
  • Chinglish;Chinese English;China English;Chinese English or Chinglish
  1. 根据受试所犯的错误,本研究把这些错误分为五大类:本体错误、词汇错误、语法错误、语篇错误和中国式英语。

    Errors learners made in these writings are classified into five main categories : substance errors , lexical errors , grammatical errors , discourse errors and Chinglish .

  2. GLM认为,当两种鲜活的语言碰撞时,中国式英语遣词造句的技巧应该值得庆祝。

    As two vibrant tongues collide , the verbal gymnastics of Chinglish should be celebrated , GLM argued .

  3. 从中国式英语看母语的负迁移

    Chinese English ( Chinglish ) and the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue

  4. 中国式英语:变体透视

    Chinese English : Perspective in Variety of English to Chinglish

  5. 教师应提高英语发音的正确性,避免中国式英语。

    The teachers should improve their pronunciation of English and avoid Chinese-style English .

  6. 中西方文化赋予中国式英语的特殊意义

    Specific Meanings of Chinese-style English under the Influence of Chinese and English Culture

  7. 英汉思维模式差异&中国式英语形成的根本原因

    The Difference Between English and Chinese Mode of Thinking & Basic Reason for Chinglish

  8. 非英语专业学生中国式英语探究

    Analysis of Chinglish Committed by Non-English Majors

  9. 作为中国式英语的原型,洋泾浜英语这个术语来源于英语中生意一词的中国式错发音。

    This proto-Chinglish term pidgin originated as a Chinese mispronunciation of the English word business .

  10. 从中国式英语到标准英语英汉经济类语篇篇章结构模式之比较研究

    Organizational Patterns of English and Chinese Texts for Business and Economics : A Contrastive Study

  11. 本从中国式英语的实例来分析以下英汉语言差异:(1)简洁与复杂;

    Cultural difference between Chinese and English is one of the reasons for Chinese English .

  12. 纪韶融:中国式英语不仅仅是不正确的英语,它是有中国特色的英语。

    Oliver : Chinglish is not solely incorrect English ; it is English with Chinese characteristics .

  13. 中国式英语浅析

    On the Nature of China English

  14. 在以教授英美规范英语为既定目标的英语教学实践中,中国式英语被视为不利于对外交际和文化交流的畸形英语。

    It is viewed as unacceptable or incompatible in English teaching with the intention of teaching Standard English .

  15. 从中国式英语到标准英语

    From Chinglish to English

  16. 此外,本文旨在指出中国式英语和中国英语一样有其积极的意义。

    Furthermore , the thesis aims at making people know the positive meaning of both Chinese English and China English .

  17. 但今天,我们以“真爱”之名,请求缪斯暂且容忍以下荒诞的“中国式英语”。

    However , in the name of true LOVE , we beg Muse for a pardon on this Valentine 's Day .

  18. 中国式英语的本质便是受母语(汉语)影响的中介变异体,它具有其内在的规律性和体系的完整性。

    The essence of Chinglish is intermediated variance affected by native tone ( Chinese ), which has its internal regularity and systematic integrality .

  19. 中国式英语的形成有诸多方面的原因,而英汉思维模式的差异则是根本的原因。

    There are many reasons for Chinglish , however , the difference between English and Chinese mode of thinking is the basic reason .

  20. 本文旨在通过发现并描写中国式英语现象,为教师提供研究学生的学习过程、学习策略和学习步骤等方面的相关资料,从而为帮助学生克服中国式英语倾向,真正掌握规范英语作有益的探索。

    The identification and explanation of Chinglish errors provide information about the learning processes , learning strategies and learning procedures of Chinese students learning English .

  21. 中国式英语是一种畸形的英语,它的存在是我国跨文化交际中的一块绊脚石,严重地影响到我国与英语国家的交往,影响了对外宣传的效果。

    Chinese-style English is abnormal English and is obstacle in international communication and has bad effect on communication with English-spoken countries and on foreign propaganda .

  22. 此外,关于中国式英语、写作流程、不同文体类型创作的思维方法,您也能获得其相关知识。

    In the following part , you can observe the knowledge of Chinglish , the process to compose , different ways to extend your ideas in various genres .

  23. 本文探讨的中国式英语是中国大学生在英语写作中受母语负迁移的影响而拼造出来的语法正确但不合英语语义规范或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。

    Chinglish discussed here is influenced by the negative transfer from the native language , semantically ill-formed but syntactically well-formed in English compositions written by Chinese university students .

  24. 本文研究了中国式英语向中国英语的转化和转化条件。

    This study is carried out so as to know the process of the transformation from Chinese English to China English , and the conditions of the transformation .

  25. 也是写出中国式英语的一个重要原因。本文分析了一部分中英文化中的语言文化思维深层次上的差异,希望对提高跨文化交流,提高语言实践技能,改进教学内容与方法有所启示。

    The paper analyzes the thinking differences in language and culture between English and Chinese in the hope to promote the cross-culture communication , improve language skills , perfect the teaching contents and methods .

  26. 对中国式英语和中国英语的研究应当动态地看待两者,其关键是理解从中国式英语向中国英语的有限转化。

    Study of Chinese English and China English shall be based on dynamic look at both of them , and the key of the study is understanding the limited transformation from Chinese English to China English .

  27. 中国式英语是英语教学中的一个语言学术语,是中国的英语学习者在未掌握规范英语前所使用的介于本族语和目的语之间的过渡语体系。

    Chinglish , a linguistic term used in English teaching , is a system of interlanguage between Chinese mother tongue and English target language used by English learners of Chinese when they haven 't mastered Standard English .

  28. 近年来,许多学者从多个方面研究了中国式英语和中国英语,并得出结论说中国英语是可被接受的而中国式英语则应当被摒弃。

    Recent years , many scholars did researches and studies in many ways on the differences between Chinese English and China English , and they concluded that China English is accepted while Chinese English is on the contrary .

  29. 为了帮助学生最大可能地减少中国式英语的出现,文章从跨文化意识、思维模式、目的语的输入和写作评估四个方面提出了英语写作教学策略,以提高学生英语写作水平。

    Teaching strategies are suggested from the aspects of intercultural awareness , mode of thinking , input of target language and writing assessment , so as to help students to be very likely to avoid Chinglish in writing and promote writing skill .

  30. 中国式英语现象是个十分复杂的课题,但是,无论如何,从母语语言及文化方面的负迁移着手来系统、深入地探讨中国式英语现象不但具有可操作性,而且有着十分重大的现实意义。

    The " Chinglish " is a very complicated matter for study , however , it is not only feasible but also of practical significance to discuss the subject systematically from the perspective of negative transfer in terms of language and culture .