
  • 网络market economy status;MES
  1. 市场经济地位意味着,寻求证实中国在其市场上倾销商品的贸易伙伴,将必须对比这些商品在中国国内的价格。

    MES would mean that trading partners seeking to prove that Chinese goods were dumped in their markets would have to compare them with prices within China itself .

  2. 但欧盟官员——其中有许多最初支持授予中国市场经济地位——遭遇来自欧洲工会、行业和政客们日益强烈的反弹,尤其是在塔塔钢铁(TataSteel)宣布将关闭威尔士一家雇用4000名员工的钢厂之后。

    But EU officials , many of whom were initially favoured granting China MES , face a growing backlash from European unions , industry and politicians , especially after Tata Steel said it would dispose of a Welsh steel plant that employs 4000 workers .

  3. 尽管有56个世贸组织(wto)成员都承认了中国的市场经济地位,但欧盟和美国都没有承认。

    Neither the EU nor the US has accorded Beijing this status , though 56 world trade organisation members have .

  4. 市场经济地位问题在WTO的环境中,已经成为一种歧视性待遇,成为反倾销中制裁的权利。

    Market economic position issue has becoming a kind of discrimination treatment and a right of sanction in the environment of the WTO .

  5. 其次,欧盟应给予中国市场经济地位(MES)。

    Second , the EU should accord China market-economy status ( MES ) .

  6. 约有100个世界贸易组织(wto)成员国给予了中国“市场经济地位”,但美国和日本不在其列。

    About 100 members of the World Trade Organisation have given China " market economy status " , though the US and Japan have not .

  7. 为了让中国更容易接受上述方案,其主要贸易伙伴可以承诺给予中国在WTO的市场经济地位。

    To sweeten the pill for China , its major trading partners could pledge to grant China the status of a market economy in the WTO .

  8. 另外行政复审、司法审查和WTO争端解决机制也是中国对欧盟因我国的非市场经济地位而作出不公正裁决的有效救济途径。

    We can seek relief through administrative review , judicial review and WTO dispute settlement mechanism if EU make unfair decision due to non-market economy status of China .

  9. 这是一个技术性的定义,它将有利于涉及贸易纠纷的中国企业,根据世界贸易组织(WTO)规则,中国预期将在2016年自动获得完全市场经济地位。

    This is a technical definition that would benefit Chinese companies involved in trade disputes and under World Trade Organisation rules China is expected to be granted it automatically by 2016 .

  10. 这种关系从来就不是一帆风顺的:97个wto成员承认中国的市场经济地位,但中国的主要贸易伙伴,包括欧盟、美国、日本和印度,却不承认。

    This relationship was always going to be uneasy : 97 WTO members recognise China as a market economy but its main trading partners the EU , US , Japan and India do not .

  11. 建议不授予中国市场经济地位。DeWit表示保护主义并不利于经济全球化,欧洲的中国企业也定将是这一趋势的受害者。

    De Wit says rising protectionism is posing a threat to economic globalization and some Chinese enterprises in Europe have indeed become victims of this trend .

  12. 商务部在一份回应问题的传真中表示,中国呼吁WTO成员“承认中国的市场经济地位”,并“尽快采取必要措施”。

    The country is calling for W.T.O. members to " acknowledge China 's market economy status " and " to adopt the necessary measures as soon as possible , " the commerce ministry said in a faxed response to questions .

  13. 北京方面辩称,按照2001年加入世贸组织(WTO)的相关条款,中国应该被自动授予“市场经济地位”。这将使贸易伙伴更难证明中国钢厂以低于成本的价格在海外“倾销”产品。

    Beijing argues that the designation , which would make it harder to prove that Chinese steel plants were " dumping " their products overseas at below cost , should be granted automatically under the terms of its 2001 World Trade Organisation accession agreement .

  14. 虽然我国已成为WTO的成员,但由于我国入世在反倾销问题上的承诺,我国在入世15年内应对外国反倾销时仍将受到非市场经济地位的制约。

    Although China has become a member of WTO , due to the commitments made when entering into WTO , our country is still subject to the restrictions of the status of non-market economy within 15 years after its accession into WTO when China copes with foreign anti-dumping actions .

  15. 本文从回顾摩擦开始,找出纺织品贸易中易出现的几种障碍:特别保障条款、人文贸易主义(SA8000)、技术性限制措施(TBT)、市场经济地位问题(反倾销、反补贴)。

    This paper reviews textile trade friction happened in 2005 , pointing out that there are mainly four forms of trade barriers : Special Safeguard Measures , Trade Humanism ( SA8000 ), Technical Barriers to Trade and " Market Economy " problem ( Anti-Dumping , Anti-Subsidy ) .

  16. 新自由主义经济思潮与中国市场经济地位问题

    New Liberalism Economic Thoughts and Problems of China Market Economy Status

  17. 论我国争取市场经济地位的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in Seeking Market Economic Position for Our Country

  18. 其次,笔者对中国的市场经济地位进行了全方位的肯定性论证。

    Secondly , it demonstrated the fact of Chinese market economy status .

  19. 非市场经济地位对中美贸易影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Sino-American Trade by the Non-market Economy Status

  20. 中国一直在努力游说西方国家承认其市场经济地位。

    China has been lobbying hard for market economy status .

  21. 对华特保措施法律制度下的非市场经济地位研究

    The Research of Non-market Economy Status under Special Safeguard Aimed at China

  22. 三是争取市场经济地位,争取个案待遇。

    Third , struggle for the market economy position and individual case treatment .

  23. 中国在反倾销中的非市场经济地位分析

    The Analysis on Chinese Non-market Economy Status in Anti-dumping

  24. 中国市场经济地位问题的比较分析及其启示

    The comparative analysis and enlightenment of the status of China 's market economy

  25. 它可以要求欧洲承认完全市场经济地位。

    It could ask for the EU to recognise its market economy status .

  26. 积极考虑并尽早承认中国的完全市场经济地位。

    And positively consider the early recognition of China 's market economic status .

  27. 市场经济地位与中国零售业发展

    Market Economy Status and Development of Retailing in China

  28. 我国对外贸易中的非市场经济地位问题探析&从法律的视角

    An Analysis of Non-market Economy Status in Chinese Foreign Trade from Legal Perspective

  29. 非市场经济地位与我国对外贸易的发展

    The Implications of Non-market Economy Status on the Development of China 's Foreign Trade

  30. 双方领导人讨论了市场经济地位这一重要的政治议题。

    Leaders discussed the politically important issue of Market Economy Status ( MES ) .