
  1. 杨吴与中原王朝及周边割据政权关系述略

    On Relationship of Yang-Wu and Central Plains Dynasty and Neighbouring Separate Regimes

  2. 新疆与历代中原王朝政治关系的计量分析

    A Computation Analysis on the Political Relation between Xinjiang and Dynasties of China 's Inner Plains

  3. 《史记》所见匈奴和中原王朝的关系

    Viewing the Relations between Huns and the Central Plains Through " Records of the Grand Historian "

  4. 这一次征服是中原王朝第一次与南越人交手。

    This time to conquer the Central Plains Dynasty is the first time dealing with the South Vietnamese people .

  5. 秦置巴、蜀两郡之后,西南地区开始正式归属于中原王朝的管理之下。

    After Qin dynasty setted Ba and Shu states , this area became one part of the Chinese dynasty .

  6. 中原王朝的文化优势对北方的少数民族政权的避讳产生了决定性的影响。

    Central Plains culture dynasty of the northern edge of the taboo of the minority regime had a decisive impact .

  7. 这就使得以中原王朝为中心的东亚国际秩序面临着重新调整而趋于复杂化。

    Thus , the international order centering on Central Plain Dynasties became more complicated as it was confronted with readjustment .

  8. 敦煌的归义军时期,相当于中原王朝的晚唐五代宋初。

    The Gui-Yi-Jun period of Dunhuang lasted from the Late Tang , the Five Dynasties until the Early Song periods .

  9. 这在整个朝鲜半岛与中原王朝的关系中是非常特殊的一次,也是绝无仅有的一次。

    This is a very special relationship of the entire Corean peninsula and the Central Plains , is also unique .

  10. 二,十国与中原王朝政治关系的差异性。

    Second , the discrepancy in the political relations between the Ten Kingdoms and the imperial court of the central plains ;

  11. 中原王朝为完全垄断茶叶贸易,对茶叶实行官营官运专销。

    Central Plains for a complete monopoly of tea trade , and transportation officials to implement government-run specialty retailer of tea .

  12. 本文以五代时期十国与中原王朝的政治关系为研究对象。

    This text regards political relation between ten countries and Central Plains imperial courts of Five Dynasty period as the research object .

  13. 随着中国经济文化发展显著,世界各地从事各行各业的外国人开始涌向这个中央王国(译注:明清以来西方国家对中华地区政权或者中原王朝的称呼)。

    As China 's economy and culturalprominence grows , expats from around the world and all walks of life flock tothe Middle Kingdom .

  14. 在中原王朝体制之下,明清两朝政府加强了军事上和行政上的管理,并实行开海贸易。

    Under traditional dynasty system , central government strengthened military and executive administration , and decided to open ban on marine trade restrictedly .

  15. 民族政权是少数民族经济、文化发展的必然产物,它的产生具有自然环境、经济、文化、军事、中原王朝国力的变化、外来影响等多方面的因素。

    China 's political power of minority Nationalities is the outcome of its economic and culture development , Its emergence has many factors .

  16. 从秦朝开始,潮州地区就与整个岭南地区一起,归属中原王朝的政治“版图”。

    Since the Qin Dynasty , Chaozhou and the whole Lingnan region had been under the administration of the Northern Dynasties of China .

  17. 从秦汉到唐代,对于中原王朝来说,主要的威胁来自西北地区。

    For the Central Plains , from the Qin and Han to the Tang Dynasty , the main threat came from the Northwest Territories .

  18. 在较长的历史时期内,叆河流域并未受到中原王朝的重视,发展相对滞后。

    In the long historical period , Aihe has not received the area south of Yellow River dynasty the value , the development relative lag .

  19. 而辽金王朝和人民在不断地与中原王朝和人民的交往中,学习中原的先进事物,用以发展自己,则是辽金强大的源泉之一。

    And it is the continuous contacting with and learning from the Center Plains that enable the Kin Dynasty to develop fast and become powerful .

  20. 夏、商、周三代,泰山就已被中原王朝所熟知,但还只是东方地区的一座大山。

    Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties , Tarzan Central Plains had been known , but it is only the East region of a mountain .

  21. 论魏晋十六国时期中原王朝对西域的管辖经营

    The Administering and Management of the Western Regions by the Central Courts in the Time of the Wei and Jing Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties

  22. 前者是遭到中原王朝的反复打击,后者与中原王朝虽有摩擦但主流是扶持其发展。

    The former is the Central Plains Dynasty by repeated blows , the latter with the Central Plains Dynasty friction but the mainstream is the support of .

  23. 汉晋时期,东北亚地区基本上纳入了中原王朝的大一统之下,但西晋王朝崩溃后,历史发生了划时代的变革。

    During the dynasties of Han and Jin , Northeastern Asia was almost unified , but since the fall of the west Jin Dynasty , history has changed greatly .

  24. 杜佑按照各个民族和地区的发展历史沿革,系统地介绍各个民族的发展历史和同中原王朝的交往历史。

    Du accordance with the development of countries and nations History , systematic introduction to the development of countries and nations History and history of contacts with the Central Plains .

  25. 在课程内容的整体框架上,可按云南古代自身政治格局的演变以及与中原王朝政治关系的演变为依据划分为四个历史发展阶段。

    According to the evolutionary of ancient Yunnan ′ s politics and relationship between it and the Central Plains Dynasties , the course content can be divided into four historical phases .

  26. 在对外政策上,奉行臣属中原王朝、结交与国、对抗吴&南唐的政策,与契丹政权也有往来。

    In foreign policy , they pursued a policy that submitted itself the rule of Central Plains Dynasties , made friendly relation with other regimes and resisted Wu and Nan Tang .

  27. 敦煌作为中原王朝统治的一个军事重镇,它的祖根在中原腹地,中原的物质文化、制度文化、精神文化在这里传播是情理之中的。

    Secondly , as an military garrison post that been dominated by central plains dynasty , The material culture , system culture and spirit culture of central plains come here are reasonable .

  28. 朝鲜半岛三国鼎立期间,原本国力孱弱的新罗,主动加强与中原王朝的联系,为日后统一三国奠定了基础。

    During the tripartite balance of the three kingdoms on the Korean peninsula . Power weak Silla Initiatives to strengthen the links with Tang Dynasty laying a foundation for future unified three kingdoms .

  29. 中原王朝对西北边疆的治理是横亘中国历史的一大课题。对边疆治理的研究,历史悠远,中外皆然。

    In Chinese feodal history , it is a big project for all the Central Empires that how to administer its borderland in the northwest , and the study about it is faraway .

  30. 从而考量北方游牧民族与中原王朝的联合程度,由此得出甘青地区及边疆发展史的一些基本规律。

    The degree of unity between northern nomadic ethnic groups and dynasties ruling China Proper is measured to deduce some basic rules in the development history of the region and related frontier areas .