
  • 网络Derivatives;financial product
  1. 银行已为开发新的金融产品留出了更大余地。

    Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products .

  2. 在WTO后过渡期,作为商业银行竞争有力武器的金融产品创新显得尤为重要。

    In the later interim of WTO , innovation of financial products as an effective method of increasing banks ' competence becomes very important .

  3. 后WTO时代商业银行金融产品创新现状与对策研究

    Research on the Current Situation and Strategy of Financial Product Innovation in the Later Interim of WTO

  4. 例如,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)英国首席经济学家大卫•迈尔斯(DavidMiles)将处于目前震荡中心的复杂金融产品,比作赛马赌注。

    David Miles , chief UK economist of Morgan Stanley , for example , likens the complex financial products that are central to the current malaise to bets on a horse race .

  5. 使用其AAA评级为银行CDO提供保险的美国国际集团(AIG)金融产品部门,为银行提供了基于评级的监管套利。

    American International Group 's financial products unit , which used its triple-A rating to insure CDOs for banks , offered them a regulatory arbitrage based on ratings .

  6. 从资产组合的VaR小于单个金融产品的VaR的结果看,VaR技术在股市风险测量上符合现代投资组合理论的基本思想。

    From the results that the VaR value in financial asset portfolio less than the individual financial product , it indicates that the VaR technique in measuring stock market 's risk accords with the basic idea of modern portfolio theory .

  7. 如果这还不够复杂的话,那么最毒的金融产品中还有一些其实是合成式CDO,华尔街炮制出这类表现得像债券一样的CDO。

    If that isn 't complicated enough , some of the most toxic financial products were actually ' synthetic ' CDOs , in which Wall Street concocted securities that behaved like bonds .

  8. 行业包通常是为一个特定的行业而创建的,例如用于金融产品标记语言(FpML)或IRSe-File1120格式的行业包。

    An industry bundle is typically created for one specific industry , such as an industry bundle for the Financial products Markup Language ( FpML ) or the IRS e-File 1120 format .

  9. CLO并不属于在一定程度上导致此前美国住房抵押贷款市场崩盘的衍生金融产品,后者是曼哈顿下城正在对高盛(GoldmanSachs)前银行家法布里斯•图尔进行审判的案件的核心。

    Clos are not the derivatives that are in part credited with blowing up the mortgage market and are at the heart of a trial going on in lower Manhattan against former Goldman Sachs ( GS ) banker Fabrice Tourre .

  10. 所有金融产品的交易可以通过HENT的交易平台在安全,公平和稳定的环境进行,亨特的业务遍及亚洲、美洲及欧洲。

    All transactions in financial products in a safe , fair and stable environment , through the relevant market HENT trading platform .

  11. 中国银行FJ分行(以下简称FJ中行)同我国其它商业银行一样,个人理财业务开展的时间虽然不长,但在近几年得到了快速的发展,已经成为FJ中行对外服务的重要金融产品。

    The personal financial services of commercial banks has been advanced by leaps and bounds although it has been carried out by Bank of China FJ Branch as the same as other commercial banks in our country for not a long time . It becomes an important financial product .

  12. 商业模式、金融产品和市场都将继续发展。

    Business models , financial products and markets will continually evolve .

  13. 本文从衍生金融产品的会计处理和税制设计上分别进行了阐述。

    This article discusses the accounting policy and taxation design separately .

  14. 论我国金融产品创新的制度约束

    On the Systematic Restriction of Our Country 's Financial Product Innovation

  15. 金融产品虚拟度的模糊综合评判研究

    Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation at Financial Products ' Virtual Level

  16. 建立新的投资渠道及创新的金融产品。

    Fifth , it creates new investment channels and financial products .

  17. 这些金融产品包括衍生品、对冲基金及其它结构产品。

    These include derivatives , hedge funds and other structured products .

  18. 样例运营数据包含关于金融产品的信息。

    The sample operational data includes information about financial portfolios .

  19. 个人金融产品的特性:不同角度的考察及启示

    Peculiarities of Individual Finance Product : Exploration and Revelation from Different Angles

  20. 指数基金对我国投资者来说是一全新的金融产品。

    Index fund is totally a new financial product to Chinese investors .

  21. 论金融产品的对内开放

    On the Open Policy of Financial Product to Domestic Financial Market Institute

  22. 他们发现,贫困家庭是金融产品的密集使用者。

    They discovered that poor families are intensive users of financial products .

  23. 我国商业银行金融产品创新不足的原因

    Reasons for insufficiency of innovations in Chinese commercial banks ' financial products

  24. 真实性:金融产品信息传播的生命

    Authenticity Sustains the Life of Information Transmission of Financial Products

  25. 现代农村物流金融产品的设计与创新

    The Design and Innovation of the Products for Modern Rural Logistics Finance

  26. 不断进行金融产品与服务的创新是对商业银行保持竞争力的内在要求。

    Innovation is the intrinsic request for remaining competitiveness .

  27. 三是与居民个人投资金融产品匮乏有关。

    Third , financial products suitable for the resident to invest are deficient .

  28. 阐述了金融产品的概念、特征、分类。

    Elaborating the concept , characteristic and classify of financial ? ? products .

  29. 银行是一个高风险行业,在提供各种金融产品的同时,也承担着各种风险。

    Banking is an industry with high risks .

  30. 新金融产品:股价连动债券

    A New Financial Product : Stock-price Indexed Bonds