
  • 网络Downtown Hotel;Hotel Downtown
  1. 到达雅典国际机场后,将有专人接机送达雅典市区酒店。

    Upon arrival at the Athens International Airport , you will be transferred directly to your Athens City Hotel .

  2. 中国游客为了省钱还住远离市区的酒店里。“中国游客选择来巴黎旅游,是为了体验其独特魅力、购买名家设计产品,了解这个因哲学家和大革命而著名的国家”,“IDTravelPro”旅行社老板说道。

    Bargain-seeking Chinese tour operators werealso booking hotels in Paris'northern suburbs . " Chinese tourists are attracted to Paris by the glamour , by thedesire to buy designer brands , by an image of France as acountry of philosophers and revolution , " said Shi , who runs his own travel agency , ID Travel Pro .

  3. 你喜欢淳朴的床铺和早餐还是时髦的市区高楼大厦,酒店的设计风格也可以反映你自己的风格。

    Whether you prefer a rustic bed and breakfast or a sleek , downtown high-rise , that hotel 's clear design style is a tipoff to your own .

  4. 下周一开始。我配送花到市区的商店和酒店。

    Shemsi : Next week , on Monday . I deliver flowers to shops and hotels in the city .

  5. 在周日晚上的全美音乐奖后小两口被拍到一起出现在市区的万豪酒店。

    The young pair were pictured at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown following the American Music Awards on Sunday night .

  6. 有报道称武汉市区的一个酒店因现金周转不灵,向装修工人支付了月饼代金卷作为其部分报酬,可见月饼代金卷的流通能力之强。

    Such is liquidity in this market that a cash-strapped hotel in the central city of Wuhan reportedly decided to use the coupons as part-payment for a decorating job .

  7. 在市区的希尔顿芝加哥酒店里,女人们在赛场上旋转起舞,她们或者穿着彼此搭配的亮片长裙,或是领舞者穿得保守点,伴舞者穿着热辣的粉红两件套。

    At the downtown Hilton Chicago , women twirled women while wearing matching sequined dresses or with one dressed conservatively as the leader and the follower decked out in a hot pink two-piece outfit .

  8. 他知道市区的几家赌常他在市区的酒店里和市政厅附近有几个熟人。

    He knew of several poker rooms down town . a few acquaintances he had in downtown resorts and about the city hall .