
  • 网络Supermassive Black Hole;SMBH
  1. 科学家认为超大质量黑洞周围在X射线中明亮闪耀。

    Scientists believe that areas around supermassive black holes shine brightly in X-rays .

  2. 加州理工的天文学家E·施特尔·菲尼(E.SterlPhinney)是超大质量黑洞领域的专家,目前在荷兰的内梅亨大学(RadboudUniversity)休学术假。他认为海曼的模型能够解释这颗类星体的闪动。

    E. Sterl Phinney , a Caltech astronomer and expert on supermassive black holes currently on sabbatical at Radboud University in the Netherlands , agreed that Dr. Haiman 's model explains the quasar variations .

  3. 对银河系中心超大质量黑洞候选体SgrA~的VLBI观测研究

    VLBI observations of SGR a ~ : a supermassive black hole candidate at the Galactic Centre

  4. 基于搜集的405个源的样本,本文应用了三种不同的计算方法:即ReverberationMapping方法、利用恒星弥散速度、利用短时标光变,分类讨论了其中心超大质量黑洞的质量;

    On the basis of 405 collected AGN_S samples , here we have adopted three different methods to analyse the masses of the super massive black hole . They included : the reverberation mapping method , the stellar velocity method , and the short time scale method .

  5. 她进一步解释道,当两个巨大的星系融合之时,其中的超大质量黑洞也开始结合成一个黑洞。

    When two big galaxies merge , she explains , their supermassive black holes combine .

  6. 最新研究表明:超大质量黑洞的旋转速度接近光速。

    Supermassive black holes spin at speeds approaching the speed of light , new research suggests .

  7. 这些研究暗示,并非所有超大质量黑洞都是在类星体时代形成。

    This research suggests that not all supermassive black holes were formed in the quasar era .

  8. 现在人们已经普遍相信,几乎在每一个星系中央都存在着一个超大质量黑洞。

    It is widely believed that a super massive black holes lies in the center of every galaxy .

  9. 范登柏希特别著迷于盘形星系与星系中心超大质量黑洞的形成过程。

    Van den Bosch is particularly intrigued by the formation of disk galaxies and of massive black holes in galactic centers .

  10. 先前仅仅只认为超大质量黑洞才能制造这些高速恒星。

    Previously , only the supermassive black hole there was thought to be able to produce these " hypervelocity " stars .

  11. 不过他也表示,找到距离如此相近的一对超大质量黑洞令人意外。

    But it was surprising , he said , to find a pair of supermassive black holes that have gotten so close .

  12. 位在个别星系核心的超大质量黑洞,未来也会聚成单个更大质量的黑洞。

    The two supermassive black holes in the original galactic cores will also coalesce into a single , even more massive black hole .

  13. 这一邻近星系被明亮的宇宙物质构成的光晕围绕,我们的目光被吸引到了它的内部,那里潜伏着超大质量黑洞。

    Following its halo of illuminated cosmic matter , this neighbouring galaxy draws the eye inward toward a supermassive black hole lurking within .

  14. 但是,目前仍活跃的超大质量黑洞,其行为模式与遥远的类星体并不相同。

    The supermassive black holes that are still active , however , do not exhibit the same behavioral patterns as the distant quasars .

  15. 因为对当时的望远镜而言,一群紧密的年轻恒星和超新星破片,看起来就像是颗超大质量黑洞。

    To the telescopes of the day , a tight knot of young stars and supernova debris would look just like a supermassive black hole .

  16. 我们已经透过重力影响,侦测到蛰伏的超大质量黑洞。这架望远镜能够侦测到体积比地球还小的系外行星。

    These dormant supermassive black holes have indeed been detected through their gravitational influence . It should be capable of detecting exoplanets smaller than the Earth .

  17. 科学家们认为这些圆环结构可能来自超大质量黑洞碰撞产生的强大,并且大部分显示各向同性的能量爆发。

    The scientists think that these circles stem from the results of collisions between supermassive black holes that released huge , mostly isotropic bursts of energy .

  18. 这就是所谓的活动星系核,有些人认为这是超大质量黑洞存在的最有力的证据。

    This is what 's known as an active galactic nucleus , and some consider it the strongest proof for the existence of supermassive black holes .

  19. 太阳形成于大约45亿年前,距离位于星系中心的超大质量黑洞约2.6万光年。

    The sun , located roughly 26000 light years from the supermassive black hole residing at the center of the galaxy , formed about 4.5 billion years ago .

  20. 过去的这个冬天,加州理工的一群天文学家发布论文称,一对超大质量黑洞似乎在朝着灾难性碰撞的轨迹运行,而这种碰撞可能会宣告该星系的落幕。

    Last winter a team of Caltech astronomers reported that a pair of supermassive black holes appeared to be spiraling together toward a cataclysmic collision that could bring down the curtains in that galaxy .

  21. 不过,如果没有与星体或星际气体之间的相互牵引,超大质量黑洞不能靠近到能迅速走向碰撞的地步,而这种现象被称为“最后的秒差距”问题(秒差距是天文学距离单位,1秒差距等于3.26光年)。

    But without gravitational interactions with stars or interstellar gas , supermassive black holes can 't get close enough to each other to go into a rapid death spiral , a situation known as the " final parsec " problem . ( A parsec is the astronomical standard of distance , 3.26 light-years . )

  22. 这个新发现的天体叫做HLX-1,是首个显示为中等质量的黑洞,介于恒星质量的黑洞和超大质量的黑洞之间。

    The newly discovered object , called HLX-1 , is the first to show an intermediate weight between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes .

  23. “如果两个星系碰撞和每个人都拥有一个超大质量的黑洞,应当有两个黑洞的时候,作为活动星系核转,说:”作者之一理查德Mushotzky,天文学教授UMCP。

    " If two galaxies collide and each possesses a supermassive black hole , there should be times when both black holes switch on as AGN ," said coauthor Richard Mushotzky , professor of astronomy at UMCP .

  24. 通常,每个星系包含在其中心超大质量的黑洞。

    Normally , each galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its centre .

  25. 在星系核中有一个超大质量的黑洞。

    At the core lies a supermassive black hole .

  26. 但是,许多星系,包括银河系在内的主机超大质量的黑洞还不会产生类星体。

    But many galaxies including the Milky Way host supermassive black holes yet don 't generate quasars .

  27. 我研究耀变体,超大质量活跃黑洞,它们位于巨大星系的中心,

    I study blazars , supermassive , hyperactive black holes that sit at the centers of massive galaxies