
  • 网络Maps;map search
  1. 当检测到用户复制了一个地址,那么新标签页中会出现地图搜索此地址的按钮

    Search , and another that maps a copied location . Finally , copying a

  2. 许多中国用户经常使用百度地图搜索理想的旅行路线。

    Many Chinese users often search for an ideal travel route using Baidu Maps .

  3. 本文研究了地图搜索服务中的一个核心议题:最短路径求解问题。

    This paper researches one of the key problems in this field : Finding the shortest Path .

  4. 这种地图搜索技术要求微软拥有大量西雅图城市内建筑物以及路标的照片。

    The map-search technology required Microsoft to get millions of street-level pictures of seattle 's buildings and landmarks .

  5. 地图搜索是搜索引擎市场的最新亮点,是搜索引擎技术在电子地图上的重要应用。

    Map search is the new star in search engine market , and it 's also an important application in electronic map .

  6. 一位知情人士说,把两者统一起来将需要时间,因为其中涉及到一些复杂情况,比如地图搜索数据库和编码的整合。

    Integrating the two would take time due to a number of complexities , which include integrating map search databases and coding , a person familiar with the matter said .

  7. 文章的开始对元搜索引擎做了简单的介绍,探讨了将元搜索技术应用到地图搜索中的可行性问题以及当前已经拥有的成果。

    The works I have done list blow : ( 1 ) At the beginning , the article made a brief introduction for Meta-Search engine , discussed the possibility of applying Meta-Search technology to map search , and discussed the production we already have .

  8. 当谷歌地图使用者搜索时敲入字母‘n’,下拉列表会自动显示白宫。

    Google Maps users are redirected to the White House when they type in variations of the n-word .

  9. 用户可以在3D地图上搜索特定区域,放大缩小虚拟图片,然后形成行车指南。

    Customers can search certain areas on the3D map and enlarge or shrink the images then form the driving guide .

  10. 基于A~算法的地图路径搜索的实现

    Implementation of Search for Map Path Based on A Algorithm

  11. 你为什么在地图上搜索阿米什谷

    Why are you mapquesting Amish country ?

  12. 通过声音,你将能够拨打电话,发送邮件,查看地图,搜索音乐,甚至是设定闹钟。

    This will let you make phone calls , send reminder emails , search for directions and music and even set your alarm .

  13. 可以在百度或谷歌地图上搜索酒店位置图,然后将地图发送给受邀亲友,确保大家都清楚目的地。

    In Baidu or Google Maps search location of hotels , and then map send invited friends and relatives , ensure that everybody knows the destination .

  14. 建立站点地图是告诉搜索引擎它需要爬行的你的整个网站的内容的简单方法。

    Developing a site map is a simple way of giving search engines the information they need to crawl your entire website .

  15. 为你网站上的所有视频创建一个视频地图,让搜索引擎尽可能全的发现你网站上的所有视频。

    5-Create a video sitemap for any videos on your site to make it easier for search engines to find all the video content .

  16. 从路径规划的基本原理入手,介绍基于数据结构的最短路径搜索的高效实现方法,并从缩小搜索空间和按地图分层分级搜索的应用策略出发分析路径规划算法。

    According to the principle of route planning , we analyze the route planning algorithm in terms of compressing searching space and hierarchical layered map , and give an efficient resolvent of shortcut searching based on data structure .

  17. 此方法会创建一个高效的站点地图,以供搜索引擎爬网程序在您的整个站点中遍历尽可能多的URL并针对这些URL建立索引。

    This method creates an effective site map for search engine spiders to traverse and index as many URLs as possible in your entire site .

  18. 游戏地图最短路径搜索设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Shortest Path Searching in Game Map

  19. 近几年来,随着GIS和基于这个方向的许多商业应用的发展,一种新的地图服务方式&电子地图搜索服务日趋流行。

    In recent years , as much commercial practice in GIS has rapidly improved , electronic map service , a new kind of map service , has become more and more popular .

  20. 本课题主要研究内容是利用Ajax框架开发web电子地图系统,满足用户对地图搜索定位等功能模块在性能方面上的要求。

    This project mainly researches on developing e-map system by Ajax technology , meeting users ' needs on high performance of functional modules , such as map-search , map-focus , and so on .

  21. 谷歌地图、谷歌手机地图、谷歌手机搜索、谷歌翻译在2009年成为中国使用率第一的相关软件。

    Google Maps , Google Mobile Maps , Google mobile search , Google translation in2009 became the first usage of the related software .

  22. 通过与非进化模式下的多机器人地图构建方法的比较,该算法可以提高地图搜索的效率,加快全局地图的收敛。

    And through compare with non-Evolutionary Map building method , the Evolutionary Reinforcement learning algorithm can increase search map efficiency and expedite convergence speed of global map .

  23. 在“剪贴画”窗格中搜索“地图”,或者,如果您需要特定省份或地区的地图,请在搜索框中键入名称,例如北京市。

    Search for maps in the clip art pane , or , if you want a specific state or region , type the name in the search box , such as washington .

  24. 最后,本文在对手机地图服务深入调研的基础上,基于Android平台设计和开发了手机地图服务系统,该系统包含系地图浏览、地点搜索、自我定位等功能。

    Finally , on the basis of deeply research on the mobile map service , based on Android platform , I design and development a mobile maps service system . The system includes browse city map , place search , self-localization and other functions .

  25. 电子地图服务于许多与人们生活息息相关的行业,比如智能交通系统,车载GPS定位系统,还有各种各样的商业应用等。于是,对电子地图搜索以及相关领域的研究迫在眉睫。

    As it has close relationship with many aspects in people 's everyday life , such as intelligent traffic system , mobile GPS , and many other commercial uses , it is urgent to give a research in the electronic map searching and other relative fields .