
tōnɡ qì kǒu
  • air vent;ventilator;ventage
  1. 通气口开了。

    Ross : Ok , got the vent open .

  2. 而且承包方也向他们保证通气口和管道会隐敝得很好,几乎看不到。

    And contractors convinced them that vents and ducts and such would be barely noticeable .

  3. 注射用水储罐的通气口应安装不脱落纤维的疏水性除菌滤器。

    Vents of tanks of water for injection shall be protected by a non-fiber-releasing hydrophobic microbial air filter .

  4. 似乎是前天晚上下的一场雨把通气口给堵住了,然后这人才在棺材中窒息而死。

    It seems that an overnight rain might have blocked the air pipes and left the man to suffocate in his own casket .

  5. 这些空隙便构成了连通通气口和通气口的气流通道,可有效提高蒸发面积,提高衣物烘干效率。

    And the gaps form an air current channel for communicating air vents , evaporation area can be effectively improved , and clothes drying efficiency can be improved .

  6. 机械通气患者口咽部护理60例研究

    60 Cases of Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Oropharyngeal Care