
tōnɡ xìn ruǎn jiàn
  • communications software;communications program
  1. 基于Socket的局域网络通信软件开发

    Development of LAN Communications Software Based on Socket

  2. 为了提高定位精度及对监控区域统一管理,需要通过通信软件将采集的GPS数据远程传输到控制中心进行处理。

    To improve orientation precision and to be convenient to manage , GPS data need be transferred to control center by communications software .

  3. 即时通信软件在Internet上已经非常流行。

    The Instant Messaging software is already very popular on the Internet .

  4. 在Windows下开发GTS&210型全站仪的数据通信软件

    Program the data communication software of gts-210 total station under Windows operation system

  5. 市域异种机互连IBM主机接口和通信软件系统的研制

    Implementation of Interconnecting of Heterogeneous Computer about IBM Host Interface and Communication Software System

  6. 基于ARMFPGA的USB通信软件设计

    Software Design about USB Communication Based on ARM and FPGA

  7. 计算机和GATEWAY之间通信软件包的设计制作

    Development of the Software Package for Communication between Process Computer and Gateway

  8. 支持指定QoS的多媒体通信软件平台

    Software platform for multimedia communication supporting QoS setting

  9. 整个系统包括上位机通信软件部分和以FPGA为主控制芯片的硬件实时控制部分。

    The whole system includes the communication software and the real-time hardware control based on FPGA .

  10. NOVELL网络工作站Shell及点对点通信软件的剖析

    Analysis of Novell LAN workstation shell and point to point communication software

  11. NOVELLLAN低层通信软件及驱动程序设计

    Novell LAN low level communication software and the Netware LAN Driver

  12. VoIP语音通信软件研究与设计

    The Research and Design of VoIP Voice Telecommunication Software

  13. 变电站IED的GOOSE通信软件设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of Substation 's IED GOOSE Communication Software

  14. DICOM标准医学图像通信软件平台的研制

    Development of DICOM Software Platfrom for Medical Image Communication

  15. 此外,为使通信软件也支持检索功能,剖析了Al检索软件包,做到与AI在命令级兼容。

    In addition , this paper analyzed AI retrieval software in support to retrieve function and compatible with AI at command level .

  16. SDS系统的通信软件

    Communication Software for SDS System

  17. 最后讨论了在IPv6下将P2P技术应用到即时通信软件中的优势和发展前景。

    At last , the superiority and foreground of P2P technology used for Instant Messaging software under the IPv6 environment are discussed .

  18. 基于QNX操作系统的PMU通信软件设计

    Designing the communication software of PMU based on QNX operating system

  19. Novell网络点&点实时通信软件的设计

    Design on Novell 's Point-Point Realtime Communication Software

  20. PC机与分级控制部分通信软件由Visualc++开发,具有友好的用户界面。

    Correspondingly , the software for the communication from PC to step motor controller , which was based on Visual C + + , was proved to be effective and friendly to operators .

  21. 文中详细给出了数据采集系统的设计,基于MATLAB仪器控制工具箱的数据通信软件的设计,以及MATLAB下波形显示程序的设计。

    This paper describes detailedly the designs of the data-acquisition system , the communication software based on MATLAB 's Instrument Control Toolbox , and the waveform-display software under MATLAB .

  22. PC机与FANUC数控系统远程通信软件的开发

    Development of Remote NC Communication System Between PC and FANUC

  23. RTU通信软件的设计

    The Design of RTU 's Communication Software

  24. SDL在调度通信软件开发中的应用

    Application of SDL in Developing Dispatch System Software

  25. 本文结合编制通信软件的实践,归纳了面向对象的设计方法,同时论述了面向对象的程序设计语言C++是C语言的一个超集。

    This article sums up the design method of object oriented programming from the programming practice of communication software and discusses that , the Object Oriented programming Language C + + is a superset of C language .

  26. MIPS中通信软件的设计

    Designing the Communication Software of MIPS

  27. 本文重点研究开发了DNC主机与数控系统异步串行通信软件。

    In this essay , we mainly study the asynchronous serial communication software of the DNC host computer .

  28. 基于RTC通信软件的语音留言功能的系统实现

    The Systemic Implementation of Audio Record Function Based on RTC Communication Software

  29. 当前即时通信软件的开发主要是从协议的底层来进行研究,主要利用的是几大开源协议栈以及基于这些协议栈之上的通信API接口等。

    The current development of instant communication software is mainly based on low layer protocols and some communication API , which mainly make use of several open source protocol stack .

  30. 其中,数据通信软件实现读取无线上网卡硬件端口,通过硬件端口向嵌入端软件接发DM(DiagnosticMode诊断模式)命令,并向用户界面部分提供一组接口。

    The data communication software implements reading wireless card hardware ports , sending and receiving DM ( Diagnostic Mode ) commands through this port , and providing a set of interfaces to user interface software .