
  • 网络Supervolcano;super volcano;super-volcano;volcan super
  1. 过去两百二十万年中,这座超级火山有过三次爆发记录。

    There have been three eruptions from this super volcano in the past 2.2 million years .

  2. 美国黄石国家公园里就有一座活的超级火山。

    One active volcano is in Yellowstone National Park in the United States .

  3. 黄石公园的超级火山毫无征兆的爆发。

    The Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano erupts without warning .

  4. 仅有的全球范围的剧烈变动,不过是由大的陨石撞击或超级火山喷发所引起。

    The only abrupt worldwide change would have been major asteroid impacts or volcanic super-eruptions .

  5. 而是让我们灭绝的会是下一次巨型流星撞击地球,还是超级火山爆发,

    merely whether we 're going to get taken out by the next killer asteroid , supervolcano

  6. 同时,《超级火山》也怀疑人类是否能渡过此劫。

    Also , Super Volcanoes wonders if the human race would be able to live through this disaster .

  7. 爆发力非常强,造成数十亿人死亡甚至更多人死亡,可以毁坏整个大陆的叫超级火山。

    But super volcanoes are highly explosive and can kill billions of people and even destroy an entire continent .

  8. 近三十年来,在少数已知的超级火山中,科学家发现其中一座就藏在黄石公园地底下。

    In the last 30 years , scientists have discovered that underneath Yellowstone is one of the few known super volcanoes .

  9. 冰岛发现了令旅游业迅速发展的秘密:先来一场巨型金融大崩溃,再来一次超级火山大爆发。

    Iceland has discovered the secret to a booming tourist industry : First have a mammoth financial implosion , then an enormous volcanic explosion .

  10. 古代东加尼福利亚这场超级火山喷发形成了长谷火山口--约20英里长,11英里宽。

    The ancient super-eruption in eastern California formed the Long Valley Caldera - a feature that is nearly 20 miles long and 11 miles wide .

  11. 通过对加利福尼亚主教凝灰岩(76万年前此地曾发生过一场超级火山喷发)浮石中的石英晶体进行显微分析,研究者们确定了这一结论。

    Researchers have determined this based on a microscopic analysis of quartz crystals in pumice from the Bishop Tuff in California , the site of a super-eruption 760000 years ago .

  12. 如果超级火山喷发即将发生,那么该爆炸将喷射出足够多的火山灰到大气之中,从而扰乱接下来多年的天气,有可能会造成饥荒、健康危机和全球动乱。

    If a super-eruption were to occur , the blast would launch enough ash into the atmosphere to disrupt weather for years to follow , potentially causing famine , health crisis , and global civil unrest .