
dì fɑnɡ xì
  • local opera/drama
地方戏 [dì fāng xì]
  • [local drama(opera)] 流行在某一地区,用当地方言演唱,具有乡土色彩的剧种,如汉剧、湘剧、川剧、越剧等

  1. 中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。

    There are many kinds of local operas in our country .

  2. 川剧是比较有代表性的四川地方戏。

    Sichuan Opera is a typical local opera in Sichuan Province .

  3. 宋元五大南戏在近代地方戏中的流传

    Spread of Five Southern Opera Plays in Modern Local Dramas

  4. 一位地方戏专家今晚要给我们举办讲座。

    An expert on local drama will give us a lecture tonight .

  5. 《朝阳沟》与河南地方戏

    " Chao Yang Gou " and Henan local play

  6. 京剧可以进课堂,地方戏也一样可以进课堂。

    Besides Peking Opera , various local operas also can enter the classroom .

  7. 黄梅戏虽然是一种地方戏,但受到很多人的喜爱。

    Although only a local drama , Huangmei Opera is popular with many people .

  8. 论安徽地方戏亳州二夹弦的艺术取向

    On the Artistic Orientation of " Bozhou Two Clamp String " in Anhui Local Opera

  9. 河南地方戏的音乐审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characteristics of Henan Operas

  10. 应以舞台艺术语言的概念取代地方戏研究中程式的概念。

    " Performing art language " concepts should replace " stereotyping " concepts in studies of local operas .

  11. 论中国传统文化天人合一生命哲理对地方戏艺术的审美观照

    On the Chinese Traditional Culture " Harmony between man and nature " Life Philosophy Aesthetic Mapping Local Art

  12. 本文从历史地理的角度对山东地方戏进行了简单分析。

    In this article , the local opera of Shandong is analyzed briefly from the angle of historical geography .

  13. 清代地方戏的主要成就体现在表演艺术上。

    The main achievement of the local drama in the Qing Dynasty reflected on the art of the performance .

  14. 有人说,有的地方戏不好,连本地人也反对。

    Some say that a few local operas are so bad that even the local people disapprove of them .

  15. 中国地大物博,幅员辽阔,方言声腔、风土民俗差异很大,地方戏种类繁多。

    China has vast territory where dialect tunes coexist ; folk customs vary widely and local operas are of great variety .

  16. 安顺地戏,俗称“跳神”,是流行于贵州省安顺市的地方戏。

    Anshun local drama , also known as Tiaoshen ( dancing to the god ), is popular in Anshun , Anhui Province .

  17. 戏剧作品,是指话剧、歌剧、地方戏等供舞台演出的作品;

    Dramatic works are works , such as dramas , operas and local art forms , which are created for stage performance ;

  18. 在二百年的发展历程中,京剧又借鉴了其它许多地方戏的技巧,从而逐渐走向成熟。

    And over the last two hundred years , Beijing opera has borrowed techniques from many other local operas and become matured .

  19. 川剧是中国地方戏之一,流行于四川、云南、贵州等地。

    Sichuan Opera is one of many local operas in China , popular in the provinces of Sichuan , Yunnan and Guizhou .

  20. 同时,地方戏逐渐溶人中国社会,成为社会生活不可分割的一部分。

    The popular theatre also came to be integrated closely into the framework of Chinese society and was an indispensable feature of the social life .

  21. 莱芜梆子作为民族传统文化和艺术,会不断地传承下去,地方戏艺术之花将开放得更加绚丽多彩。

    As a national traditional culture and the arts , the heritage will be continued , the art of local opera flower will open more colorful .

  22. 元杂剧、明清传奇和欧洲传统戏剧都是文学的戏剧,地方戏是表演的戏剧。

    Zaju of Yuan , legends of Ming and Qing and traditional European operas all belong to literary drama , while local operas are performing drama .

  23. 通过对两个剧的结构形式、故事情节、人物形象和曲辞风格的对比,深入了解地方戏《西厢记》的文本形式。

    By comparing the structure form , on the two drama plot , characters and lyrics style , in-depth understanding of local opera " text " the romance of the western chamber .

  24. 豫剧作为中国最有影响的地方戏大剧种之一,其突出的艺术特点便是特别注重唱,以唱来彰显它的艺术魅力。

    Henan Opera as the most influential one local opera great operas , their outstanding artistic feature is the special " sing-oriented " to " sing " to demonstrate its artistic charm .

  25. 到那时,另一种戏曲,平剧却已开始流传开来,平剧是融和许多地方戏包括昆曲而成的。

    By then , however , a new form of theatre , the Peking opera , was already in the ascendancy , which was based on many local theatrical forms , including the kunqu .

  26. 庐剧与别的地方戏不同在于,在流传过程中形成了东、中、西三路风格不同的流派,本文从中选取其诞生和流行的核心地区皖中作为研究的对象。

    Luzhou opera and elsewhere show is different in the process of circulating a East , Central , West Road style three different schools , this central area as its popularity as a research target score .

  27. 本文主要从四个方面进行探讨:一是地方戏在京城流行的情况,以及京城人热衷观戏,从而促进戏曲的发展繁荣;

    This writing researched on four aspects : The first is the situation of local drama being in vogue in Capital and Capital people falling over themselves for theatergoing , thus promoted drama 's developing and prosperity ;

  28. 中国动画片同样也受到了国内外的普遍关注。这些动画片通常以中国传统绘画、民间艺术和地方戏为基础,内容有趣、健康且具有中国特色。

    Chinese cartoon movies have received attention both at home and abroad with interesting and healthy contents and distinctly Chinese Style . They are usually b α sed on traditional paintings , folk art , and local opera .

  29. 《中国大百科全书·戏曲·曲艺》卷概论把地方戏特征看作全部戏曲的特征,混淆了戏曲发展的文学阶段与非文学阶段的区别。

    Encyclopedia Sinica : Operas and Quyi Forms , Introductory Volume takes the features of local operas for those of all types of opera , thus misrepresenting the differences between the literary stage and non-literary stage of the development of opera .

  30. 东北民歌受到东北地方戏二人转的影响颇深,所以非常富有东北地方色彩,反映了东北劳动人民诙谐、幽默的性格和对待生活的积极态度。

    Northeast folk songs by the deep impact of the Northeast regional operas , song and dance duet Northeast local color , so very rich , reflecting the witty and humorous personality of the Northeast working people and a positive attitude towards life .