
  • 网络creationism;Creation ex nihilo;protology
  1. 格雷戈里等研究人员认为,虔诚的创世论者不约而同地利用“垃圾DNA”观念中的最新变化,这绝非偶然,他们这是试图让时间倒退回达尔文时代之前。

    It 's no coincidence , researchers like Gregory argue , that bona fide creationists have used recent changes in the thinking about junk DNA to try to turn back the clock to the days before Darwin .

  2. 从创世论与进化论之争来看归纳方法在科学发现中的重要性

    The Importance of Induction-Looking from the Argument between the Creation Science and the Theory of Evolution

  3. 主体性原则是在反对中世纪宗教哲学上帝创世论中逐步确立起来的,主体原则、真理原则是其基本特征。

    It is essential and urgent , on terms of theory and practice , to probe the subjective principle of dealing with the relation of .

  4. 当时她对试图调和生物、地质等学科与圣经字面解释的“创世论科学”产生了兴趣。

    At that time , she tried to reconcile the biological , geological sciences and the literal interpretation of the Bible , the " Creation Science " interest .

  5. 当人们开始假定地球不是宇宙的中心时,对七天创世论和上帝创造地球的角色的怀疑开始抬头。

    When people starting postulating that the Earth was not the center of the universe , it gave way to the rise in questioning the idea of a seven-day creation and God 's role in creating the Earth .

  6. 这其中有深刻的社会历史原因,本文对这些原因进行探究,并指出长达一个多世纪的创世论与进化论的斗争至今仍未停息,这充分说明这场斗争的长期性、复杂性。

    This paper made exploration into these reasons , and pointed out that the conflicts between Creationism and Evolutionism that had continued for more than a century so far still exists , this fully explains the complexity of this struggle .

  7. 检讨中西方文化传统中创世说和创作论的异同,寻求不同文化框架中不同的创造模式。

    This articls aims at examining the similarities and differences between artistic and cosmic creation in the Chinese and Western cultural traditions in order to discover models of artistic creation in these different cultural contexts .

  8. 目前有争议的是,这份听似无伤大雅法案是否真的为教师在讲授科学课程时向学生灌输创世说和智慧设计论开了后门。

    At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms .

  9. 之前许多州法庭和联邦法庭的判例不但禁止在公立学校中讲授创世说和智慧设计论,还不允许教师违反学区课程规定讲述任何反对进化论的观点。

    Many state and federal court cases have not only prohibited the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public-school classrooms , but have also restrained teachers from introducing arguments against evolution in contravention of a school district 's curriculum .