
  • CCTV;China Central Television;Chinese Central Television
  1. 官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV,该台更为人熟知的是角色是北京方面的宣传渠道)正力求发展一个国际网络,使该台的电视剧和新闻节目传播至非洲、中东和美国。

    China 's state broadcaster CCTV , better known as a conduit for Beijing 's propaganda efforts , is aiming to grow an international network to carry its soap operas and news in Africa , the Middle East and the US .

  2. 1986年10月1日,这部连续剧在中国中央电视台首播。

    The series was first broadcast on CCTV in China on Oct 1 , 1986 .

  3. 至少在周三晚间中国中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)播放的采访视频中,地产大亨、微博名人潘石屹在回答问题时就显得有些费力。

    Evidence of just how jittery at least one of them is arrived on Wednesday night , when state-run China Central Television broadcast footage of real estate mogul and microblogging megastar Pan Shiyi struggling to answers questions in an interview .

  4. Hukou(户口)的中文意思是户籍登记,该词已被新华社和中国中央电视台所广泛采用。

    Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used by Xinhua news agency and China Central Television .

  5. 中国中央电视台(CCTV)又一次将进口汽车定价问题置于显微镜下,但至少有一家外资汽车生产商为自己的定价策略辩护。

    China Central Television is once again putting the cost of imported cars under a microscope , but at least one brand is standing by its pricing .

  6. 定西市市长唐晓明告诉中国中央电视台(CCTV),在岷县及该市南部多个农村地区均有伤亡报告。

    The deaths and injuries were reported in Min County and other rural southern parts of the municipality , Dingxi mayor Tang Xiaoming told state broadcaster CCTV .

  7. 在中国中央电视台(CCTV)播出的一段视频中,人们可以看到木板内饰的法庭,墙壁是深褐色的,木椅是深色的,天花板很高。

    A short video by CCTV , the main state broadcaster , showed a wood-panelled courtroom with dark brown walls , dark wooden seats and very high ceilings .

  8. 但是,官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV)指控星巴克在华暴利坑人,咖啡价格比美国高出大约三分之一。

    But China Central Television , the official state broadcaster , has accused it of swindling consumers by charging about a third more than it does in the US .

  9. 中国中央电视台(cctv)现场直播了那场赛事,在加拿大主导的冰壶界,这也激起了一些人对于中国冰壶运动市场潜力的念想。

    The event was shown live on Chinese Central Television , sparking dreams among some in the canada-dominated curling community about the potential of the China market for the sport .

  10. 仓储成本去年提高了23%。而在中国中央电视台(CCTV)做广告的成本自2007年以来已提高了近50%。

    Warehousing cost was up 23 per cent last year , while the cost for advertising on CCTV , the national broadcaster , has risen almost 50 per cent since 2007 .

  11. 几十人挤在只有一台电视机一个电视台&中国中央电视台(CCTV)的单身宿舍里,还不熟悉电视评论员和插播的商业广告,一直在等待着朱建华。

    Dozens of students crammed into a single dorm with a TV , and CCTV , not yet dexterous with talking heads or commercial breaks , kept us waiting for Zhu Jianhua .

  12. 由于中国中央电视台(CCTV)体育解说员杨健在北京一个奥运报道论坛上的报料,刘翔成为最新一位站上中国阴谋论风口浪尖的人物。

    Liu is the latest to top the country 's conspiracy charts , thanks to a revelation at an Olympics reporting forum in Beijing from China Central Television sports anchor Yang Jian .

  13. 根据2017年中国中央电视台的报道,J-20能够装载多种型号的空对空导弹。

    According to a 2017 report from China Central Television Station , the J-20 is capable of carrying multiple types of air-to-air missiles .

  14. 对于同样的开幕式场景及其文化展示,中国中央电视台与美国NBC电视台的开幕式解说词的语言风格却截然不同。

    However , to the same scenes and culture show , the language styles of commentaries of China Central Television ( CCTV ) and National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) were totally different .

  15. 李青在中国中央电视台(CCTV)的新闻节目中称:在互联网接入这个市场上,中国电信和中国联通合在一起占有三分之二以上的市场份额。

    In the market for internet access , China Telecom and China Unicom combined account for more than two-thirds of the market , Ms Li said on a news programme on China Central Television , the national broadcaster .

  16. 中国中央电视台(CCTV)这周另外又播出了多位消费者的投诉,称宝马汽车公司(BMWAG)、奥迪(Audi)和戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)生产的豪华汽车所使用的降噪减震阻尼片会散发出对消费者健康有害的异味。

    China Central Television this week broadcast separate complaints claiming luxury autos made by BMW AG , Audi and Daimler AG reduced cabin noise and absorbed vibration with materials it said emitted fumes that were harmful to consumer health .

  17. 中国中央电视台(cctv)昨日援引开罗中国大使馆的消息报道称,一家建筑公司雇用的20多名中国人被西奈半岛的一个当地人团体绑架。

    China Central Television , the national broadcaster , yesterday quoted the Chinese Embassy in Cairo as saying more than 20 Chinese employed by a construction company had been taken hostage by a group of locals in the Sinai region .

  18. 我在我家里的电视上接上了“中国中央电视台国际频道”,我每天晚上都看。

    On my TV I get CCTV INTERNATIONAL and see it every evening .

  19. 云波:是中国中央电视台的简称。

    Yunbo : China Central Television . It 's our national television station .

  20. 它是中国中央电视台的缩写。

    It 's the abbreviation of China Central Television .

  21. 据中国中央电视台报道,近年来中韩两国的旅游交流发展迅速。

    Tourism exchanges between China and South Korea have grown rapidly in recent years .

  22. 1991年,他进入了中国中央电视台,担任编剧和导演。

    In 1991 , he joined China Central Television as a writer and director .

  23. 中国中央电视台报道,初步调查,该疑似爆炸案系人为造成的刑事案件。

    China Central Television saida preliminary investigation shows Monday 's event was a man-made criminal undertaking .

  24. 本届电视节将由中国中央电视台主办,若干地方电视台协办

    The TV festival will be sponsored by China central television and assisted by some local television stations

  25. 《大国崛起》一片由中国中央电视台委托中视传媒有限公司制作。

    " The Rise of Nations " is a CCTV production , in association with CTV Media .

  26. 据中国中央电视台的报道,这个手术的完整结果还有待观察。

    CCTV notes that the full results of this surgery won 't be available for some time .

  27. 今年早些时候,中国中央电视台向全国现场直播了北京奥运会志愿者制服的推介活动。中国中央电视台有能力接触到10亿多观众。

    Being China 's national broadcaster , CCTV has the ability to reach more than one billion viewers .

  28. 六天以后,中国中央电视台播放了一组不寻常的对李启明和其父亲的采访。

    Six days later , state broadcaster China Central Television aired an unusual pair of interviews with Li and his father .

  29. 报告说该电视节目是《焦点访谈》,一档在中国中央电视台备受关注的节目。

    The reports said the TV program was Topics in Focus , one of the most-watched shows on China Central Television .

  30. 本周一,中国中央电视台报道称,北京环球影城度假区将于9月20日正式开园。

    Universal Studios ' Beijing resort will officially open on Sept. 20 , China 's state broadcaster CCTV said on Monday .