
xínɡ zhènɡ zhí fǎ
  • Administrative law enforcement;administrative enforcement of law
  1. 而严格行政执法,是依法行政的关键。

    Strict administrative enforcement of law is key of law-based administration .

  2. 构建和谐社会对行政执法的影响

    The effect on administrative enforcement of law during constructing harmonious society

  3. WTO协定与警察行政执法程序

    WTO Protocol and Police Administrative Law-Enforcing Procedures

  4. 关于对政府行政执法实施社会监控的几个理论问题

    Several questions on the society controls of the administrative law enforcement

  5. 试论长春市房屋租赁管理与行政执法建设

    On House - leasing Administration and Related Administrative Law - enforcement

  6. 行政执法为何难以整体走上法治轨道

    Why Carrying out Rule by Law Being Difficult in Administrative Justice

  7. 论依法治国的法治理念行政执法中的法治理念探究

    On the Notion of Ruling by Law in the Running China

  8. 关于提高煤矿安全监察行政执法效能的思考与建议

    Suggestion to Raise the Efficiency of Safety Inspection in Coal Mines

  9. 行政执法责任制地方立法问题初探

    Legislative Issues at the Local Level in Administrative Enforcement Responsibility System

  10. 近年来,我国的环境污染问题日益严重,国家虽然花了很大力气加大行政执法的力度,在治理环境上不遗余力,但收效甚微。

    In recent years environmental pollution in our country gets deteriorated .

  11. 营口市食品卫生行政执法文书制作情况调查

    Investigation on Document Making of Administrative Law Enforcement about Food Heath

  12. 行政执法监督体制的制度分析

    System Analysis of the Supervising Regime of Administrative Enforcement of Law

  13. 论青海省水行政执法建设

    Talk about Construction of Water Administrative Law Enforcing in Qinghai Province

  14. 四是完善环保行政执法监督体系;

    Fourthly , perfect the supervision system of executive law enforcement ;

  15. 现在环境行政执法尚存在不少问题。

    At present , there are many problems in it .

  16. 加大水行政执法力度的三要点

    Three important points of increasing water administration execution law strength

  17. 加强农村行政执法实现农村依法行政

    Strengthen the execution of rural law administration and realize administration by law

  18. 司法程序与行政执法

    The judicial process and the public security administrative law enforcement

  19. 我国现阶段行政执法刍议

    An Analysis of the Present Law Enforcement of Administration in Our Country

  20. 消防行政执法改革探讨

    The study on the reform of fire administrative law enforcement

  21. 税务行政执法承诺制度研究

    Study on the Promise System of Taxation Administrative Law Enforcement

  22. 行政执法基本原则释义

    On the Basic Principles of the Administrative Enforcement of Law

  23. 论行政执法过错责任追究制的完善

    On the Perfection of the Fault Responsibility Investigation in Administrative Law Enforcement

  24. 中国环境行政执法能力建设现状调查与问题分析

    Survey on the Capacity of Environmental Administrative Enforcement in China

  25. 法律解释在海关行政执法中的现实命运

    The Practical Situation of Legal Interpretation in Customs Executive Administration

  26. 认真抓好三项建设搞好煤矿安全监察行政执法

    Promote the administrative law enforcement of coal mine safety supervision

  27. 产品质量行政执法责任制探讨

    Study on the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution Law of Product Quality

  28. 消防行政执法自由裁量权初探

    Primary Exploration of Right of Discretion for Fire Fighting Administrative Law Enforcement

  29. 完善我国农业行政执法体系的对策

    Measures of the Improvement on China Agriculture Administrative Execution System

  30. 实行行政执法过错责任追究制度。

    Implementing an investigation system for mis-enforcement of administrative law .