
jīn lǚ yù yī
  • jade burial suit;jade clothes sewn with gold wire;a suit of jade pieces tied together with gold wire;the jade suit sewn with gold thread
金缕玉衣 [jīn lǚ yù yī]
  • [jade burial suit] 中国汉代皇帝和贵族的殓服。按死者等级分为金缕、银镂、铜缕。1968年满城汉墓出土的两套金缕玉衣,保存完整,形状如人体,各由两千多玉片用金丝编缀而成,每块玉片的大小和形状都经过严密设计和精细加工,可见当时高超的手工艺水平

金缕玉衣[jīn lǚ yù yī]
  1. 金缕玉衣是帝王的葬服,用玉和金线编成。

    Jade clothes sewn with gold wire messenger skeleton is not rotten .

  2. 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。

    The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China .

  3. 所以广陵王就制作了这样一件金缕玉衣。

    So , the Guangling emperor had this jade robe made .

  4. 不过这件金缕玉衣倒是完好地保存下来了,成了一件非常珍贵的文物。

    But , this jade robe did remain perfectly intact and became an extremely rare artifact .