
  • 网络planetary exploration
  1. 2020年7月23日,“天问一号”任务成功发射,迈出中国行星探测的第一步。

    China 's Tianwen-1 mission was launched on July 23 , 2020 , the first step in China 's adventure in planetary exploration .

  2. 综述了用于行星探测的跳跃机器人(PEHR)的研究现状,分析了PEHR研究所面临的问题,并预测了其发展趋势。

    Research status of hopping robots for planetary exploration ( PEHR ) is reviewed , the main problems in its development are analyzed , and the development trend is predicted .

  3. 现在,集成学习已经成功应用于行星探测、地震波分析、Web信息过滤、生物特征识别、计算机辅助医疗诊断等众多领域。

    Now ensemble learning has successfully applied in many fields , such as planet exploration , seismic wave analysis , Web information filtering , biology feature recognition , and computer aided medical diagnoses .

  4. 一种面向行星探测的多轮机器人协调控制方法

    A Coordinated Control Method of Multi-wheeled Robot for Planet Exploration

  5. 摇臂-转向架式行星探测车移动系统的准静态分析

    Quasi-static analysis on mobility system of rocker-bogie mode planetary rover

  6. 行星探测机器人的研究现状和发展趋势

    Research status and development trend towards planetary exploration robots

  7. 行星探测车车轮牵引特性试验台设计

    Design of Tractive Characteristic Test-bed of Planetary Rover Wheel

  8. 被动摇臂悬架具有诸多优点,是目前行星探测车移动系统广泛采用的一种悬架形式。

    Passive rocker suspension has lots of advantages and is used in planetary exploration widely .

  9. 随着人类探索太空的步伐进一步加大,人们开始寻求一种地外行星探测的解决方案。

    As human extend the exploration range of the outer space , people started to seek for the approaches of remote planet exploration .

  10. 应用于行星探测车的路径规划算法需要根据地形环境信息和车体的越障能力两方面进行考虑。

    It is very necessary for a path planning algorithm of a planetary rover to utilize the rover 's mobility and terrain characteristics better .

  11. 着陆缓冲机构是着陆器实现月球或行星探测软着陆的关键部件之一,它直接关系到软着陆探测任务的成败。

    Landing gear is a key component for soft-landing exploration on the Moon or planet , which determines directly the success of soft-landing exploration mission .

  12. 地球同步卫星入轨、远日行星探测及月球探测等相关任务都已经开始实施或已被提上日程。

    The injection of the geo-stationary satellite , the outer planet exploration and the revisit of the moon have been implemented or listed in the timetable .

  13. 特别是在航空航天领域,传统的推进系统已经无法完成行星探测和深空探测以及星际航行等空间探测任务,发展电推进系统是可行性方案之一。

    In particular , conventional thruster system cannot accomplish exploring planets , deep space and interstellar sail missions and so on . Developing the electric propulsion system may be a feasible method .

  14. 概述了国外在空间探测的三个方面&日地空间探测、月球探测、行星探测领域取得的科学技术成就,展望各国21世纪的空间探测计划与发展前景。

    The thesis summaries the primary achievements of science and technology on solar-terrestrial space , lunar and planets explorations , prospects the future programmes in space exploration field for the 21st century .

  15. 7月23日,我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器在海南省的文昌卫星发射中心成功发射,开启了我国行星探测任务的序幕。

    China launched Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  16. 研究面向月球科学数据的分布式集成管理方案,探索其相关关键技术,对我国探月工程的开展以及未来行星探测任务的规划具有重要的现实意义和科研价值。

    Consequently , the study on integrated management for distributed lunar data and relation key technologies will bring great real meaning and scientific value for the nation lunar project and further planetary exploration mission planning .

  17. 2020年7月23日,长征五号重型运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射中心成功发射了我国首个独立火星探测任务“天问一号”,开启了我国行星探测计划的序幕。

    Tianwen-1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , kicking off the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  18. 二十一世纪,迎来了深空探测技术研究与计划实施的新高潮,远日行星探测、重返月球、小行星及彗星探测等相关深空探测任务都已经开始实施或提上日程。

    The new high tide of technology research and plan execution for deep space exploration has arrived in the 21st century . The outer planet exploration , re-entry Moon and small celestial body exploration missions have been implemented or listed in the timetable .

  19. 7月23日,我国在海南文昌航天发射场,用“长征五号”重型运载火箭成功发射我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器,开启了我国行星探测的序幕。

    Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  20. 当然,要形成水汽凝聚而成的云需要有类似地球大气的空气存在,而这不能通过现有的仪器在如此遥远的行星上探测到。

    Of course , clouds of water vapor depend on the presence of an atmosphere similar to Earth 's , something that can 't be detected on such distant planets with current instruments .

  21. 随着航天科技的发展,对地外行星的探测日益频繁和深入。在复杂地形条件下实现着陆点的准确选取已成为行星软着陆的一项关键技术。

    With the development of astronautical technology , the exploration of superior planets becomes deeper and more frequent . It has been a crucial technology to select correct landing site in complex terrain for planetary soft landing .

  22. 正如所料,在那个行星上没有探测到任何生物。

    Not surprisingly no life forms were detected on the planet .

  23. 月球卫星跟踪卫星技术作为月球和行星重力场探测的一种解决方案已经初步研究和讨论。

    Lunar Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking technique has been studied and discussed in general .

  24. 太阳系外恒星行星系统的探测与研究进展

    The Progress of Exploring Extra-Solar Planetary Systems

  25. 每一个行星都被探测过,而且除了水性以外所有存在固体表面的行星都被登陆过。

    Every planet has now been visited , and every planet with a solid surface bar Mercury has been landed on .

  26. 对国内外有关材料热物性测量技术进行了综合调研,了解了国内外关于开展行星表面热环境探测的技术及应用现状;

    A comprehensive review on the measurement of thermophysical properties of materials is made , especially on thermal environment detection techniques for planet surfaces and their applications .

  27. 这个名为开普勒-186F号的行星是由望远镜探测到的,天文学家表示这个星球的轨道直径为8700英里,位于适居带,温度不会过热或过冷。

    Known as Kepler 186F , the telescope that found it , the astronomer say the planet , with diameter of 8700 miles as an orbit , is in the so called goldilocks zone neither too hot or too cold .