
zhōnɡ ɡuó fó jiào
  • Chinese Buddhism
  1. 《中国佛教史籍概论》史学价值三题

    About the Historical Values of The Outline of Chinese Buddhism History

  2. 论荷花情结对中国佛教文化的审美观照

    Aesthetic Reflection of " Lotus Complex " on Chinese Buddhism Culture

  3. 中国佛教因果报应说的理论特色

    The Theoretical Features of Chinese Buddhist Retribution Say " Preface "

  4. 略论中国佛教音乐系统的形成

    A Brief Comment on the Formation of Chinese Buddhist Music System

  5. 天台宗与禅宗是中国佛教的两个重要宗派。

    Tiantai and Chan are two important factions of Chinese buddhist .

  6. 简论中国佛教伦理对国民伦理精神的积极意义

    On the Positive Significance of Chinese Buddhist Ethics to Chinese Ethics

  7. 中国佛教的文化景观

    China 's Buddhist Cultural Landscape The Landscape Culture of Revolution Sites

  8. 再次,阐述了中国佛教孝道思想的历史作用与现代价值。

    Finally , its historical functions and modern value are also illustrated .

  9. 中国佛教史学发展至宋代,出现了繁荣的局面。

    Chinese Buddhism historiography has presented the prosperous situation until Song Dynasty .

  10. 中国佛教传入日本,对日本文化产生了巨大的影响。

    The spreading of Chinese Buddhism has influenced the Japanese culture greatly .

  11. 关于英文导游准确传导中国佛教文化的研究

    On English Tour Guides ' Proper Introduction to the Chinese Buddhist Culture

  12. 中国佛教寺庙空间的意境塑造

    The Moulding of the Artistic Conception of the Chinese Buddhism Temples Space

  13. 论中国佛教伦理的理论基础

    On the Theoretical Basis for the Buddhist Morals of China

  14. 论终南山中国佛教祖庭文化区创意

    On the Conception of Developing Chinese Buddhist Culture District in Mountain Zhongnan

  15. 中国佛教建筑的时代特点与发展趋势展望

    Era Characteristic and Development Trend of China Buddhism Building Prospect

  16. 这在中国佛教寺院的修建中是罕见的。

    This Buddhist temple in China 's construction was rare .

  17. 这也是明清时期中国佛教发展特色的典型代表。

    This was a typical characteristics-of Chinese Buddhism in the Ming-Qing dynasties .

  18. 中国佛教戒律之孝道观念

    The Notion of Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism Doctrine

  19. 在道德实践的方式上,中国佛教伦理与儒家伦理都是通过内在自觉与外在约束相统一的方式,即自律与他律相结合的方式实践道德。

    In practical pattern , both depend on internal consciousness and external binding .

  20. 中国佛教文化的基本精神如何?

    What is the essence of Chinese Buddhist culture ?

  21. 略论中国佛教的世俗化与人间佛教

    Secularization of Chinese Buddhism and ″ Mundane Buddhism ″

  22. 中国佛教人文精神的圆融特性及其当代意义

    The Perfect Syncretism in Chinese Buddhist Humanism and Its Significance in Contemporary Times

  23. 南京牛首山是中国佛教名山之一。

    Niushou Mountain in Nanjing is a sacred mountain in China 's Buddhism .

  24. 中国佛教直觉思维的历史演变

    Historical Transformations of Intuitive Thinking in Chinese Buddhism The History of Taishan Mountain

  25. 中国佛教艺术的产生与兴盛

    The Advent and Flourish of Buddhist Art in China

  26. 中国佛教伦理的社会意义

    The Social Significance of the Ethic of Chinese Buddhism

  27. 论中国佛教的慈悲精神及其现实意义

    Talking About the Mercy Spirit of China 's Buddhism and Its Modern Meaning

  28. 中国佛教思想究竟有哪些特点?

    What characteristics does Chinese Buddhist thought possess ?

  29. 中国佛教阐释学研究:佛经的汉译

    A Study on Buddhist Hermeneutics in Ancient China : Chinese Translation of Buddhist Sutra

  30. 中国佛教对近代科学主义的回应

    The Response of Chinese Buddhism to Modern Scientism