
lǚ yóu dì tú
  • tourist map
  1. 日本的Obama小城力挺奥巴马,并希望如果奥巴马当选美国总统,能将这个与其同名的拥有3.2万人的古老渔镇列入旅游地图,并选择其为国际会议的召开地。

    Obama , hoping that if he becomes the US president he will put this ancient fishing town of32,000 people firmly on the tourist map and , just maybe , choose it for an international summit .

  2. 其中一个度假村是五星级的蜃景喜来登度假酒店(SheratonMirage)。这家酒店曾以其巨大的游泳池、高尔夫球场、船坞和迷你购物中心帮助道格拉斯港在1987年荣登上旅游地图。

    One property the five-star Sheraton Mirage helped put Port Douglas on the tourist map in 1987 with its giant swimming pool , golf course , marina and mini shopping mall .

  3. 旅游地图符号库是旅游地理信息系统(TGIS)中的重要一部分。

    The tourism map symbol database is an important component in the tourism GIS ( TGIS ) .

  4. 对我国旅游地图市场化与现代化的思考

    On the Marketization and Modernization of our Country ' Tourist Maps

  5. 变比例尺城市旅游地图的理论探讨

    Theoretical Research on Scale - variable City Tourist Map

  6. 论旅游地图编制内容更新的若干问题

    On some problems about the content renewal in the compilation of tourist maps

  7. 遥感影像在旅游地图编制中的应用

    Application of the remote sensing images to the production of the tourist map

  8. 关于旅游地图编制过程中几个问题的探讨

    Work out the Discussions of Several Questions in Course about the Travel Map

  9. 旅游地图是旅游业与旅游者重要的认识空间的工具。

    Tourist map is a very important space tool for tourism and tourists .

  10. 精品宁夏旅游地图的编制

    The compilation of high quality tourist maps of Ningxia

  11. 旅游地图的几个理论和实践问题研究

    Analysis on Theory and Practice of Touring Cartography

  12. 论提高旅游地图编制水平的途径

    Approaches to improve the quality of tourist mapping

  13. 旅游地图发展特点初析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Tour Maps

  14. 旅游地图设计理念的思考

    On the designing idea of tourist map

  15. 通过成图过程来研究如何让旅游地图亦图亦画,具有艺术性又不失准确性。

    It studied how to make the tourist map which has both art and accuracy .

  16. 如果现在你到了内罗毕,在旅游地图上你会看到

    If you were to arrive in Nairobi today and pick up a tourist map ,

  17. 旅游地图中的翻译失误研究与实例剖析

    Analysis of Mistranslations in Tourist Maps

  18. 旅游地图的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Tourist Map

  19. 提升地图美感的设计思路&以旅游地图为例

    How to Enhance the Aesthetic Perception of Maps : To Take Tourist Maps as an Example

  20. 浅析旅游地图

    Analyse the Travelling Map

  21. 从旅游地图的制图角度出发,分析了宁夏旅游地图的发展,找出其不足。

    This paper discusses the tourist maps from the viewpoint of cartography with the development of tourism in NingXia province .

  22. 实验心理学在旅游地图符号设计中的研究与实践&以混淆性辨别调查实验为例

    Research and practice on the application of experimental psychology to the travel map 's symbol design-a case study of the confusing differentiation experiment

  23. 他在重庆卖雨伞和旅游地图,以此来养活妻儿和年迈的父母。

    Ms. Yu 's son , who works selling umbrellas and tour maps in Chongqing to support his wife , child and aging parents .

  24. 建立了一套旅游地图编绘质量评价的通用指标体系,用模糊综合评判法进行评价。

    The authors establish a set of common indicators of evaluation on editorial and mapping quality of tourist map , evaluating with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  25. 柏林市内有一座已经损毁过半的混凝土堡垒,长期以来它一直被视作令人讨厌的纳粹遗迹,而如今它却成为德国首都旅游地图上新增的景点。

    Long considered an ugly Nazi relic , a half-destroyed concrete fortress in Berlin now has become an addition to the German capital 's tourist map .

  26. 该系统具有旅游地图操作、景点、景区信息查询、多媒体信息显示、数据的动态管理、辅助决策功能,可操作性强,易于维护和扩展。

    The system provided function of tourism map operation , tourism unit information inquiry , multimedia information displays , data dynamic management , and aided decision etc.

  27. 城市旅游地图作为人们了解和认识城市的基本工具,近几年得到了迅猛的发展。

    As a basic tool that people use to know about a city , the city tourist map has developed fast in the recent several years .

  28. 传统的旅游地图符号的分类方法不全面、不系统造成了旅游者在旅游空间信息定位上的困难。

    Traditional tourist map symbols classification is not comprehensive and systematic so it causes some difficulties for tourists to get the right space information that they need .

  29. 目前城市旅游地图要素的符号尚未实现规范化和标准化,给用户使用和阅读地图带来一定的困难。

    So far , there is no standardization of city tourist map symbols , which makes it difficult for tourists to use the map in a way .

  30. 而且这些书有写在哈博罗内设立并具有电视系列产品在这里生产,这是真正把旅游地图哈博罗内。

    And having these books written about and set in Gaborone and having the television series produced here , that 's really put Gaborone on the tourist map .