
tōnɡ xìn lián luò
  • communication and liaison
  1. Web数据库技术已经成为应用最为广泛的网站架构基础技术在应用系统中,Web提供了与客户进行通信联络的有效手段。

    Web database technology has become the most widely used technique based on Web framework application system . Web provides users to the customer communication .

  2. 因此,他一定与在第一线的军官们保持着定期的通信联络。

    He had therefore to be in regular communication with his field officers .

  3. 在任何条件下必须保持通信联络迅速。

    They must communicate rapidly in any case .

  4. 解决西康线秦岭隧道通信联络的方法

    Solution of Wireless Communication of Qinling Tunnel

  5. 公司还用公司的内部网与世界各地的员工进行通信联络。

    The company also uses its intranet to communicate with its staff around the world .

  6. 人活着就得进行通信联络。

    Man must communicate to live .

  7. 防范组织,人员配备,技术装备,通信联络等。

    The organization of prevention , provision of personnel , technical equipment and communications and liaison .

  8. 现代化战争非常复杂,连通信联络都不容易。

    Modern warfare is very complex , and even maintaining communications and liaison is by no means simple .

  9. 其中的一个原因是,与轨道运载工具通信联络较与水下运载工具通信联络要容易得多。

    One reason for this is that communicating with vehicles in orbit is much easier than talking to those underwater .

  10. 电话,作为人们日常生活中最常用的通信联络工具,随着现代科学技术的飞速进步,以及高新技术在电话研究和开发领域的广泛应用,将不断为人类的工作和生活提供越来越大的便利。

    Be a most useful communication tool , telephone will provide us more and more convenience with the improvement of new technology .

  11. 阐述了不中断法割接光缆的思路、操作时机以及人员安排、通信联络,并就实际运用的方法、步骤作了进一步探讨。

    The idea , operation opportunity , personnel arrangement , and communications of the uninterrupted method for splicing fiber optic cable are described .

  12. 负责全炮的控制与管理,对搜索目标进行攻击选择和确认,与外界通信联络。

    Responsible for all gun control and management of the search target selection and validation of an attack , communications and liaison with the outside world .

  13. 结果表明:该天线能保证飞行器在复杂机动飞行条件下通信联络的畅通,且较好地解决了喷口火焰对天线辐射特性影响的难题。

    With this antenna , the aircraft is ensured to the continuous communication during maneuver flight and the problem of the flame interference with the radiation property is absolved .

  14. 原先的设想是,联络处主任由中级职业外交官担任。因此,他一定与在第一线的军官们保持着定期的通信联络。

    At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices . He had therefore to be in regular communication with his field officers .

  15. 环保人士由此经常可以透过互联网互相联络,分享心得。防范组织,人员配备,技术装备,通信联络等。

    That has allowed activists to form links and share notes , often via the Internet . The organization of prevention , provision of personnel , technical equipment and communications and liaison .

  16. 与此同时,奥巴马政府授权加强同古巴的通信联络,扩大可以当作礼品邮寄到古巴的人道救援物资清单。

    At the same time , the Obama administration is authorizing greater telecommunications links to Cuba and expanding the list of humanitarian items that can be sent in gift packages to Cuba .

  17. 在动态频谱接入领域,对于认知网络协调运行中有一些困难挑战,其中包括认知网络内通信联络节点的建立和动态频谱条件下维持这些节点的稳定。

    In the field of dynamic spectrum access , there are some challenges of cognitive network coordination which involve the establishment of communication links within a cognitive network and the robust maintenance of the these links under conditions of changing spectrum availability .

  18. 计算机网络是指通过物理介质连接在一起的两台或多台计算机及其他设备,它可以提供计算机之间的通信联络、资源共享以及分步计算,是实现生产调度信息化有效途径。

    A computer network is a network that compsed of several computers linked with each other by a physical medium and is an effective way to realize the informationized dispatch in an enterprise , by offering communication , resource sharing and fractional computation .

  19. 新军事变革条件下引发的现代战争中,通信电源是现代通信联络中的必要环节,对此也提出了更高的要求。

    The communication power supply should be improved in the new military revolution conditions , because it is important for the modern correspondence contact .

  20. 本文绘制了移动Agent通信的结构原理图,设计了通信所需要的通信结构,包括联络员、Home信息表及服务器注册表,解决了移动Agent的命名、物理寻址及如何通信等问题。

    The paper has outlined the structure of mobile agent communication diagram and designed a communication structure including liaison , home information form and the server registry , solved the naming of mobile agent , physical addressing , how to communicate and so on .

  21. 作为我国陆军通信兵种主要动力设备的135系列内燃机组,一旦发生故障将严重影响我军的通信联络,造成不可估量的重大损失。

    The 135 series of internal combustion engine unit are used as the major power devices for our national signal corps . Once fault occurs , it will impair the communication between armies , resulting in potential grievous losses .

  22. 该调制解调器具有很强的自愈功能,数据终端的通信软件对调制解调器具有较强地控制能力,因而能适应复杂的工作环境,能迅速摆脱干扰的影响,恢复正常地通信联络。

    The modem also has the ability of restoration and the communication software in data terminal has strong function of controlling . So it can adapt complexity situation and keep uninterruptible communicating .