
  • 网络Competition;market competition;marketplace;marketcompetition
  1. 石油市场竞争非常激烈。

    There is intense competition in the oil market .

  2. 随着电信市场竞争的加剧,全球固话业务被移动分流

    Along with the accelerated competition in telecom market , mobile services divests part of fixed telephone services .

  3. 现在这家公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。

    The company is now well positioned to compete in foreign markets .

  4. 公司必须有能力在市场竞争中生存下去。

    Companies must be able to survive in the marketplace .

  5. 由于市场竞争激烈,银行不得不去讨好投资者。

    The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market

  6. 利用Internet开展远程服务正逐渐成为制造企业适应市场竞争和赢得客户的迫切需求。

    Owing to the competitive market and customers , to develop teleservice on Internet environment becomes the urgent demands for manufacturing enterprises .

  7. 加入WTO后,我国众多行业参与国际化的大市场竞争。

    Almost all the professions in our country will compete with international enterprises after we come into WTO .

  8. 加入WTO后,WTO的最惠国待遇、国民待遇、透明度等基本原则都要求完善公平的市场竞争机制。

    After China entering the WTO , the basic principles of the WTO requires perfect and fair market competing system .

  9. 中国C2C电子商务企业市场竞争战略研究

    China C2C E-commerce Enterprise 's Market Competition Strategic Research

  10. 伴随着世界经济一体化,市场竞争全球化的大趋势,尤其是我国加入WTO以后,企业间的竞争越来越激烈,企业竞争力己成为一个迫切需要研究的课题。

    With the integration of the world economy and the globalization of the market competition , especially after Chinese WTO entry , the competition becomes more and more vigorous .

  11. 随着市场竞争日益激烈,管理会计系统(MAS)在企业中得到广泛应用。

    With the market competition increasingly intensifying , management accounting system ( MAS ) is widely used in enterprises .

  12. 移动数据业务是3G运营商参与市场竞争的重要差异化服务之一。

    Mobile data services are one of the important differentiation advantages which the3G operators take to participate in the market competition in China .

  13. 对于已经加入WTO的中国企业而言,越来越激烈的市场竞争是我们认识到,过去被忽视的采购管理也可以成为企业的一个重要的竞争武器。

    Since entered WTO , more and more furious market competition makes Chinese enterprises aware that purchasing management what used to be ignored can also be an important instrument to compete .

  14. 因此,在第三代移动通信系统(3G)的市场竞争中,未来采用TD-SCDMA技术和设备的移动通信运营商具有明显优势。

    In the future , all these benefits will give mobile communication operators using TD-SCDMA equipment obvious advantage in the competitive 3G wireless market .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO,每个国内企业,特别是象钢铁企业这样的高新技术企业,没有技术创新便很难立足于激烈的市场竞争。

    With the accession to the WTO , any domestic enterprise , especially high-tech enterprise such as the iron and steel enterprise , is difficult to survive the fierce market competition without technical innovation .

  16. 随着WTO的加入,飞机维修业作为最早对外资开放的行业,已经成为业界瞩目的焦点,国内飞机维修市场竞争将日益激烈。

    With the joining of WTO , the plane maintenance industry is as the trade open to foreign capitals first , becoming the focus that industry attract attention , it will be fierce day by day that the domestic plane maintains the market competition .

  17. 打造企业核心竞争力培育市场竞争优势

    Creating the Enterprise Core Competitiveness and Cultivating the Market Competitive Superiority

  18. 企业破产是市场竞争的结果。

    The enterprise bankruptcy is the result of competition for market .

  19. 确立市场竞争机制,实施不对称监管。

    Establish the market competition mechanism , implement asymmetric regulation .

  20. 马克思市场竞争理论及其时代价值研究

    On Marx Market Competition Theory and Its Contemporary Value Research

  21. 山西焦煤集团市场竞争战略分析与选择

    Shanxi Coking Coal Group Market Competitive Strategy Analysis and Choice

  22. 优化国内市场竞争结构;

    Thirdly , optimize the competition structure of domestic structure .

  23. 利益细分:企业在市场竞争中制胜的法宝

    Benefit Segmentation : An Important Weapon for Enterprises in the Competitive Market

  24. 价格波动、市场竞争与实物期权价值评估

    Price Uncertainty , Competition and the Value of Real Options

  25. 国内烧碱市场竞争态势分析

    Analysis on the competitive situation of domestic caustic soda market

  26. 军队医院参与医疗市场竞争的公关方式

    Public Relation Ways of Military Hospital in Medical Market Competition

  27. 发展竞争情报技术赢得市场竞争优势

    Developing Competitive Intelligence Technology to Gain Market Competitive Advantage

  28. 加强工程造价管理增强市场竞争能力

    Strengthening engineering cost management to increase market competition ability

  29. 现代市场竞争关键是品牌的竞争。

    The modern market competition mainly appears brand competition .

  30. 其次,电信市场竞争环境更加严峻。

    Secondly , telecom market competition environment more severe .