
  • 网络planetary atmosphere
  1. 质谱计在行星大气和土壤成份分析中的应用

    The application of Mass spectrometer in planetary atmosphere and soil analysis

  2. 行星大气温度分布的气候理论

    A climatic theory of temperature distribution of certain planetary atmosphere

  3. 地球与行星大气的起源

    The origin of the atmospheres of the earth and the planets

  4. 四极质谱计在行星大气分析中的应用

    The Application of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer in Planetary Atmosphere Study

  5. 行星大气的金斯逃逸

    Jeans escape from the planetary atmosphere

  6. 行星大气中地形效应的研究一直是人们十分重视的问题。

    It is always a significant object to study the orographic effect on the planetary atmosphere .

  7. 行星大气的寿命

    The lifetime of planetary atmosphere

  8. 《四库总目》对中国传统星占学的否定四极质谱计在行星大气分析中的应用

    Complete Collection of Four Treasures ( Sikuquanshu ) as denial of traditional Chinese astrology ; The Application of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer in Planetary Atmosphere Study

  9. 哈勃望远镜在一颗木星般大小的行星的大气中,发现了钠、氢、碳以及氧元素。

    The telescope detected the elements sodium , hydrogen , carbon , and oxygen in the atmosphere of a Jupiter-size planet .

  10. 科学家们长期以来假定此类行星的大气中以水蒸气的形式富含大量水。

    Scientists had long assumed that such planets contain substantial amounts of water , which would be present as vapor in their atmosphere .

  11. 到那时,比目前更好的望远镜可能会研究这些行星的大气,寻找他们表面化学以及(不可避免的)生命迹象的证据。

    Better telescopes than exist now might then study the atmospheres of such planets , looking for evidence about their surface chemistry and ( inevitably ) for signs of life .

  12. 在这一刹那,恒星发出的光会穿透行星的大气,天文学家得以研究产生的波长,并推断行星大气的化学成分。

    In those brief moments , the light from the star would flow through the planet 's atmosphere , allowing astronomers to study the wavelengths produced and infer the atmosphere 's chemical composition .

  13. 卡西尼于2004年抵达土星,传回了数据和图片,不但使我们加深了对这颗类木行星的大气、卫星和光环的了解,还增添了新的谜团。

    Cassini arrived at Saturn in2004 , sending back data and images that have not only led to a deeper understanding of the Jovian world 's atmosphere , moons , and rings , but also raised new mysteries .

  14. 科学家们称,在太阳系以外一颗行星的大气中首次发现了一种有机分子;在遥远的星球上可能会找到生命的迹象,但发现有机分子是关键的一步。

    An organic molecule has been spotted for the first time in the atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system , a key step toward possibly finding signs of life on a distant world , scientists say .

  15. 准定常行星被对大气中臭氧输运的动力作用

    The Dynamics of Planetary Wave Transport on Ozone in the Atmosphere

  16. 湍流的频散效应对行星边界层大气平衡运动的影响

    Effect of turbulent dispersion on balance motion of PBL atmosphere

  17. 黑河地区行星边界层大气的气候分析

    Climatic analyses of the planetary boundary layer atmosphere in the Heihe Region

  18. 行星运动影响大气环流变异

    Planet Movement Affects Atmospheric Circulation Variation

  19. 分析给出了该地区太阳可见光和近红外波段的行星反射率以及大气红外窗区亮度温度的空间变化;

    The spatial variations of the visible and near-infrared reflectances and the brightness temperatures in the infrared window are analyzed ;

  20. 因为天文学家发现了第一个富含碳的系外行星,其大气中碳含量远超过氧含量,而非太阳系的1:2碳氧比。

    Because astronomers have found the first carbon-rich exoplanet , with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere & instead of the1 to2 carbon to oxygen ratio found in our solar system .

  21. 因为天文学家发现了第一个富含碳的系外行星,其大气中碳含量远超过氧含量,而非太阳系的1:2碳氧比。

    Because astronomers have found the first carbon-rich exoplanet , with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere - instead of the 1 to 2 carbon to oxygen ratio found in our solar system .

  22. 此外,现代大地测量学提供和处理了涉及原来是地球动力学、行星学、大气学、海洋学、板块运动学和冰川学等学科所需的信息。

    Besides now modern geodesy becomes an interdisciplinary geodetic science , and it can provide and process the information necessary for other geosciences , such as geodynamics , planetology , atmospheric sciences , oceanography , tectonic movement and glaciology and so on .

  23. 这是一个有最高解析度,世上最精确的光谱仪,叫做HARPS。这实际上是用于探测太阳系外行星,和恒星大气中的声波。

    This is the number one high resolution , most precise spectrograph on this planet , called HARPS , which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars .

  24. 行星波在中层大气环流与大气臭氧分布中的作用;

    Planetary wave propagation in the stratosphere and its function on global ozone distribution ;

  25. 太阳系行星及行星际大气环境特性研究

    Research on the Environment Characters of Atmosphere of Planetary and Interplanetary Space in the Solar System

  26. 再来你必须说服整个世界,你的确侦测到像这样的物质,在太阳系外行星的宿主恒星大气中,在离这里100秒差距的地方。

    And then you have to convince the whole world that you have actually detected something like this in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet host star somewhere in100 parsec away from here .

  27. 本文从描写大气大尺度运动的动力方程组出发,讨论了地球大气行星波的螺旋结构,给出了这种螺旋结构的宏图,指出:(1)螺旋状的行星波在整个大气三度空间都存在;

    From the system of dynamic equations describing the large scale motion of the atmosphere , the " Grand Picture " of the spiral structure of the planetary wave in the earth atmosphere is obtained and discussed . The spiral structure of the planetary wave is three dimensional .