
  • 网络superstring;Superstring Theory;string theory;The Theory of Everything
  1. 非对易几何由Connes在数学中发展起来,近年由Witten等人引入超弦理论,由于背景场的效应在卜膜上坐标间是不可交换的。

    THE noncommutative geometry is developed by A. Connes in mathematics and introduced into superstring theory by E.

  2. 由于结构更为复杂,不变本征算符的构造通常需要针对系统的具体结构来进行。四、非对易空间中的量子力学(NCQM)最近引起了超弦理论领域物理学家们的兴趣。

    Owing to the complication forms , the constructing of eigen-operators have to be determined basing on particular of the Hamiltonians . 4 . Recently physicists working on superstring theory paid much attention to the quantum mechanics on non-commutative spaces ( NCQM ) .

  3. 近年超弦理论、圈量子引力的进展表明时空在Planck尺度下是不连续的。

    In recent years , the progress of superstring and loop quantum gravity indicate that spacetime is not continuous at the Planck scales .

  4. 统一、超对称、超弦理论与万物至理

    Unification , supersymmetry , superstring theory and theory of everything

  5. 到目前为止,只有超弦理论能解决这个关键问题。

    So far , only superstring theory can solve this key problem .

  6. 超弦理论与物质的统一性和可分性

    The superstring theory and the unity , divisibility of matter

  7. 超弦理论中的宇宙波函数

    Wave function of the universe in the superstring theory

  8. 超弦理论中的可能性时间?又如何?

    What about time & timelines of possibility ?

  9. 超弦理论的过去和现在

    Past and present of superstring theory

  10. 超弦理论的几个方向

    A few directions in string theory

  11. 第六讲超弦理论与宇宙学的挑战

    Challenges in string theory and cosmology

  12. 他是一个对超弦理论持反对意见的人,由于这个理论的缺乏实验可以证实的猜测。

    Glashow is a notable skeptic of superstring theory due to its lack of experimentally testable predictions .

  13. 超弦理论概述

    The Outline of Superstring Theory

  14. 文章以超弦理论为基础,详细阐述了引力的本质和作用机理。

    Based on the superstring theory , this article specifically introduces gravitational nature and mechanism of action .

  15. 但超弦理论在实验基础方面的不足,又使我们不能不立足于量子描述。

    However , superstring theory is not sufficient in experiments so that we have to base on quantum description .

  16. 但是如果超弦理论真的是爱因斯坦的失踪万物论的继承者,那么它就得通过一个测试。

    But if String Theory was to become Einstein 's missing theory of everything it would have to pass one test .

  17. 超弦理论是如此具有煽动性并且又带着几分神秘感,所以这一理论马上给人的感觉就是完美的万物论。

    String theory was so provocative and downright weird that it immediately began to sound like a perfect theory of everything .

  18. 虽然超弦理论现在仍处于迅速发展阶段,但是这个理论的基本核心已经确立。

    Although superstring theory is still in a state of rapid development , the essence of the theory is now well established .

  19. 另一方面,这样的解释也和最近在超弦理论中提出的可能存在无限大维度的思想相一致。

    On the other hand , the explanation accords with the recent idea that there may exist large extra dimensions in superstring theory .

  20. 超弦理论研究是一项蓬勃发展的研究领域,它将重力引入量子框架,戴维?格罗斯为这一研究做出了开创性的贡献。

    He has also made seminal contributions to the theory of Superstrings , a burgeoning enterprise that brings gravity into the quantum framework .

  21. 然而,由于利害关系如此之高,这并没有阻止试图解决超弦理论的物理学家团队进取。

    However , since the stakes are so high , that hasn 't stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory .

  22. AdS/CFT对偶关系给出了全息原理应用的一个实例,它有助于我们了解强子物理,以及超弦理论的诸多方面。

    AdS / CFT is a realization of the holographic principle , which is advantageous to us for understanding hadron physics and many respects of superstring .

  23. 根据超弦理论,我们的宇宙是11维的,创意领袖兰鸿波思考,如何把意识也纳入到这个大统一理论中去呢?

    According to string theory , our universe is11 dimensional . Leadingidea ( Lidea ) Lan Hongbo thinks how to consciousness into the grand unification theory ?

  24. 超弦理论从根本上改变了人们对时空的看法,时空在弦论中只是一种宏观体现。

    Space-time has become an emergent concept in string theory , but we still lack a fundamental formulation of string theory in a time dependent background .

  25. 中医缓脉、滑脉、弦脉定义和脉图识别的探讨超弦理论

    Research on definitions of the normal pulse , the sliding pulse and the choral pulse and the pulse graph recognition in the traditional Chinese medicine superstring theory

  26. 毫不奇怪,第十届维超弦理论的数学是惊人美丽以及残酷复杂的,并通过数学界发出冲击波。

    Not surprisingly , the mathematics of the10th dimensional superstring is breathtakingly beautiful as well as brutally complex , and has sent shock waves through the mathematics community .

  27. 在超弦理论可以解释通过假定亚原子粒子的共振或其实只是一个微小的弦振动的亚原子物理学的神秘量子法则。

    The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string .

  28. 简述目前超弦理论中比较受到研究者较多关注的几个方向,特别是超弦宇宙学以及观测宇宙学的最新进展对理论提出的挑战。

    A few active directions in string theory are described in this paper , in particular , string cosmology and challenges to theorists posed by recent results in observational cosmology .

  29. 使用从超弦理论激发的伸缩子与胶子耦合的有效理论得出的重夸克反夸克势,研究了重夸克反夸克系统的自旋平均能级。

    Using the heavy quark antiquark potential which emerges from an effective dilaton gluon coupling inspired by the superstring theory , we study the energy levels of heavy quark antiquark systems .

  30. 当代分形几何学以及超弦理论进一步揭示了时空结构的多层级缠绕、跌宕起伏的不规则、非均匀、非连续、非光滑的分维特征。

    Furthermore , the present fractals as well as " super-string theory " further reveal fractal characteristic of the multiplayer wind , flowing rhythm irregular , heterogeneous , discrete , not smooth of space-time structure .