
  • 网络inflationary pressure;Inflation pressure
  1. 但持续的通胀压力已迫使印度央行(reservebankofindia)保持高利率水平,因而对零售信贷业包括房屋按揭、车贷及无抵押个人贷款构成了打击。

    But persistent inflationary pressure has forced the Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , to keep interest rates high , which in turn has hit retail credit , from home loans to car and unsecured personal loans .

  2. 韩国央行(BankofKorea)昨日出人意料地将基准利率上调至4.5%,达到5年来的最高水平,以求抑制不断加大的通胀压力,尽管越来越多的人担忧韩国经济增长可能会放缓。

    The Bank of Korea unexpectedly raised its benchmark interest rate to a five - year high of 4.5 per cent yesterday , in a step that aims to curb rising inflationary pressure despite growing concerns over a slowdown in the economy .

  3. 高生产率将会减轻通胀压力,降低美联储(fed)大幅收紧货币政策的风险。

    High productivity will lessen inflation pressures and lessen the risk of the Federal Reserve tightening monetary policy aggressively .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)昨日警告,通胀压力可能迫使东亚各国的央行“更早而不是更迟”收紧货币政策,以遏制正在浮现的资产泡沫。

    Inflationary pressures could force East Asian central banks to tighten monetary policy " sooner rather than later " to choke off emerging asset bubbles , the World Bank warned yesterday .

  5. 尽管经济学家警告称,GDP平减指数数据中通常含有技术偏差,但将两项指标进行综合考量,就会显示出更广泛的通胀压力。

    Although economists caution that GDP deflator numbers often contain technical anomalies , taken together the two indicators suggest broader inflationary pressures .

  6. 尽管人们预计印度央行(reservebankofindia)不会在今日的会议上做出加息决定,但该机构昨日警告称,“通胀压力已开始显现”。

    While the Reserve Bank of India is not expected to raise rates when it meets today , it warned yesterday that " inflationary pressures have started to emerge " .

  7. 如此出乎意料的大幅上涨,降低了美国通胀压力迅速减轻的希望,意味着美联储(fed)决策者将继续担心物价上涨。

    The surprise jump damped hopes of a quick easing of inflationary pressures in the US , suggesting US Federal Reserve policymakers will continue to be concerned about rising prices .

  8. 伴随着美国国债市场收益率的大幅上升,美国抵押贷款利率上周急剧上涨。投资者开始坚信,通胀压力可能迫使美联储(Fed)在今年晚些时候加息。

    US mortgage rates soared last week amid a sharp rise in Treasury market yields , as investors started to bet that inflation pressures could prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates later this year .

  9. 欧洲各国央行行长昨日暗示,他们将展开行动,控制席卷欧洲的通胀压力。目前,英国央行(bankofEngland)已上调利率,欧洲央行(ECB)也暗示将在6月加息。

    European central bankers yesterday signalled that they would act to control inflationary pressures across the Continent as the Bank of England raised interest rates and the European Central Bank indicated it would move rates higher in June .

  10. 高盛(goldmansachs)的梁红表示,通胀压力还有一个更传统的来源,即“已经超出潜能”的经济还在不断加速增长。

    Inflationary pressures are also coming from a more traditional source , an accelerating economy " already running above its potential " , according to Hong Liang , of Goldman Sachs .

  11. 预计2011年经济增长9.6%,增速略有回落;CPI上涨4%,通胀压力加大。在这种情况下,中国应实施积极的财政政策和适度从紧的货币政策。

    It predicts that , in2011 China 's economic growth will slightly slow down to9.6 % while CPI will increase by4 % , leading to high inflation pressure .

  12. 鉴于发行规模相对较小,更多的SDR还将有助于在不引发通胀压力的情况下,维系并加速全球经济的复苏。

    Given its relatively small scale , more SDRs would also help to sustain and accelerate recovery of the world economy , without leading to inflationary pressures .

  13. 在最近的一次演讲中,美国达拉斯联邦储备银行总裁理查德费希尔(richardfisher)警告称,不断上涨的食品和能源价格“可能发出了较长期结构性通胀压力的信号”。

    In a recent speech , Richard Fisher , President of the Dallas fed , warned that rising food and energy prices " might be providing signals of longer-term structural inflationary pressures " .

  14. 中国央行正面对一系列令人忧虑的通胀压力信号,包括货币供应的快速扩张。12月,中国的M1狭义货币供应量同比增加34.6%。

    The central bank is facing a number of worrying signals about inflationary pressures , including a rapid expansion of money supply with M1 increasing by 34.6 per cent in December year-on-year .

  15. 国际清算银行(BIS)发出警告,为遏制世界各国面临的通胀压力,全球经济增长必须放缓,表示合理通胀率下经济高速扩张的空间极小、甚至没有。

    Global economic growth must slow to curb inflationary pressure around the world , the influential central bankers ' bank has warned , saying that there was little or no slack left for rapid non-inflationary expansion .

  16. 中国5月份货币供应量M2同比增速降至15.1%,这是自2005年5月以来的最低水平,这表明系统内流动的现金量减少,通胀压力可能正在减退。

    China 's money supply , known as M2 , dropped to15.1 % in May , the lowest level since May2005 ─ an indication that less cash is sloshing around in the system and that inflationary pressures may be ebbing .

  17. 随着美联储(eed)下调利率,继续维持和美元之间的联系,可能会加剧不断上升的通胀压力,并导致严重的经济及社会问题。

    Maintaining their links to the dollar as the Federal Reserve cuts us interest rates could exacerbate increasing inflationary pressures and lead to serious economic and social problems .

  18. 美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)在2002年11月发表的著名通缩演讲中提到了后者:利率挂钩政策最终崩溃,因为与购买美国国债相关的货币创造产生了通胀压力。

    Fed chairman Ben Bernanke referred to this latter episode in his famous Deflation speech of November 2002 . The rate-pegging policy finally collapsed , he said , because the money creation associated with buying Treasury securities was generating inflationary pressures .

  19. 中国国家发改委(ndrc)官员徐连仲本周一表示,利率在短期内无需上调,因为通胀压力正在减轻。

    Xu Lianzhong , an official at the national development and Reform Commission , said on Monday that interest rates would not need to rise in the short-term , as inflationary pressures were easing .

  20. 另外,德国通货膨胀率的上升速度也超过预期,显示油价下跌的影响可能不会像原先想象的那样持久。这也暗示,欧洲央行(ECB)将不会放松对于潜在通胀压力的警惕。

    Separately , German inflation also picked up more than expected suggesting the effects of oil price falls might not be as lasting as previously thought – and that the European Central Bank would not slacken its warnings about inflationary pressures in the pipeline .

  21. 尽管欧洲央行将主要政策利率维持在1%不变,但欧洲央行行长让-克洛德特里谢(jean-claudetrichet)在会后的新闻发布会上表示,过去一个月,通胀压力有所增加。

    Although the central bank left its main policy rate at 1 per cent , Jean-Claude Trichet , ECB president , said at the subsequent press conference that inflationary pressures had increased over the past month .

  22. 上月,英国央行(boe)首席经济学家斯宾塞戴尔(spencerdale)在一次演讲中特别担心地指出,中国的通胀压力不太可能被其货币的相应贬值所抵消。

    In a speech last month , Spencer Dale , Bank of England chief economist , noted with particular concern that inflationary pressures in China were unlikely to be offset by a corresponding depreciation in the value of its currency .

  23. 但现在,印度央行(rbi)注意到,一种不祥的转变正在浮现:由近40年来最弱季风引发的“通胀压力”,正演变为“一种更广泛的通胀进程”。

    But now , notes the Reserve Bank of India , an ominous transition is under way : " inflationary pressures " triggered by the weakest monsoon in almost 40 years , are developing into " a wider inflationary process " .

  24. 委员会预计通胀压力将持续存在,该委员会说。

    The committee expects inflationary pressures to persist , it said .

  25. 建筑计划和价格管制也应有助于缓和通胀压力。

    Building programmes and price controls should also help ease pressures .

  26. 那些主张加息的人还提到了通胀压力。

    Those arguing for higher rates also point to inflation pressures .

  27. 相应地,通胀压力也会为通缩压力所取代。

    Correspondingly , inflation pressure will be replaced by deflation pressure .

  28. 低通胀压力为降息创造了空间。

    Lower inflationary pressures create space for rates to be cut .

  29. 我们不会屈服于外来的通胀压力。

    We will not succumb to inflationary pressures coming from outside .

  30. 美联储忽略通胀压力是正确的。

    The Federal Reserve is right to ignore the inflation bears .