
jiù shēnɡ quān
  • life buoy;ring buoy;lifebelt;cork hoop
救生圈 [jiù shēng quān]
  • [life ring] 圆圈形救生用具,以软木或其它浮力材料制成

  1. 确实,多亏了那只橡皮救生圈,他才保住性命。

    Really , he owed his life to the rubber buoy .

  2. 于是我就把救生圈拿着,就走了。

    I put with a life buoy , and left .

  3. Eoin:一句话,我认为他们是救生圈。

    Eoin : In a word , I think they 're lifesavers .

  4. 那种情形会像大象钻进救生圈一样。

    It would be like an elephant getting into a life-raft .

  5. 它们看起来像救生圈,约翰逊说。

    They look just like life-savers , @ Johnson said .

  6. 幽默是生活波涛中的救生圈。

    Humorous is lives in the mighty waves life-saving jacket .

  7. 还在学游泳的孩子们正抓住救生圈在游。

    The children still learning to swim are holding on to floats .

  8. 能产生橙色烟雾,供白昼使用,并连附于救生圈上。

    Produces orange smoke for daylight use and combined with the lifebuoy .

  9. SGML:在电子文档海洋中的救生圈

    SGML : A lifesaver in a sea of electronic documents

  10. 请把我轮所有的救生圈重新油漆。

    Please repaint all the life buoys of our ship .

  11. 我的名字叫“O”,大O是大大的救生圈!

    My name is " O ", I 'm the big life buoy !

  12. 把救生圈抛给正在挣扎的游泳者;

    Threw the life preserver to the struggling swimmer ;

  13. 形状像小救生圈的糖果。

    A candy shaped like a small life saver .

  14. 我说它是安全的,因为我有一个救生圈。

    I said it would be safe because I had a life buoy .

  15. 值班驾驶员:抛下驾驶台左翼“人员落水”救生圈。

    OOW : Drop the port bridge wing " man over-board " lifebuoy .

  16. 看到他在挣扎,我给他扔了一个救生圈过去。

    I threw a life buoy to him when I saw his struggling .

  17. 一辆由救生圈等物件改装成的水上单车漂浮在半空。

    Three Gorges-Bicycle A water-bicycle made from life rings float in the air .

  18. 发现一个爱好,活动或兴趣可以成为我们生活中的救生圈。

    Finding a hobby , activity , or interest can be a life saver .

  19. 狂热的救生圈爱好者能做出什么举动?

    Lifebuoy fanatical fans can make any actions ?

  20. 一水:救生圈已抛入水中。

    AB : Lifebuoy dropped in water .

  21. 我的孩子在救生圈里面。

    My children are in that boat .

  22. 她抓住了救生圈!

    She grasps the life buoy !

  23. 除非套着救生圈

    Unless there were floaties involved .

  24. 如果不是那个孩子紧紧抓住了救生圈,他就会被大海浪吞没了。

    The big waves might have drowned the child D.had he not held fast to the lifeboat .

  25. 救生圈自发烟雾信号

    Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal

  26. 改进结构的救生圈,属于水上救生用品领域。

    The utility model relates to a structure-improved life ring , belonging to field of water life-saving supplies .

  27. 当然。而且还给顾客提供救生圈,泳镜和其他用品。

    Of course . Also , patrons are provided with flotation devices , swimming goggles , and other equipment .

  28. 他们脱下衣服跳进水中,围着她先前注意到的那个救生圈游起泳来。

    They stripped off their clothing and jumped in the water tom around the buoy she had just noticed .

  29. 玩完后,我们又到游泳池。戴上救生圈跟海豚一起玩。

    After that , we go to the swimming pool . We wear the life buoy and play with the dolphins .

  30. 她朝窗外望去,看到湖面上漂着一个以前从没见过的救生圈。

    As she looked out of the window she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before .