
  • 网络Regional economic integration
  1. 唐伟康表示,他预期地区经济一体化将是今年apec议程的核心内容。

    Tong said he expects regional economic integration to be at the core of the APEC agenda this year .

  2. 地区经济一体化对我纺织品贸易的影响

    The Effects of Regional Economic Integration on China 's Textile Trade

  3. 随后,本文运用SWOT分析法进一步对沿海地区经济一体化进程中凸显出的优势,所遇到发展瓶颈及面临的发展机遇与困难做了详细的阐述。

    Then , the paper using SWOT analysis further economic integration process in the coastal highlights the advantages and bottlenecks encountered in the development of opportunities and difficulties facing the development of a detailed elaboration .

  4. 地区经济一体化无疑是个历史潮流。

    Regional economic integration is beyond any doubt a historical trend .

  5. 论东亚地区经济一体化及中国的对策

    On Regional Economic Integration in East Asia and China 's Strategies

  6. 小西北地区经济一体化研究

    A Study of the Economic Unification of the Micro - Northwest

  7. 中俄边境地区经济一体化研究

    The Study of the Regional Economic Integration between China and Russia

  8. 中部地区经济一体化的制度变迁与对策研究

    Study on Institutional Changes and Countermeasures of Economic Integration of Central China

  9. 中东地区经济一体化的发展模式与战略构想

    The Development Mode and Strategic Conception of Economic Integration in Middle East Regions

  10. 长三角地区经济一体化的经济增长效应

    Growth Effects of Yangtze River Delta 's Economic Integration

  11. 经济全球化中的中东地区经济一体化

    The Middle East Economic Integration in the Economic Globalization

  12. 协调竞争规则:长三角地区经济一体化的重要基石

    Coordinated Competition Regulations : Foundation Stone of Economic Integration in Changjiang River Delta

  13. 国际垄断同盟与地区经济一体化&从欧共体的产生、发展看世界经济发展的必然趋势

    International Monopoly Alliance and Unitization for area Economy

  14. 在经济方面,我们正通过跨太平洋伙伴关系,寻求深化地区经济一体化。

    On the economic front were seeking to further regional economic integration through the TransPacific Partnership .

  15. 试析中东地区经济一体化发展缓慢的表现及原因

    Analysis on the Appearances and Reasons of Slow Developing of Economic Integration in the Middle East

  16. 通过推进“下一代”贸易与投资问题,加强地区经济一体化和扩大贸易;

    Strengthening regional economic integration and expanding trade by advancing " next-generation " trade and investment issues ;

  17. 拉美地区经济一体化在90年代获得了前所未有的发展,这与开放的地区主义是分不开的。

    Unprecedented progress has been made in the process of the Latin American Economic integration in the 1990s .

  18. 随着全球范围内经济相互依赖的加深,地区经济一体化趋势大大加强。

    With the global economic interdependence being closer and closer , the trend of regional economic integration becomes enhanced .

  19. 第四部分为中俄边境地区经济一体化的模式与调控机制。

    The fourth part talks about the regulation system and developing tendency of the regional economic integration between China and Russia .

  20. 建设环杭州湾产业带是推进长江三角洲地区经济一体化的重要步骤。

    Developing industrial zone round the Hangzhou bay is an important procedure in the process of the Yangtze delta regional integrative economy .

  21. 但由于该地区经济一体化程度较低,目前金融合作仍然处在低级阶段。

    But because of low degree of economic integration , monetary and financial cooperation is in the low stage in East Asia .

  22. 随着长三角地区经济一体化发展的速度加快,道路运输一体化问题日益受到政府部门的重视。

    With the rapid development of Yangzi River Delta regional economic integration , integration issue of road transport becomes more paid attention by government .

  23. 朝鲜问题的紧迫性超过了此次会议的原定主旨:就推进亚太地区经济一体化展开讨论。

    The pressing matter of North Korea overshadowed the supposed substance of the gathering : talks to encourage economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region .

  24. 在全球化浪潮的影响下,中东各国纷纷走上经济合作之路,将经济现代化和全球化融为一体,经济合作和地区经济一体化成为中东各国新的形势下发展经济的一致目标。

    Under the influence of globalization , countries of Middle East make more and more economic cooperation whose target is to realize regional economic integration .

  25. 可见,地区经济一体化和直接投资是当今世界经济两个引人注目的现象,而这两者的结合点即一体化的直接投资效应。

    Thus , investment and regional integration are two notable phenomena in the world economy and their integration is called direct investment effect of integration .

  26. 随着地区经济一体化趋势的到来,区域之间的经济合作逐渐加强,货运交通需求日益凸显。

    With the regional economic integration coming , regional economic cooperation is building up , and freight traffic demand is becoming more and more apparent .

  27. 位于博茨瓦纳的南部非洲委员会总部是在非洲南部地区经济一体化和和平建设的背景下成立的。

    The organization which its headquarters are hosted by Botswana was founded under the auspices of Economic integration and peace building in the Southern African Region .

  28. 随着世界经济全球化和地区经济一体化,港口城市已经成为各港口城市发展的重点。

    In recent years , with the world economic globalization and regional economic integration , the port development has become the focus of the port city .

  29. 合作与竞争并存是地区经济一体化乃至经济全球化过程中的重要特征,是当今世界各国在经济发展过程中必须处理好的重大课题。

    Competition and cooperation is the key characteristic of globalization and regional integration and also an important subject in the course of economic development in different countries .

  30. 省际、城际之间对外贸易发展的差异明显,已经严重影响长三角地区经济一体化的进程。

    The inter-provincial and inter-city differences in trade and investment are significant , and has been seriously affected the process of economic integration in Yangtze River Delta region .