
  • 网络superatom;Superatoms
  1. 超原子价键碳化合物的合成

    The Synthesis of Hypervalent Bond Carbon Compound Super Acids

  2. 德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mottinsulator状态的量子相变。

    A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice .

  3. 第一章简述了超冷原子物理的研究进展与超冷原子的实验制备方法,重点介绍了超冷费米原子气体在BCS-BEC过渡区域的本质及相关性质。

    In Chapter ⅰ, we introduce the research progress of ultracold atom physics and experimental methods on ultracold atoms , especially important properties of BCS-BEC crossover .

  4. 超形变原子核全同带的判断与角动量增量顺排量子化

    Criterion of Identical Bands and Quantization of Incremental Alignments in Superdeformed Nuclei

  5. 超冷原子&分子暗态的绝热性和稳定性

    Adiabaticity and Stability of the Ultracold Atom-molecule Dark State

  6. 目前,人们一般借助外场把超冷原子耦合起来获得冷分子。

    Currently , the ultracold molecules are generally obtained by coupling atoms in external fields .

  7. 超冷原子气体温度测量方法的探讨

    Temperature Measurement of Ultra - Cold Atoms

  8. 单个二能级超冷原子在多个单模腔场间的共振隧穿和光子辐射

    Resonant tunneling and photon emission of an ultracold two-level atom passing through multi single-mode cavity fields

  9. 三轴超形变原子核的预言

    Prediction of triaxial superdeformed nuclei

  10. 超形变原子核的研究是原子核结构领域的重要前沿。

    Considerable efforts for nuclear structure studies have been intensively devoted to the superdeformed ( SD ) nuclei .

  11. 原子芯片提供了一个稳定、精确且功能强大的实验平台来制备和操纵中性超冷原子。

    Atom chip offers a robust , scaleable and accurate platform that is used to manipulate neutral atoms .

  12. 超冷原子气体的研究有助于人们理解量子多体系统的物理本质。

    Research of the ultra-cold atom gas can help us to understand the nature of quantum many-body system .

  13. 碱金属原子玻色爱因斯坦凝聚的成功实现推动了超冷原子物理的巨大发展。

    The realization of Bose-Einstein condensed in alkali metal atoms brought about a great advance in ultracold atom physics .

  14. 在超冷原子碰撞中,原子的碰撞截面研究是一个热门的研究课题。

    The atom collisional cross section is a more popular research topic in the field of ultracold atom collision physics .

  15. 介绍了在准二维磁光阱(2D+MOT)中获得超冷原子的实验装置及结果。

    The setup and the experiment of a quasi two dimension magnetic optical trap ( MOT ) are introduced in the paper .

  16. 对超冷原子气体的研究是近年来凝聚态物理和原子物理的热点之一。

    Ultra cold atomic gas is one of the most exciting research areas in condensed matter and atomic physics in recent years .

  17. 综述了冷原子束或超冷原子束产生的基本原理、方法和实验结果及其最新进展。

    The basic principles , methods and experimental results on the generation of cold or ultracold atomic beams and their recent progresses are reviewed .

  18. 可以将此技术作为标准方法测量超冷原子的碰撞截面。

    This technique can be a normative method to acquire collision cross sections of ultracold atoms with other background gases in the further work .

  19. 简并费米气体和稀薄碱金属玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的实现为超冷原子的研究开辟了新的方向。

    The realization of degenerate fermion gas and the BEC of dilute alkalis metal atoms open up a new direction for the study of ultra-cold atom .

  20. 而利用外电磁场控制超冷原子之间相互作用已经成为研究原子和分子量子基本特性的一个重要手段。

    Moreover , for investi-gating the fundamental behavior of quantum matter , using external electromagnetic field to control the interaction between ultracold atoms has become a essential method .

  21. 近年来在凝聚态物理的冷原子领域中,理论和实验都对准一维强相互作用的超冷原子体系进行了深入广泛的研究。

    In recent years in the field of condensed matter physics of cold atoms , one-dimensional strongly interacting ultra-cold atom systems have attracted extensive research interests both in theories and experiments .

  22. 我们的设计方案为模拟二维自旋阻挫模型提供了一个合适的平台。3.我们提出了一个通过态依赖光晶格模拟超冷原子隧穿阻挫的普适方法。

    Our design thus offers a suitable setup for simulation of frustrated spin systems . 3 . We propose a general method to realize frustrated tunneling of ultracold atoms in a state-dependent optical lattice .

  23. 利用改进型的键参数拓扑指数′H,分析了超导体晶胞原子与次级晶胞原子间的相互作用对临界温度的影响。

    The improved molecular topological indes ' H_ ( th ) was advanced to analyse the effect of atomic interaction between cell and secondary cell on critical temperature Tc of superconductors .

  24. 本文理论上计算了铯里德堡原子的Stark结构和长程相互作用势,实验上以冷原子为样品,通过两步激发产生超冷里德堡原子。

    In this thesis , The Stark structures and the potential of interactions of Cs Rydberg atoms are calculated theoretically . We obtained the ultracold Rydberg atoms by two-steps exciting cold atomic sample .

  25. 由序参量的自洽方程发现,在具有排斥两体相互作用的超冷费米原子气体中,原子的BCS转变不可能发生。

    From the self consistent equations , we have found that BCS condensation of atoms can 't occur in such a repulsive two body interaction Fermi gas of atoms .

  26. 超流费米原子气体中的集体激发及其相互作用研究

    Investigations on Collective Excitations and Their Interactions of Superfluid Atomic Fermi Gases

  27. 用于铬原子光刻的超高真空原子源的研制

    Development of Ultra-high Vacuum Chromium Atomic Sources in Atom Lithography

  28. 超流费米原子气体的动力学自旋结构因子的研究

    Spin Responses of a Superfluid Fermi Gas of Atoms

  29. 半无限超晶格的原子均方位移

    Mean-square displacements of atoms in a semi-infinite superlattice

  30. 超低成本原子灰专用树脂的制备

    Preparation of Low Cost Proprietary Resin for Putties