
  • 网络transcendentals;Transcendental number
  1. 是一个无理数,也是一个超越数。

    Is an irrational number , also is a transcendental number .

  2. 关于超越数的一些性质

    A Note on Some Properties of Transcendental Number

  3. 代数系数幂级数在超越数上值的代数无关性

    Algebraic Independence of Values of Power Series with Algebraic Coefficients at Transcendental Numbers

  4. 现在,这是六分之一,但是,我知道我不想要任何的超越数。

    Now , this is supposed to be one sixth , but I know I don 't want any transcendental numbers here .

  5. 本文证明了某些具有代数系数的无穷乘积和幂级数定义的函数在某些代数数和超越数上值的代数无关性。

    In this note the algebraic independence of values of certain functions defined by infinite products and power series with algebraic coefficients at certain algebraic and transcendental numbers is given .

  6. 本文证明了一类具有代数系数的幂级数在超越数上值约代数无关性.结论:加替沙星试验制剂与参比制剂具有相似约代动力学特征,具有生物等效性,为生物等效制剂。

    In this note the algebraic independence of values of a set of power series with algebraic coefficients at transcendental numbers is given . CONCLUSIONS : Gatifloxacin tests and reference have same pharmacokinetic characteristics and were bioequivalent .

  7. 这是超越其时间数光年的奇观。

    It 's a spectacle light-years ahead of its time .

  8. 这些目标都被实现并且超越了。带动数个后续项目,包括实现完全便携式版本和增加高级交通堵塞管理的特性。

    These goals were met and exceeded , spawning several follow-on projects involving the implementation of a fully portable version and the addition of advanced congestion management features .