
  • 网络Tourism Shopping;tourist shopping
  1. 你是来旅游购物的吗,大哥?

    Are you here for shopping , dear ?

  2. 本公司以诚信为本,拥有一般贸易、边境小额贸易、边境旅游购物权。针对俄罗斯,东南亚市场。

    The company bases on honesty faith , which has general trade and small-scale border trade , and tourism shopping right at border , aiming at Russia and Southeast Asian markets .

  3. 而在经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)和旅游购物退税公司环球蓝联(GlobalBlue)合作发布的欧洲城市消费指数排行中,马德里和巴塞罗那并列第二,仅次于伦敦。

    in a shopping index ranking of European cities put together by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Global Blue , a tourism shopping tax refund company .

  4. 据追踪奢侈品购物游的专业服务商环球蓝联(globalblue)估计:中国消费者去年到欧洲、新加坡及香港旅游购物,平均每次花费1.1万欧元。

    Global blue , a Switzerland-based tracker of luxury goods tourism , estimates Chinese consumers on average spent 11000 on each shopping trip to Europe , Singapore or Hong Kong in the past year .

  5. 旅游购物收入属于弹性最大的一项旅游收入。

    The tour shopping income belongs to flexible biggest tourist income .

  6. 云南旅游购物商品的设计和开发模式研究

    Research on Design and Development of Tour-Shopping Merchandize in Yunnan Province

  7. 旅游购物市场利益关系协调发展研究

    Study on Harmonious Development of Interest Relationship in Tourist Shopping Market

  8. 旅游购物是旅游消费活动的六大要素之一。

    Tourist shopping is one of six factors of tourist 's consumption .

  9. 旅游购物商品发展滞后的原因及其对策

    Causes of Stagnation and Difficulties in Developing Tourist Commodities and Measures Taken

  10. 旅游购物的投诉心理及服务对策

    The Complaint Psychology and the Service Countermeasures in Tourism Purchase

  11. 工业旅游购物活动的开展需要一定的购物类工业旅游资源。

    Development of industry tourism shopping needs the certain shopping industry tourism resources .

  12. 旅游购物体验研究&以甘肃玛曲为例

    Research on Tourism Shopping Experience & A Case Study of Maqu , Gansu

  13. 旅游购物在某种意义上可以说是旅游活动的延伸。

    Tourism Shopping is the Extension of the Tourism Activity in a way .

  14. 最后提出体验性旅游购物的系统开发。

    In the end , development on experience of tourism shopping is studied .

  15. 临沂市旅游购物品的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Tourism Purchases in Linyi

  16. 山东省旅游购物系统构建研究

    Study on the Tourism-Shopping System of Shandong Province

  17. 旅游购物市场开发研究

    The Research on Development of Tourism Shopping Market with the Case of Changsha City

  18. 基于涉入理论的自驾车旅游购物行为实证研究&以少林寺景区为例

    An empirical research on purchasing behavior in the self-driving tour based on the involvement theory

  19. 以培育特需商品旅游购物市场机制为核心确定开发的市场策略。

    Determine the development market strategy mainly with fostering the special goods shopping market mechanism .

  20. 与日常消费行为相比,旅游购物行为比较不慎重;

    First , compared with the common consumer behavior , tourism shopping behavior is less prudent .

  21. 分析了目前主要混用的几个概念,主要是旅游购物品、旅游纪念品、旅游产品、旅游商品,给出了旅游者所购商品的科学称谓:旅游商品。

    This article analyzes the present concepts , and produces the scientific name : Tourist commodity .

  22. 关于旅游购物研究的理论思考

    A Theoretical Research on Tourism Shopping

  23. 女性旅游购物研究述评

    Research Summary of Female Tourist Shopping

  24. 促进辽宁旅游购物市场发展具有积极的意义。

    It has positive significance to promote the development of the tourist shopping market in Liaoning Province .

  25. 旅游购物系统研究

    Research on Tourism Shopping System

  26. 繁荣的旅游购物业对地方旅游业和社会经济发展具有非常重要的意义。

    A flourishing tourist shopping industry is of great significance to the local tourism and social economy development .

  27. 该文论述旅游购物对促进游客的旅游消费、增加旅游目的地的旅游收入的重要意义。

    Tourist shopping plays a very important role in promoting tourist consumption and increasing tourism income of tourist destination .

  28. 利用品牌形象塑造流程结合问卷调查结果,笔者探讨了塑造新疆边境旅游购物区域品牌形象的途径。

    Using the brand image-building process and the survey results , the author studied of the regional image-building channels .

  29. 旅游购物品具有不同于一般商品的特性,旅游者的购物动机也具有其独特性。

    Tourism purchases had a different characteristic compared with general commodity , tourist 's purchasing motive had its uniqueness too .

  30. 旅游购物的影响因素实证研究:以长沙市为例

    Study on Influencing Factors of Tourist Shopping Based on Empirical Research : a Case Study of the City of Changsha