platforms and so applications built on one platform should behave the same way on all other platforms .

  10. Gray和Eysenck认为不同的人格特质会导致人们不同的动机和行为方式。

    Gray and Eysenck believe that different personality traits lead to different motives and behavior of consumers .

  11. 因此,学习一门外语不仅仅是学习其语音、语法、词汇等体系,更意味着要学习目的语(targetlanguage)所反映的思想、风俗及社会行为方式。

    Thereby , learning a foreign language means not only learning its systems of pronunciation , grammar and vocabulary , but also studying the ideology , customs and social behavior reflected in the target language , i.e.studying its " inner language " .

  12. 种族(ethnicity)是一个新的、不确定的社会范畴,可以用来描绘某一个种族文化的内容,包括语言、宗教、社会礼仪和其他行为方式。

    Ethnicity is a new and undefined social category . It is described language , religion , rite and some other social behaviors .

  13. 如果我们希望mba学员改变他们的思维及行为方式,就必须证明,更长远的规划、一套全新的价值观以及符合道德规范的行为,将有助于他们实现目标。

    If we want MBA students to change their thinking and behaviour , we have to make the case that longer-term thinking , a different set of values and ethical behaviour will help them to realise their goals .

  14. WTO法律规则的实质涉及到的需要规范和调整的我国现有的各种行政行为方式程序主要包括:行政调查、行政处罚、行政许可、行政确认和行政征收程序等。

    The different administrative conduct manner procedures , which are concerned with WTO legal regulations as well as China needs to regulate and adjust , mainly include the procedures of administrative investigation , administrative penalty , administrative license , administrative confirmation , administrative collection and so on .

  15. 35岁的加里•阿拉斯瑞奇(GaryAlazraki)是《我们是贵族》的编剧兼导演。他说:社会已经形成了一个共识,那就是这些人的行为方式既不高尚也不得体。

    ' The social compass is shifting to a consensus that the way these people behave is not honorable and not cool , ' says Gary Alazraki , the 35-year-old screenwriter and director behind the movie .

  16. 绿色文明与人类行为方式的变革

    " Green Civilization " and the Changes of Man 's Behavior

  17. 糖尿病健康教育对患者行为方式影响的研究

    Research on the Effect of Healthy Education on Patient'Behavior of DM

  18. 至少部分中国企业如今也呈现出这种行为方式。

    At least some Chinese companies are now acting the same way .

  19. 湖南部分地区城乡青少年行为方式和生活态度的比较分析

    Teenagers ' Behaviors and Attitudes in Part of Urban and Rural Hunan

  20. 运动员期望教练员领导行为方式与实际认知之间存在较大差距;

    There existed big difference between coach leading behavior and actual cognition .

  21. 网络正在改变人们的思想观念和行为方式。

    The network has changed the ideology and behavioral mode of people .

  22. 标准了规范化的行为方式、处事原则;

    The standardized behavior way and the principle has handlede ;

  23. 关于伪证的行为方式,是个历来存在争论的问题。

    On the behavior of perjury , there have always been controversial .

  24. 此外,不同成员在行为方式上的根本差异,也使该组织受到制约。

    In addition , APEC is hamstrung by basic differences of approach .

  25. 也有其他模型来描述人在世界中的行为方式。

    There are many models of how people behave in the world .

  26. 多媒体教学及其技术的应用改变了教师的教学行为方式。

    The use of multimedia teaching has changed teachers ' teaching behavior .

  27. 经典文化教育对小学生行为方式影响的对照研究

    Effect of Classical Cultural Education on Pupil 's Behavior Patterns

  28. 自尊水平与心理健康密切相关,并对心理状态和行为方式有一定的影响。

    The self-esteem level has much contact with mental health .

  29. 同时对隐性上位核不育的遗传行为方式进行了讨论。

    The genetic behavior of recessive epistatic GMS is discussed .

  30. 市民文化,是体现着市民价值观和行为方式特征的文化。

    Citizen culture embodies the value sense and the behavior pattern of citizen .