
  • 网络Creative personality;personality in composition
  1. 她的创作个性鲜明、艺术风格独特。

    Her writing is of idiosyncrasy with a unique artistic style .

  2. 摘要贾岛无疑是一位创作个性十分鲜明的诗人。

    Undoubtedly , Jia Dao was a poet with distinct individual character .

  3. 沈从文与师陀都是自觉追求创作个性的作家。

    Such creative individuality is the product of v.

  4. 创作个性是作家区别于其他作家的独创性。

    The creation individuality is the originality that one writer distinguishes from other writers .

  5. 作家的创作个性是形成作品风格的最主要的决定因素。

    The author 's creative personality is the decisive factor in his style formation .

  6. 这部分中着重对创作个性与性格、气质的关系,创作个性与风格之关系,创作个性与共性的关系进行讨论。

    This part mainly discusses the relationship between uniqueness and character , disposition and style .

  7. 湘西怀旧与沈从文创作个性的文化建构

    Shen Cong-wen 's Xiangxi nostalgia with creative personality from the text of the cultural construct

  8. 赵季平的音乐作品具有浓郁的民族风格,深刻体现了作品的时代性、民族性和自己的创作个性。

    His works are characterized by strong national flavor , contemporary spirits and his own personalities .

  9. 学院水墨画家立足当代,以多种方式创作个性风格的语言形式。

    Institute of Contemporary painter based , personalized writing style in many ways the language of form .

  10. 艺术风格是作家创作个性的折射,是作家作品艺术上成熟的重要标志。

    Arsthetic style reflects a writer 's personality in creation and symbol of maturity for writer and works .

  11. 通过科学家发现个性与艺术家创作个性相交融,来培养学生的健全人格。

    Get sound personalities by connecting the way of the scientists ' finding and the artists ' creating .

  12. 新生代作家毕飞宇因自己鲜明的创作个性而受到文坛关注。

    Cenozoic writer Bi Feiyu attracts wide attention of the literary world because of his distinct creation individuality .

  13. 在中国二十世纪文学史上,丁玲是一位有着自己独特创作个性的作家。

    In the Chinese literature history of twenty centuries , Dingling is a writer that has especial writing style .

  14. 在中国现代文坛上,张天翼是一个有着鲜明创作个性的作家。

    In the Chinese modern literary arena , Zhang Tianyi is the one has the bright creation individuality writer .

  15. 实践表明,对激发学生对油画学习兴趣、基本技能掌握起到很好促进作用,也为学生创作个性及绘画意识培养、提高学生综合素质方面予以尝试。

    Practice shows that the two modles can create the the improve their basic technical abilities and enhance their all-round qualities .

  16. 创作个性是文学风格的基础,是文学风格成熟的根本标志。

    The individual characteristic of creating is a foundation of the literature style and a basic sign of literature with ripe style .

  17. 延安文学体制对作家控制较严,限制了作家的创造性和创作个性,使得作家创作存在很大的局限性。

    It controls the writer strictly , limits the creation and character of the writer , and makes the writer creations limited .

  18. 萧乾在中国现代文学史上是一位创作个性鲜明,创作风格独特的作家。

    Xiao Qian is a writer characterized by his unique writing style and vivid individuality of characters in modern Chinese literary history .

  19. 京派小说是中国现代文学史上有着鲜明的艺术追求和创作个性的小说流派。

    The Beijing school novels were a fiction sect with a distinctive art pursuit and creative individuality in the modern Chinese literature history .

  20. 倡导风格的多元化,既是艺术家创作个性的需要,也是艺术自身新陈代谢的需求。

    Initiating the pluralism of art style is the need of the art itself metabolism as well as the need of the art creation .

  21. 主体个性创作个性文学风格,这是文学风格攀升的三个阶段。

    In the paper , the author regards that subjective character , writing character and literary style are three stages of literary style development .

  22. 对诗歌题材意蕴的延伸与深化,既体现诗人的创作个性,又可见其在文学史上的地位。

    Extending and deepening the meaning of poetry subject represents not only the personality of poet but also his status in the history of literature .

  23. 本文就这一现象以油画创作个性作切入点,将从四部分分析创作个性的当代意义,首先,谈谈油画创作个性的涵义及形成。

    This article analyses the contemporary significance in oil-painting from four aspects . Firstly , probe into the connotation and formation of uniqueness in oil-painting .

  24. 他的音乐作品轮廓清晰冼练,结构均衡;风格优雅、精炼;有着独特的创作个性与鲜明的艺术特色。

    His music is clear outline , the structural balance ; elegant style , refining and has a unique creative and distinctive artistic personality characteristics .

  25. 毕飞宇是一位以塑造女性形象而被人们所熟知的男性作家,且是一位有着独特创作个性的当代作家。

    As a contemporary male writer , Bi Feiyu is well-known to shape the female images in his writings , which reflect his uniquely creative personality .

  26. 老舍以其鲜明的创作个性和独特的艺术风格,尤其是他的幽默艺术,丰富了中国文学的宝库。

    With the clear cut creative individuality and quite special characteristics of art , especially his humorous art , Lao She has enriched the treasury of Chinese literature .

  27. 苏轼散文的语言特色与创作个性,在语言上,注重平易自然,明快畅达,但又不乏活泼生动,圆畅流美;

    The language characteristics and styles of Su Shi 's prose are as follows : the language is not only simple and brief , but also vivid and beautiful ;

  28. 叶赛宁是一位独特的俄罗斯抒情诗人,其作品既有浓郁的时代色彩和民族风格,又有鲜明的创作个性。

    Yecenin is a unique Russian lyric poet , whose works are full of features of times , of the style of nationality , and of distinct creative personality .

  29. 家族小说叙述方式的转换,既表现了作家的创作个性和个体选择,又反映了特定的文化语境对家族小说创作的深刻影响。

    The transformation of narration mode of family novels not only represents the authors ' individuality and choice , but also reflects the profound influence of specific cultural surroundings .

  30. 在中外文化交流大潮的激荡下,岭南近代诗人群体禀具了创作个性新质、人格素养新质和文学观念新质。

    Pushed by the comprehensive Sino-Foreign cultural exchanges the poets of the Lingnan school have demonstrated in their works new qualities of individuality , personality and new literary concepts .