
jiù shì zhǔ
  • savior;the Saviour;Messiah;the Redeemer
救世主 [jiù shì zhǔ]
  • [the Saviour;the Redeemer] 基督徒对耶酥的称呼。基督教认为上帝的儿子耶稣的降生是为了拯救世人

救世主[jiù shì zhǔ]
  1. 当代资本主义的救世主&约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯

    The saviour of Modern Capitalism & John Maynard keynes

  2. 耶稣被尊称为救世主。

    Jesus Christ is styled the Saviour .

  3. 这个异教团体的领袖把自己看作救世主一般的人物。

    The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure .

  4. 冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。

    He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah .

  5. 选举没有救世主

    No saviours are on the ballot .

  6. 我把他当作救世主。

    I regarded him as the Christ .

  7. 他那雄心勃勃、覆盖全球而且资金雄厚的开放社会基金会(OpenSocietyfoundation),引起了批评家对他的指责,被指患有救世主情结。

    The ambitious , global reach of his richly funded Open Society foundation has prompted some critics to accuse him of suffering from a Messiah complex .

  8. 政府则任命了罗恩·布鲁姆(RonBloom)扮演汽车业救世主的角色,这个强硬的家伙但公平的重组高手将带来震撼。

    The appointment of savior du jour , Ron Bloom , the tough , but fair restructuring guru who will shake the trees .

  9. 电子文档交换(EDI)将是系统的救世主和森林的保护神。

    Electronic document interchange ( EDI ) was going to be the savior of our systems and protector of our forests .

  10. 这一次,阿根廷国家队的救世主不再是利昂内尔·梅西(LionelMessi)。

    And for once it wasn 't Lionel Messi who was his national team 's savior .

  11. 只要轻轻一点击鼠标,任何一个商人都可以与一个拥有无数潜在用户的惊人的市场联系在一起。然而,Internet不是救世主,开展网络营销依然需要扎实的营销功底,艰苦的营销工作。

    So long as gently hitting the mouse , any businessman can contact with the striking markets which possess innumerable latent consumers But Internet isn Christ , developing online marketing still needs the well-knit basic skill of marketing and hard work of management .

  12. 卡梅隆对白人救世主寓言的运用并不是《阿凡达Avatar》全球大热的原因。

    Cameron 's handling of the White Messiah fable is not the reason " Avatar " is such a huge global hit .

  13. 每个时代都出产它自己的寓言,我们的时代似乎已产生了白人救世主(Messiah)寓言。

    Every age produces its own sort of fables , and our age seems to have produced The White Messiah fable .

  14. 他将那些把SSRI类药物当成救世主的说法贬斥为“生物噪音”。

    He has dismissed the notion of S.S.R.I.s as saviors as " bio-babble . "

  15. 与此同时,Schuler一方正在寻找救世主。

    Meanwhile , Mr Schuler 's crowd are looking for a white knight .

  16. 凯特尼斯由富于狡黠魅力的詹妮弗·劳伦斯(JenniferLawrence)饰演,这个来自边远地区的救世主自然也在这一部中开始同压迫势力作战。

    And it 's there , of course , in Katniss , the backwoods savior who , as played with guileless appeal by Jennifer Lawrence , is mounting an attack on the forces of oppression .

  17. 对纽约来说是自由女神像(StatueofLiberty),巴黎是埃菲尔铁塔(EiffelTower),里约热内卢有救世主耶稣雕像(ChristtheRedeemer),日本首都东京现在则依靠其新建的高耸入云的晴空塔(Skytree)来吸引游客。

    For New York it 's the Statue of Liberty , for Paris it 's the Eiffel Tower , Rio de Janeiro has the statue of Christ the Redeemer and Tokyo is now banking on its soaring new Skytree to bring in visitors .

  18. 出租车运营商联盟TaxiDeutschland在法兰克福法庭对Uber提起了诉讼,指责Uber“把自己‘装扮成’一家初创企业,以新经济救世主的身份进行自我推销”,同时损害了公共利益。

    Taxi Deutschland , the consortium of taxi operators that brought the Frankfurt case , accuses Uber of " [ wrapping ] itself in a start-up look and selling itself as a new economy saviour " while hurting the public good .

  19. 为了的的确确地发掘出Tassadar的故事以及他为了Protoss人民而成为黎明救世主的天性,我们对这份大纲进行了不少处理。

    We 've done a number of outline treatments on it to really dig out Tassadar 's story , and Tassadar 's nature as this kind of Twilight Messiah for the protoss people .

  20. 救世主和我们的小姑娘都在爱中坠落。

    Their Savior and our little girl are falling in love .

  21. 其中之一就是上去下来的救世主形象。

    One of them is the descending and ascending redeemer figure .

  22. 你说这世界不需要救世主。

    You wrote that the world doesn 't need a savior .

  23. 在我们的历史里,我们受到过不少假救世主的侵扰。

    In our history we have been plagued with false messiahs .

  24. 一个让所有人都相信他是救世主的男人。

    One man to convince the people he is their messiah .

  25. 他的笔就是人类和各个民族的救世主。

    The pen is the great liberator of men and nations .

  26. 最重要的是他们有一个救世主也就是宗教领袖

    but ultimately they have the Messiah , the religious leader ,

  27. 象征着救世主的第二次到来。

    Is a sign of the second coming of the christ .

  28. 这是我们亲爱的救世主的降生之夜。

    It is the night of our dear Saviour 's birth .

  29. 救世主学到了有关飞爪的生动的一课。

    The chosen one learned a valuable lesson about iron claws .

  30. 如何让救世主尝尝我的禁果呢

    How to get this savior to taste my forbidden fruit .