
  • 网络salvation;Soteriology;Doctrine of Salvation
  1. 这与他们在救赎论上是不是加尔文主义无关,而是跟他们的末世论有关。

    This was not an issue as to whether they were Calvinistic in their soteriology , but an issue over their eschatology .

  2. 现代性文化救赎论是最流行的现代性问题的叙说方式之一。

    The theory of modernity cultural salvation is one of the most fashionable narratives concerning modernity .

  3. 审美救赎论不仅仅代表一种观点,而是代表一个思想谱系。

    Aesthetic Salvation is on behalf of an ideological spectrum rather than just being a point of view .

  4. 我个人认为若系统化的时代论即使被正确的理解,也需要在以神为中心和加尔文的救赎论神学喜爱才能够产生逻辑上的意义。

    I personally think that if systematic Dispensationalism is rightly understood then it still logically makes sense only within a theocentric and soteriologically Calvinists theology .

  5. 本部分首先分析了基督教原罪理论的基本特征,指出原罪论包含了基督教神学思想史上的三个方面的重要内容,即:自由意志说、罪与恶的观念、救赎论。

    It analyses the basic characteristics of the including three aspects i.e. the theory of free will , the notion on sin and evil and theory of salvation and ransom .

  6. 审美救赎论是西方思想史上一个重要的美学理论,它是人们对现代性困境的一种回应和反思,对当代美学理论和艺术实践都产生过重大而深远的影响。

    As an important aesthetic theory in the history of Western thought , Aesthetic Salvation is a response , as well a reflection to the dilemma of modernity . It has produced significant and profound impact on contemporary aesthetic theory and artistic practice .

  7. 文章从系统神学的原罪论、救赎论和末世论等方面对该音乐作品的思想内涵作了初步探讨。基督教原罪论对现代刑法的启蒙

    The article discussed implied meaning of the work on the aspect of systematic theology such as the theory of original sin , atone , last phase of an age and so on . Enlightenment of the Original Sin Doctrine in Christianity to the Modern Criminal Law System

  8. 从苦难走向救赎&论余华小说主题话语的升华

    From Suffering to Salvation & On the theme of Yu Hua 's Novels

  9. 生命悲剧的审美救赎&论尼采的审美人生观

    The Aesthetic Redemption of Tragic Life & On Nietzsche 's Aesthetic Philosophy of Life

  10. 罪恶与救赎&论莎士比亚戏剧与基督教对人的本质理解之异同

    Crime and Redemption : Different Understandings of the Nature of Human in Shakespearean Drama and Christianity

  11. 以写实方式展开对苦难的叙述、追溯和救赎&论余华长篇小说《活着》

    The realistic approach of the narration , redemption and retrospective of misery of the long novel on living by yuhua ;

  12. 华兹华斯的《湖区指南》与审美趣味之提升从苦难走向救赎&论余华小说主题话语的升华

    Wordsworth 's Guide to the Lakes and Exalting People 's Taste From Suffering to Salvation & On the theme of Yu Hua 's Novels

  13. 主客体辩证法:文化工业的颠覆与救赎&论中介范畴在阿多诺文化工业批判理论体系中的意义

    Dialectic of Subject and Object : the Overturn and Building of Culture Industry & On the Meaning of Medium in the Adorno 's Culture Industry

  14. 死亡的救赎之曲&论陶渊明的挽歌创作

    Songs of Redemption from Death & Study on the Elegies of Tao Yuanming

  15. 原罪说、救赎说以及末世论,以罪为核心揭示了基督教教义中有关人的历史生成的理论,其中包含着堕落下降式辩证法;

    The doctrine of " Shi " reveals the theory of man 's historical development and contains a " falling " dialectic .