
zhī fù huò bì
  • currency of payment;payment currency
  1. 人民币作为全球支付货币的使用量增长迅速,尽管基数很小。

    The use of renminbi as a global payments currency is growing rapidly , though from a small base .

  2. 如今,随着中国对外贸易中以人民币计价的比例越来越高,人民币已成为最常用的支付货币之一。

    Today , the renminbi is most visible as the currency in which a growing portion of Chinese trade is denominated .

  3. 这些定期账单必须用来支付货币总额,并可以在一段时期内,每个月支付相同的金额。

    These regular bills must be for sums of money where the amount remains the same every month during a certain period .

  4. 人民币跃居全球最常用支付货币第七位;2013年中国拥有2000亿美元左右的经常账户盈余,美国则存在约400亿美元的经常账户赤字。

    The renminbi is the seventh most used currency and in 2013 China was sitting pretty on a current account surplus of about $ 200bn , compared with a US deficit of roughly $ 400bn .

  5. 结果是,人民币已成为全球第八大支付货币,但其在全球支付市场上的占有率仍仅为1%多一点。

    The result is that the RMB has climbed the league table to become the eighth most traded currency , but still with little more than one per cent of the global foreign exchange market .

  6. 法律意义上的虚拟财产系指网络游戏存续期间,玩家以支付货币等合法方式取得的,具有现实交易价值的,以虚拟物品形式显示的数据记录以及使用或处理这些数据记录的权利。

    The legal meaning of virtual property is the data record which appears in the form of virtual articles and is acquired through paying of money by the player during the virtual property 's existence and the right of using and dealing with the data record .

  7. EFCT秘书长石恒余(PierreShi)表示,中国游客成为抢劫目标是因为众所周知,他们喜欢携带大量现金,以避免支付多重货币兑换费。

    Pierre Shi , secretary general of the European Federation of Chinese Tourism , said Chinese visitors were being preyed upon because they were known to carry large amounts of cash to avoid paying multiple currency exchange fees .

  8. 非洲支付和货币同盟

    African Payments and Monetary Unio

  9. (ⅷ)所有支付和货币转移服务,包括信用卡、赊账卡、贷记卡、旅行支票和银行汇票;

    ( viii ) All payment and money transmission services , including credit , charge and debit cards , travellers cheques and bankers drafts ;

  10. 汇票当事人对汇票支付的货币种类另有约定的,从其约定。

    Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment , such agreement shall be complied with .

  11. 但随着金融市场的发展,银行正面临来自P2P贷款和谷歌、Facebook等其它行业竞争对手越来越大的威胁,这些高科技企业近期在打入支付和移动货币领域。

    But as the banking market evolves , lenders are facing an increasing threat from rivals outside the industry , such as Google and Facebook – which have been making inroads into areas such as payments and mobile money – and peer-to-peer lenders .

  12. 电子支付中电子货币及其关键技术研究

    Research on Electronic Money and Key Technologies in Electronic Payment

  13. 发展中国家间多边支付安排和货币合作协调委员会;

    Coordination Committee on Multilateral Payments Arrangements and Monetary Cooperation among Developing Countries ;

  14. 劳动是最初的价格,是人们购买一切东西所支付的最初货币。

    What a price she paid for saving the factory from the fire !

  15. 正如你看到以上的,银行转账要求购物支付其本国货币。

    As you saw above , bank transfers require the shopper to pay in their local currency .

  16. 电子支付有电子货币、电子信用卡和电子支票三种方式,这三种方式各有优缺点。

    Electronic Payment has three types : Electronic Cash , Electronic Credit Card and Electronic Check , each type has its features .

  17. 买方:对某类商品有需求,并愿意通过支付一定的货币获得商品的所有权。

    Buyer : the one with certain requirements for some kind of goods and would like to pay certain currency to obtain the ownership of goods .

  18. 银行承兑汇票:银行承兑汇票是作为银行客户对银行的命令出票,要求银行在未来某日支付一定数额货币,通常在六个月之内。

    Bankers'Acceptances : A banker 's acceptance starts as an order to a bank by a bank 's customer to pay a sum of money at a future date , typically within six months .

  19. 企业报酬体系包括两个部分:一是以工资、奖金等形式支付的直接货币报酬,二是以福利形式支付的间接货币报酬。

    The reward-system of an enterprise always includes two parts : one is the direct money reward such as pay and bonus , and the other is the indirect money reward such as benefits , etc.

  20. 可以用于监视服务水平;帮助确定问题或对用户进行后续支付使用的货币单位;或记录企业级事件(如价值超过一定数额的购买行为)。

    Can be used to monitor service levels ; assist in problem determination or meter usage for subsequent billing to users ; or record business-level events , such as purchases above a certain dollar value .

  21. 现代支付体系发展与货币政策机制调整

    The Development of Modern Payment System and the Adjustment of Monetary Regime

  22. 支付的金额或货币不正确。

    Incorrect amount and or currency paid .

  23. 电子支付制度在其货币和信息层面给传统法制带来了挑战。

    The system of electronic payment challenges traditional legal system in the aspects of currency and information .

  24. 还可以使用支付模型来对货币成本之外的成本形式进行测定。

    You can also use the payment model to measure forms of cost other than the monetary costs .

  25. 利用连续离线支付模型和电子货币的原子功能属性,在探讨电子货币关键技术所得结论的基础上,提出电子货币的理想功能模型。

    The perfect function model of e-money was introduced from the atomic function attributes and the offline continuous payment model .

  26. 经常帐反映商品与服务的交易、股票与债券投资的流通以及如援外支付款等单向货币的移转等。

    The current account reflects trade in goods and services , the flow of stocks and bonds investment and one-way currency transfers such as foreign aid payments .

  27. 第三方支付方式加快了货币流通速度,提高了资金使用效率,节约了流通成本,促使商品交易的实现,促进商品经济的发展。

    Third party payment speeds up the currency , improves the service efficiency of funds , save the circulation cost , urge the realization of the commodities trading , promote the development of commodity economy .

  28. 上一款中提及的分配应按照各成员所持股份的数量按比例完成,支付的方式和货币应由理事会决定。

    The distribution referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made in proportion to the number of shares held by each member , and payments shall be made in such manner and in such currency as the Board of Governors shall determine .

  29. 长期以来,黄金作为价值尺度、流通手段、储藏手段、支付手段和世界货币等职能而备受关注,如何预测黄金价格成为理论和实证研究的重要课题。

    For a long period , gold has attracted much attention as a measure of value , circulation means , storage means , payment , world monetary functions and so on , how to predict the gold price becomes an important academic and practical research topic .

  30. 承包商向业主支付给的其他款项,应以业主支付时使用的货币种类支付,或以双方协议使用的货币支付;

    Other payments to the employer by the Contractor shall be made in the currency in which the sum was expended by the employer , or in such currency as may be agreed by both parties ;