
  • 网络tongliao;Tongliao City
  1. 调查通辽市蒙古族农牧区居民代谢综合征(MetabolicSyndrome,MS)的患病率及危险因素。

    To investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its risk factors of Mongolian people in Tongliao City . 3 .

  2. 通辽市位于内蒙古自治区东部,草原总面积33467万hm2,其中已垦草原14227万hm2,占草原总面积的425%。

    Tongliao city was located in the east of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , the total grassland area was 3.346 7 m hm ~ 2 , 42.5 % ( 1.422 7 m hm ~ 2 ) has been cultivated .

  3. 内蒙古通辽市肺结核发病情况分析

    The Analysis on Pathogenic Situation of Tuberculosis Lungs in Tongliao City

  4. 通辽市2008年羁押和收教人员艾滋病抗体筛查情况

    Screening of AIDS Antibody among Prisoners in Tongliao City in 2008

  5. 通辽市育龄妇女弓形虫感染血清学调查

    Serosurvey of Toxoplasma gondii infection among fertile woman in Tongliao City

  6. 通辽市大学生饮食行为与体质量指数分析

    Dietary Behavior and Body Mass Index of College Students in Tongliao

  7. 通辽市1991~2001年传染病流行特征

    The Characteristic of Epidemic Disease in 1991 ~ 2001 in Tongliao City

  8. 通辽市2005年蒙古族学生视力状况分析

    Eyesight Analysis on Mongolian Students of Tongliao City in 2005

  9. 通辽市未来25年人口预测与分析

    Forecasting analysis on population in the future 25 years in Tongliao city

  10. 通辽市中草药种植业发展现状及对策

    The Measure and Developing of Present Planting of Chinese Medicine in Tongliao Area

  11. 关于通辽市经济可持续发展的思考

    Thinking on Sustainable Development of Tongliao City 's Economy

  12. 通辽市农村能源利用现状、存在问题及相应对策

    On Using Situation , Existing Issues and Measures of Rural Resource in Tongliao

  13. 行政办公建筑创作的地域性探索&通辽市行政办公中心设计

    Regional Research for Administration Office Building Creation & Design for Tongliao Administration Office Center

  14. 通辽市近45年农业水资源变化分析

    The Change of Water Resources of Agriculture in Recent Forty-five Years in Tongliao City

  15. 通辽市地区农业生产结构调整及优化研究

    The Studies on Adjusting the Agricultural Production Structure and Optimum System of TongLiao City

  16. 通辽市部分30~70岁居民高血压状况调查

    Survey of Hypertension among Some 30 ~ 70 Year Old Residents in Tongliao City

  17. 通辽市涉外人员乙型肝炎和性病、艾滋病筛查情况

    Screening of Hepatitis B , Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS among Personnel Concerning Foreign Affairs

  18. 通辽市主要有五大水系,湿地面积广阔。

    There are five main water systems and large areas of wetland in Tongliao city .

  19. 气候变化对通辽市北部草原产草量的影响分析

    Analyzing the Influence of Weather Variety on the Grass Yield of Tongliao City Northern Steppe

  20. 应用余弦模型分析通辽市细菌性痢疾发病季节性

    Analysis on the Seasonal Development of Bacillary Dysentery in Tongliao City by Applying Cosine Model

  21. 通辽市某寄宿制学校儿童单纯性肥胖症相关危险因素研究

    A Studies on the Risk Factors for Simple Obesity Children in TongLiao a Boarding School

  22. 2000年通辽市蒙古族学生营养状况及其影响因素

    Nutritional condition and its influential factors of Mongolian students in Tongliao City in 2000 year

  23. 通辽市农牧民专业合作经济组织发展模式研究

    Study on the Development Mode of Farmers and Herdsmen Specialized Cooperative Economic Organization in Tong Liao

  24. 通辽市不同地区、不同作物间增产潜力存在明显差异。

    It exists obvious difference in latent capacity in increasing yield in different areas and different crops .

  25. 《通辽市地理》教材中的地名及其在地理教学中的应用

    The Place Names in " Tong Liao City Geography " Teaching Materials and Its Application in Geography Teaching

  26. 通辽市涉外人员健康检查及艾滋病筛查情况全部胶囊在检查结束后排出体外。

    AIDS Screening among Foreign Staff in Tongliao City All cases have not complained of any uncomfortable feelings .

  27. 在此基础上提出了提高肉质,促进通辽市肉牛产业发展的对策建议。

    On this basis , this paper take proposals for improving meat and promoting Tongliao City beef cattle industry .

  28. 内蒙古通辽市仔猪黄白痢病原菌的流行病学调查及灭活疫苗的制备

    Epidemiologic Investigation and Inactivated Vaccine of Yellow Scour and White Scour of Newborn Piglets in TongLiao Area of Inner Mongolia

  29. 可持续发展涉及到一个国家和地区的人口、资源以及环境等问题。通辽市在内蒙古是属于人口数量多、人口密度较高的地区,土地资源、森林资源和水资源贫乏。

    Sustainable development includes these issues of population , resource , and environment , etc , in a country or region .

  30. 报告病例较多的地区为赤峰市和通辽市,占内蒙古乙脑总例数84.8%。

    Chifeng city and Tongliao city had reported more cases , accounted for about 84.8 percent of total number of cases .