
  • 网络Mass Tourism;mass travel
  1. 国外大众旅游对海滨环境影响的研究进展

    Study Progress of the Impact of Mass Tourism on Coastal Environment Abroad

  2. 随着大众旅游业的发展,传统产业被排挤出局。

    Traditional industries were crowded out with the growth of mass tourism .

  3. 新时期我国大众旅游图书出版研究

    Study on Chinese Mass Traveling Books Publication in New Age

  4. 大众旅游与生态旅游的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Traditional Mass Tourism and Eco - tour

  5. 家庭旅馆是我国大众旅游发展到一定阶段的产物。

    Home inn is the result of mass-tourism in China .

  6. 21世纪,我们已身处一个大众旅游的时代。

    In the 21st century , we have in a mass tourism era .

  7. 以服务于大众旅游为目标发展经济型饭店的探索

    An exploration of economic hotel development serving common tour

  8. 该旅馆堪称大众旅游业的典范。

    The hotel is a monument to mass tourism .

  9. 论大众旅游时代如何加强旅游道德建设

    How to Strengthen the Moral Construction of Tourism on the Mass Tourism Era

  10. 随着现代旅游业的发展,大众旅游时代已经到来。

    With the development of modern tourism , mass tourism era has arrived .

  11. 类生态旅游:一种注重自然保护的大众旅游

    Quasi-ecotourism : Mass Tourism Oriented towards Nature Conservation

  12. 忽视对大众旅游自身问题的解决。

    The problems of grand tourism are neglected .

  13. 我国地质公园发展呈现火爆势态,完全能满足现代大众旅游的旅游需求。

    Geopark development is very flourishing , can fully satisfy the modern mass tourism demand .

  14. 大旅游就是国际语境中的现代旅游或大众旅游。

    It is an equivalent to modern tourism or popular tourism in the international context .

  15. 替代性旅游(非大众旅游)产品规划设计

    Alternative Tourism Products Planning and Design

  16. 随着大众旅游业的兴起,经济型酒店的市场需求越来越大。

    With the rise of mass tourism , the market demand of economic hotel is growing .

  17. 南方国家的新兴大众旅游业

    Emerging Mass Tourism in the South

  18. 大众旅游休闲服装的开发研究

    Study on Popular Tourist Leisurewear

  19. 在校大学生的知识结构、价值取向、心理特征使大学生旅游市场有别于传统的大众旅游市场。

    Their knowledge structure , values and psychological traits differ this market from traditional mass tourist market .

  20. 与传统的大众旅游相比,生态旅游强调对生态环境的开发与保护并举。

    Compared with the traditional mass tourism , eco-tourism stresses both protection and exploration of the eco-environment .

  21. 而今,随着大众旅游业的兴起,各种出身的人都能到中国去旅游,游客成为常人。

    Now , with mass tourism , people from all backgrounds can visit China ; tourists are more ordinary .

  22. 现代大众旅游时代,无论是旅游经历还是旅游商品都是符号,其背后隐藏着含而不露的社会文化象征意义。旅游商品或纪念品的符号价值是旅游消费符号价值最为突出的表征。

    The symbolic value of tourist commodities or souvenirs is the most important representation of the symbolic consumption of tourism .

  23. 随着大众旅游时代的到来,旅游地游客忠诚现象越来越受到学者的观注。

    With the arrival of the era of mass tourism , the phenomenon of visitor loyalty is becoming more prevalent .

  24. 随着大众旅游的繁荣,连锁经济型酒店的发展将带来我国酒店行业结构的大调整。

    As tourism booms , the chain economical hotel will bring about the adjustment of the hotel industry in China .

  25. 随着大众旅游的蓬勃发展,我国经济型酒店迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。

    Along with the rapid development of mass tourism , the market has much more demand for economy hotels than ever .

  26. 选题意义在旅游的发展过程中,由于传统的大众旅游只注重经济效益,忽视环境效益;

    In the tourism development process , because traditional mass tourism focus only on the economic benefits , environmental benefits neglect .

  27. 生态旅游虽然只占整个旅游业的一小部分,但是他的利润却有超过大众旅游的趋势。

    Though a small portion of the overall tourism industry , ecotourism 's profit margin tends to exceed that of mass tourism .

  28. 在规模经济的驱动力下,大众旅游以其固定的价格、标准化的服务以及大批量的销售形式成为逐渐兴起的旅游热点。

    With the impetus of scale economy , mass tourism rises due to its fixed price , standard service and large-scale selling .

  29. 然而,在当今世界,随着大众旅游的迅猛发展,旅游业发展与生态环境保护之间的矛盾日益突出。

    However , with the rapid development of mass tourism , the contradiction between tourism development and environmental protection has become increasingly prominent .

  30. 随着旅游业的发展,旅游人次的增长,大众旅游时代也随之而来。

    With the development of the tourism industry , the growth of the number of tourists , era of mass tourism also comes subsequently .