
shì chǎnɡ huà
  • marketize
  1. 市场化要求优化现有的期限结构、所有权结构、品种结构、利率结构等

    It requires consummating the structures of deadline , ownership variety and interest rate .

  2. 持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境

    Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented , law-based , and internationalized business environment .

  3. 业化环境治理企业以市场化方式引入环境污染治理领域,特别是在污水处理和城市垃圾处理领域。”

    een major investors13 in the environmental sector , but in the future market-oriented investment will rise , especially in areas such as wastewater treatment and the disposal of trash in cities . "

  4. WTO对中国体育市场化改革的冲击和影响

    Research on WTO 's concussion and influence on the reform of Chinese sports market

  5. 加入WTO有利于加快我国市场化改革的进程和有利于解决我国市场化进程中的深层次矛盾。

    Join WTO was beneficial to make China 's market reform faster and solve the deep level contradictories .

  6. 市场化发行方式与我国IPO定价效率的关系研究

    Marketization issuing mode and China IPO pricing efficiency 's relation research

  7. 电力工业的市场化改革突出了市场清算价格(MCP)预测的重要性。

    Reforms of power industry have made market clearing price ( MCP ) forecasting more important .

  8. 首先,要树立适合WTO规则的教育理念,包括教育市场化观念、服务观念、国际标准观念、教育竞争观念等。

    First , we should set the proper conception of instruction adapting the rules of WTO , including the educational market concept , service concept , international standard concept , and compete concept .

  9. 加入WTO之后对外贸易的市场化和自由化程度也将进一步提高,对我国经济增长的推动作用是全面和深远的。

    With China 's entry to the WTO , the market orientation and liberalization of foreign trade will be improved further , and the promotion effect of foreign trade on economic growth is comprehensive and far-reaching .

  10. 随着国企经营的市场化、国际化,特别是中国加入WTO后,人力资本已经成为企业之间竞争核心。谁在人才的竞争中取得优势,谁就有可能在经济发展中占主导地位。

    With the development of the State Owned Enterprise ( SOE ) towards market-orientation and internationalization , especially after China 's entry into WTO , human resources has become the core of competition among the enterprises .

  11. 当前中国,正处于城市化加速发展时期,在加入WTO之后更加融入全球经济一体化的浪潮中,并且市场化改革的领域进一步拓宽,这些都是城市经营理念在中国迅速传播的时代背景。

    China is experiencing the accelerating urbanization and China further melts into the tide of globalization after joining WTO , accordingly China is widening the field of market-oriented reformation , and these factors are the background of urban management spread in China .

  12. 随着WTO的加入,我国市场化程度将进一步提高,民族企业要在更加激烈的竞争中生存和发展,惟有创立国内、国际知名品牌,树立品牌战略思想。

    Along with the entry of WTO , our marketing extent will further step up . To surrive and develop in the more intense competition , enterprises only have to establish either national or international famous brards and form brand strategy ideology .

  13. 特别是加入我国加入WTO之后,面对国际上激烈的竞争如何在保障消费者生命、财产安全的同时,又保持我国经济市场化建设的快速步伐,是我国产品责任法律制度的特殊立法背景。

    Especially after entering WTO , facing on keen international competition , it is our country 's special legislation background of our product liability law that how to safeguard the security of consumers'life and property , also maintain the fast step of market economy construction .

  14. 关于购销市场化改革后粮食若干问题的思考

    After the Reform of Grain Marketing System : Some New Problems

  15. 利率市场化与中国的外汇管理

    Market orientation of interest rate and foreign exchange management in China

  16. 利率市场化过程的风险机制探析

    To the Risk Mechanism in the Marketing Process of Interest Rate

  17. 发现高油价下,市场化国家和地区炼油毛利基本是增加的;

    In highly market-economic courtiers , refining margin is basically increase .

  18. 利率市场化是金融发展的客观要求。“二战”以来,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,大都经历了一个从利率管制到市场化的体制变迁过程。

    Interest rate liberalization is the objective request for financial development .

  19. 市场化进程中的制度相容

    Co-Existence of Systems in the Process of Moving towards Market Economy

  20. 加快建立市场化的人力资源管理体系

    Expediting the Establishment of the Market-oriented Managerial System of Human Resources

  21. 我国市场化改革与城镇居民收入分配

    China 's Market Transition and the Income Distribution in Urban Residents

  22. 调整营销思路,促进企业文化市场化;

    Readjust marketing strategy , promote the marketization of enterprise culture ;

  23. 基于平均利润率的中国市场化改革绩效分析

    Analysis of China market reform performance basing on average interest rate

  24. 重庆市城市污染治理市场化的对策建议

    Strategic Proposals for the Marketability of Municipal Pollution Treatment in Chongqing Municipality

  25. 确定成本约束下学费、财政经费的市场化互补模型&向成本补偿本义的回归

    Market - Directed Complementary Model on Restriction of Fixed Cost

  26. 公立高等教育筹资市场化:国际比较的观点

    The Marketing-tendency in Funding Public Universities A International Comparative View

  27. 我国职业篮球联赛的市场化经营因素分析及对应策略研究

    Study on Problem Existed in CBA and the Legend 's Marketing Strategy

  28. 对民航机票定价市场化的理论思考

    A Theoretical Reflection on Marketization of Civil Airplane Ticket Price

  29. 以市场化取向推进农村金融改革

    Speed Up the Reform of Rural Finance by Market Mechanism

  30. 包装设计的个性化与市场化

    The Research on the individuality and marketability of package design