
  • 网络canary wharf;the Quay
  1. 金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。

    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

  2. 该局最近出价11亿英镑收购汇丰大厦(HSBCTower),这是该地区为数不多的非金丝雀码头集团所有的摩天大厦之一。

    It recently bid £ 1.1bn for the HSBC Tower - one of the few skyscrapers in the area not owned by Canary Wharf Group .

  3. 摩根大通已决定购买原雷曼伦敦总部大楼,不再斥资15亿英镑在金丝雀码头兴建新总部&后者被称为RiversideSouth项目。

    JPMorgan has opted to buy the former Lehman tower instead of building a new £ 1.5bn headquarters in Canary Wharf , known as Riverside South .

  4. 一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharfGroup)的合作项目。

    The Walkie-Talkie building , work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014 , is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group .

  5. 多至4000名银行雇员明年将搬到总共12层楼的WatermarkPlace,其中许多人将从雷曼兄弟原来在金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)的办公楼搬迁至此。

    Up to 4,000 banking staff will move into the 12-storey Watermark Place next year , many relocating from the former Lehman Brothers building in Canary Wharf .

  6. 当卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)上月第一次致电歌鸟房地产(SongbirdEstates),提出想要控股金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharf)时,它遭到了回绝。

    When the Qatar Investment Authority first called Songbird Estates last month to say it wanted Canary Wharf , it was given short shrift .

  7. 伦敦也曾在上世纪80年代将金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)附近的工业废弃地规划为一个金融中心。

    London did the same when it designated the industrial wasteland around Canary Wharf as a financial hub back in the 1980s .

  8. 2004年,纽约投资大亨西蒙•格利克(SimonGlick)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)成立了歌鸟,来收购当时的上市公司金丝雀码头集团。

    In 2004 New York magnate Simon Glickand Morgan Stanley formed Songbird to acquire Canary Wharf , at the time a listed company .

  9. 金丝雀码头站是伦敦地铁银禧线(jubileeline)在奥运期间的一个关键枢纽,届时很可能会“异常繁忙”。

    The station at Canary Wharf is a key Olympics hub on the Jubilee underground line , and has been designated as likely to be " exceptionally busy " during the games .

  10. 但是,当歌鸟的董事们集合后,卡塔尔投资局告诉他们,该局将联合金丝雀码头的另一大股东、加拿大地产投资公司BrookfieldPropertyPartners。

    But once the group 's directors had assembled , the QIA informed them that it was pairing up with Canary Wharf 's other big shareholder Brookfield , Canadian property investors .

  11. 金丝雀码头(canarywharf)已经表明,办公区域也可用作大型购物场所,如同许多其它国家首都的做法一样。

    Canary wharf has shown that office locations can also serve as large shopping areas , as they have done in many other global capitals .

  12. 自8年前互联网泡沫破裂以来,伦敦金融城和金丝雀码头(canarywharf)的投资银行家还没有感到过如此难以把握未来。

    Not since the bursting of the dotcom bubble eight years ago have investment bankers in the square mile and Canary Wharf faced such uncertainty about their future .

  13. 同时,Brookfield也与金丝雀码头的开发商保罗•里奇曼(PaulReichmann)合伙拥有金丝雀码头的股份。

    Brookfield meanwhile had teamed up with Canary Wharf 's developer Paul Reichmannand also built a stake in Canary Wharf .

  14. 对于汇丰银行(HSBC)放弃把总部迁往香港而留在伦敦的决定,除了金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)的房地产代理和焦虑的英国政府官员外,应该不会有谁感到意外。

    The decision by HSBC to remain in London rather than up sticks to Hong Kong should surprise no one except for credulous Canary Wharf estate agents and anxious UK government officials .

  15. 二十五年过去了,现在的金融城规模大多了:20世纪90年代早期在宽大门西面几英里的金丝雀码头CanaryWharf构建了第二个建筑群;

    A quarter of a century on , the City is far bigger : it established a second cluster in the early1990s at Canary Wharf , a few miles east of Broadgate .

  16. Pointr是在伦敦金丝雀码头第一加拿大广场(OneCanadaSquare)的第39层进行展示的。第一加拿大广场是一座高大宽阔的中心大楼,每层都有3万平方英尺的很容易让人迷路的空间。

    The Pointr demo was on the 39th floor of One Canada Square at Canary Wharf in London , the tall , fat centrepiece building , each floor of which contains 30000 sq ft of prime getting-lost real estate .

  17. 作为某网站宣传策略的一部分,大黄鸭途径O2体育场,金融中心金丝雀码头,然后沿着泰晤士河经过伦敦塔桥和贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰。

    It floated along the Thames past the O2 , the glittering towers of Canary Wharf , and on towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast as part of a publicity stunt organised by a website .

  18. 在歌鸟得到金丝雀码头的控制权后,Brookfield继续持有其在这个伦敦东部金融中心的股份,等待机会夺过控制权。

    When Songbird won control , Brookfield held on to its stake in the east London financial centre , waiting for the opportunity to wrest control .

  19. Brookfield持有金丝雀码头22%的股份,卡塔尔投资局希望以每股295便士的价格购买歌鸟所持有的股份(对歌鸟估值为22亿英镑),以获得对金丝雀码头的完全控制。

    With Brookfield 's 22 per cent , the QIA hoped to gain full control of Canary Wharf by offering 295p per share , valuing the company at £ 2.2bn .

  20. 伦敦也曾在上世纪80年代将金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)附近的工业废弃地规划为一个金融中心。尽管当时被嘲讽为不切实际的冒险,现在这里已经成为全球主要金融中心之一。

    London did the same when it designated the industrial wasteland around Canary Wharf as a financial hub back in the 1980s . What was ridiculed at the time as a quixotic venture is now one of the world 's key financial centers .

  21. 在Sunbury开会当日,唐熙华向BP位于金丝雀码头(伦敦金融区充满活力的前哨)的交易部员工发表演讲。据一位在场人士表示,唐熙华的演讲开头就很奇怪,说什么对未来感到激动。

    On the same day as the Sunbury meeting , Mr Hayward addressed staff at BP 's trading arm in Canary Wharf , the vibrant outpost of London 's financial district , opening with a bizarre message about being excited about the future , according to a person present .

  22. 欢迎来到伦敦金丝雀码头四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel London at Canary Wharf .

  23. 爱德华.林:金丝雀码头的巴罗公寓。

    EDWARD GREEN : Barlow House , Canary Wharf .

  24. 但这两栋摩天大楼使占据金丝雀码头和其他金融中心的普通高楼相形见绌。

    But both beat the mundane blocks that dominate Canary Wharf and other financial hubs .

  25. 这只会加剧10年前已经开始的金丝雀码头争夺战的激烈程度。

    That only added to strains lingering from the battle for Canary Wharf a decade earlier .

  26. 该行在伦敦金丝雀码头的办公大楼门口,也放着类似的一对狮子。

    A similar pair of lions can be found at the bank 's offices in London 's Canary Wharf .

  27. 城市空间网络与大规模城市更新后的社会整合&伦敦金丝雀码头的启示

    Urban space network and social inclusion after a large scale regeneration project : case study of Canary Wharf in London

  28. 卡塔尔投资局与中投联手投资伦敦金丝雀码头,开启了各位高管表示有意继续进行下去的对话。

    The Qia invested alongside CIC in Canary Wharf , beginning a dialogue which executives say they intend to continue .

  29. 课程总监认为,在退欧公投后,伦敦金融城和金丝雀码头不再值得造访。

    The programme director no longer feels visits to the City and Canary Wharf are worthwhile after the Brexit vote .

  30. 但与卡塔尔投资局同在歌鸟持股的其他股东目前一直不愿轻易放弃其在金丝雀码头的控股权。

    But the Qataris ' fellow Songbird shareholders have hitherto been unwilling to relinquish their hold on Canary Wharf without a fight .