
  • 网络tourism transport;transportation
  1. 区域旅游交通配置研究

    Research on Regional Tourism Transport Disposition

  2. 总结了区域旅游交通配置研究的四点主要结论,并提出了后续需要进一步研究的问题。

    This chapter summarizes four conclusions reached in the research of tourism transport disposition and give out some questions needed further study .

  3. 基于GIS的青岛旅游交通网络空间分析

    Spatial Analysis of Tourist Traffic Network of Qingdao Based on GIS

  4. 阐述了BP神经网络的基本理论、算法、缺陷及改进方法,通过实例对旅游交通安全进行研究。

    The paper expounds the basic theory , algorithm , disfigurement and improving methods of BP neural network .

  5. 从行为分析的角度,在对旅游交通行为进行调查分析的基础上,利用Logit模型,分别建立了全国和北京市的周末自驾车旅游出行行为模型。

    The paper put the emphasis on the problem from the point of travel behavior analysis . And based on sightseeing traffic surveys , the models of driving behavior in China and Beijing were established by logit model .

  6. 四川旅游交通运输的可持续发展管理创新研究

    Research on Management Innovative of Sichuan Tourism and Transportation Sustainable Development

  7. 湖南省旅游交通协调发展研究

    The Research on Coordinated Development of Tourism Traffic of Hunan Province

  8. 一是要制订旅游交通规划。

    The first is to develop tourism to transport planning .

  9. 论上海铁路旅游交通发展

    A Study on the Development of Railway Transport For Tourists in Shanghai

  10. 长江三峡区域旅游交通规划

    The Plan of The Regional Tourism Transportation of the Three Gorges Region

  11. 基于旅游交通出行链的山地旅游交通模式研究

    Mountain Tourist Traffic Pattern Based on Tourist Traffic Trip Chain

  12. 旅游交通设施协同设计的理念探讨

    Conceptual Discussion on the Collaborative Design of Tourism Transportation Facilities

  13. 国内旅游交通研究十年综述

    The Progress of Domestic Tourism Transportation Research in The Past Few Years

  14. 杭州市旅游交通网络初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis on Tourism Transportation Of Hangzhou Urban Area

  15. 旅游交通需求预测方法探讨

    Discussion on Method of Tourism Traffic Demand Forecast

  16. 旅游交通发展存在的问题及其前景分析

    The Developmental Problem and Direction of Tourist Transport

  17. 四川省自驾车旅游交通发展对策研究。

    The self-driving traffic countermeasures of Sichuan province .

  18. 旅游交通消费比重高居不下。

    Traveling transportation expense proportion is too high .

  19. 聚焦城市旅游交通图&以上海市为例

    Focusing on Urban Traffic and Tourist Map & A Case study of Shanghai City

  20. 北京市道路旅游交通标志设置模型研究和试验

    Research and experiment on model for installation of roads tourism traffic signs in Beijing

  21. 旅游交通对旅游产业发展影响的实证分析&以张家界为例

    The Research of the Influence of the Tourism Transportation to the Tourism Development in Zhangjiajie

  22. 福州市旅游交通存在问题及其发展对策

    A Discussion on the Problems of Tourism Transportation in Fuzhou City and Its Developing Countermeasures

  23. 江西省旅游交通综合规划

    The Tourist Transportation Planning of Jiangxi Province

  24. 旅游交通研究述评

    Review of Research on Tourism and Transport

  25. 城市化背景下城郊旅游交通规划初探

    Discussion on Transportation Planning of Suburb Tourism

  26. 德清城市旅游交通网络规划

    Tourist Traffic Network Planning in Deqing City

  27. 天水市旅游交通开发构想

    Development Conception of Tianshui Tourism Traffic

  28. 现代酒店业和旅行社、旅游交通一并被称为旅游业的三大支柱行业。

    Modern hotel and travel agency , travel together known as the three pillars of tourism industry .

  29. 二是自驾车旅游交通行为分析是我国交通行为分析的一个薄弱环节。

    Second , the behavior of the Driving Behavior Analysis for China traffic is a weak link .

  30. 浅论广西旅游交通对旅游业的制约及其对策

    Limitation and Ways out of Developing Tourism in Guangxi by Mains of its Backward Trundle Transport Situation